games website "Assassin's Creed: Revolution" detailed review: reasonably good 8 points

    In the second half of the year, the next generation of masterpieces finally hit us on the head one by one. After a wave of car gun balls in October, Ubisoft finally came up with his family's killer, his own son - Assassin's Creed: Revolution.

    This is the midway opera performance of this game feast, so it should be gorgeous and domineering. "Great Revolution" is a pun, both reflecting the core content of the game, and ambitiously indicating that Ubisoft wants to complete a revolution in the history of the game, opening the era.

    This is also the first time that the Assassin's Creed series has simultaneously landed on the three major platforms of PC, PS4, and XBOXONE next generation, which is a milestone event.

    Our assassins also killed in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the American Revolution, the Age of Navigation, all the way to the early French Revolution, from the Middle East to Florence to Rome, to North America to the Caribbean, and finally back to Europe, to the great city of Paris, the assassins and Templars of life and death still continue to fight.

    This round of play, although the author did not taste the essence, but there is a sense of mountain rain to come, no matter how many advantages and injuries exist in the game, force and feelings put aside, "Assassin's Creed: Revolution" is likely to cause an earthquake in the game industry, as well as software and hardware substantial technological innovation, within three years, completely change our way of playing.

    First, amazing picture experience, unprecedented poor optimization

    Ubisoft is a company that I admire a lot. It's always been a maverick and doesn't care much about gamers and the press.

    They have their own specific cultural development strategies. They and EA, Activision Blizzard, these commercial entertainment giants to please the players of the common phenomenon of less than a pot of urine, has always been self-talk, go your own way, you black it a thousand years to climb the wall, he still do wall games to show you twenty years later.

    If you make him angry, he will come to a thrilling change, such as the picture of the game.

    "Great Revolution" seems to be such an attitude: don't you always say that my picture quality has not improved, don't you always say that my texture is not fine, and don't you always say that my game can't give full play to your machine performance?

    Ok, that's enough for you. Let's give your machine a full play. Let's skip the optimization and enjoy it on your twin Titans.

    From texture to light and shadow to large scene maps are extremely detailed, 1080p you can see the moonlight water, the torch flying details, the dynamic effects of trees dancing, the clothes of the characters gently fluttering with the movement, all beyond the "Black Flag".

    The huge and magnificent city of Paris unfolds slowly in front of you like a picture scroll, whether it is the second generation of Florence or the third generation of Boston, can not feel such a shock, the NPC on the same screen can reach 200 people, this time is the abnormal 5,000 people, the facial expression of important NPC is detailed, even more realistic than the Son of Rome when close-up.

    The sun shines through the trees and window screens, the wind blows through the clothing and hair, and every body language is full of physical tension, and you can even feel the physical collision that only appears in some sports games. Ubisoft gave us a taste of what a movie game is.

    So we ushered in the most awesome game screen in 2014, which seems to be higher than the same generation of Call of Duty 11, but also ushered in the most terrible hardware disaster in 2014, XBOXone PS4 can not maintain a stable experience of 30 frames, and PC players are crying. The GTX970's diaos graphics card is just floating on the edge of no delay, and the special effects are full on that requires a rich machine.

    If you want the revolution of the game screen, you have to carry out the hardware revolution first, the author tried it, after the full opening of special effects, the video memory occupies more than 3gb, which is the first hardware killer game this year. "cod", "Rome", "Middle Earth" and it is already very close to the people.

    I do not know whether it is due to optimization, the game is full of bugs, and there are often scary map errors.

    Second, the redesigned combat system, excellent AI and judgment, degraded strike feel

    Assassin's Creed from the second generation is actually A unique creed, stealth or wall climbing, stabbing or sneak attack doesn't matter that much, I have a sword in the world, you can press the block button, from start to finish, slaughter an army and no one cares about you.

    So when I was bored, I used to kill all sides and play the game like mowing grass.

    The enemy ai in "Revolution" is significantly improved, not only you can attack them, they will also have tactics and strategies to attack you, blocking counterattack is no longer impeccable, many attack actions can no longer block, only dodge, you must be adaptable, flexible and flexible to choose tactical strategies.

    The real-time calculus animation has been greatly enriched, you can use more actions to end the opponent, rather than coming and going so quickly, the terrain and your motion state will determine the battle action, you can slide along the terrain to Pierce the opponent, you can also cut the throat directly through the opponent's rush, of course, the air drop throat is still retained.

    When fighting, it is obvious to feel that the strike is more accurate, the excellent animation demonstration can clearly know where each cut is, and the body will show different reactions when the enemy attacks, which is no longer the same.

