games website "Call of Duty 10: Ghosts" detailed review: The opponent only oneself

    From Call of Duty's "main view war movie" practice, the game's graphics are no longer the primary factor, and a credible, coherent, and "theatrically meaningful" story (which puts the player in character) can appeal to a wider audience and keep players interested in the longer game.

    There are few games like "Call of Duty" that can attract players to complete the game in one go (I finished the normal difficulty on the afternoon of November 1, which took about 6 hours), when the hardware has improved to a certain extent, the producers begin to use the movie cut scenes and footage to fill the story of the game, and many of the movie inspired games are familiar stories;

    A film may amplify an effect in a game, or present the confusion generated by the interaction between the game and reality, or look forward to and reflect on the future of the game. "Call of Duty 10: Ghost" although the game script is still absurd and bizarre, the game process is still unable to escape the strong attack, sneak, stick, and escape these have been used rotten bridge, the strong attack will be unstoppable, the sneak will be silent, the enemy will swarm when the stick, and the escape will be accompanied by countless explosions and collapses along the way.

    However, the production team used this old bottle to offer players a new wine, whether it is the hot Hollywood blockbuster script setting, the mature game narrative lens perspective, the spectacular and magnificent level design experience, the colorful game content and the relaxation of the game rhythm, the character design and the emotional level of the plot. To the player brought a new "fast food" game masterpiece.

    When the "Call of Duty" series of a year once again comes to the player, whether it is backward engine or water gun feel, any reason has not changed the peak king status of "Call of Duty", because the only opponent