    The most outstanding improvement is in the sneaky factor, this generation of hidden sneaks have become real value, no longer chicken and face goods, players can feel the repression and fear in the "Cell Division" for a long time, attention has become very focused,

    The game added a new system in the stealth part: the last known position, every time the player out of the NPC line of sight, will leave a shadow, and the NPC will follow the location of the shadow to investigate, so that players need to pay attention to more places when sneaking in, of course, you can also use this as a strategy to confuse the enemy.

    And when it comes to ambush assassinations, there's no invincible kill streaks, and I kind of miss the friendless kill streaks.

    When we control the protagonist running on the roof, the smooth and natural parkour is better, and the trajectory of the movement is more reasonable, whether it is the sliding of the slope roof or the jumping between the adjacent buildings, people have a real sense of climbing the wall, and the traditional "confidence leap" in this work suddenly makes people have a sense of cardiac arrest.

    I do not know if it is my illusion, although the fight is gorgeous, the action is realistic, I feel that the feeling of attack is even in degradation, no longer the impact of hard boxing to meat, knife knife to see bone, becoming smooth as silk, which makes people very uncomfortable.

    Three, the epic plot, the existence of the thin protagonist

    In each of the Assassin's Creed films, the main character's sci-fi events are placed in the grand context of changing human history, such as the religious wars of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance movement, the American Revolution, the era of pirates in the Caribbean.

    Ubisoft's screenwriters, much like Cha, allow imagination and serious historical facts to be intimately combined to produce a wonderful work that everyone loves to see.

    And this time the "Great Revolution" originally upgraded the fundamental transcendence of the above history, because the French Revolution was the climax of the modern revolutionary movement, the beginning of democracy and freedom, from the Bastille to Napoleon, with vigour and vitality, France at that time was the torch and beacon of human progress, there was no France in the world, forever like the night. America? It was the French who helped them win. The sun never set. The French gave them the Statue of Liberty.

    The game takes place in 18th century Paris, we can personally experience the fire and frenzy on the eve of the revolution, through the solemn Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, flying over the gloomy and majestic Bastille Prison, and groups of dignitaries, talented people through the palatial palace, through the screen to smell the taste of champagne and roses.

    The beautiful women wore long skirts with belted waist, and the gentlemen wore leggings with big bellies. In such a realistic picture, there was really a feeling of time travel.

    Imagine that we are in a chaotic and great era, we will survive and fight with those shining names in the long history, we experience and create the modern history of the whole Europe and even the world, what kind of glory?

    The protagonist Arno belongs to the assassin camp, and his beloved sister Alice is a Templar. Arno's father also died at the hands of Alice's father, a Templar.

    This time, Ubisoft's character image and camp are no longer stereotyped, and the protagonists and supporting characters have complex personalities and difficult situations.

    The protagonist is not necessarily righteous, the opponent is not necessarily evil, the feelings, ideals, beliefs are intertwined, the depth of the story could have exceeded the traditional themes such as Romeo and Juliet, because the conflict between them is not only from the family and camp, but also from The Times and people.

    In the flood of history, whether heroes or individuals, are powerless to control their own fate, in the struggle and compromise, naturally formed history. In addition to the love of children, grudge struggle, we will be addicted to that heroic era, to see those tyrants and heroes in our minds.

    We watch the wrongly gifted locksmith emperor Louis XVI sliding into the abyss, we will feel the unique charm of the young Napoleon, meet the ambitious but indefatigable dictatorial politician Robespierre, the Jacobin leader, and Lavoisier, the founder of modern chemistry.

    Lived with, exploded with, and died with the greatest souls of their time.

    France is really a great democracy, and the Revolution is indeed a great era, but the biggest flaw is the protagonist of the game, Arno, his character is too real, both ends of the rat, suspicious, far from the charm and presence of the previous generation of protagonists, although he grew up in the struggle of the big era, but has not been a leader and master temperament, There are not so many personality flashes as Altair, Ezio, and Connor, but they go with the flow of fate.

    In addition, due to the further sandbox, resulting in some loose structure of the game plot, not the imagination of the magnificent.

    Although this depiction is more realistic, but the game needs bright and fierce heroes, so there is a little bit of regret.

    Fourth, an integrated and majestic music, the percussion effect is slightly insufficient

    The background music and environmental sound effects of this work are impeccable, as always excellent, each scene is just right, diving, fighting, running each has its own unique style, when the plot events occur, the music sound effects are impeccable.

    Interactive movies, which we often joke about, also appear here. The npc in the game will also randomly play Musical Instruments, so that people are immersive, and the event music is always just right to push the event to the climax, which is called a magnificent.

    The only drawback is in the combat, where the percussion sound is very weak, which is an obvious flaw.

    Overall score: 8

    Picture   9 points

    Combat system 8 points

    Plot:   Seven points

    Music   8 cents

    Total score 8 points, excellent game, pit dad optimization, but Ubisoft is so diaosi, the great man said: revolution is not dinner, you have to enjoy the next generation, but also have to pay the price.

    No introduction yet....

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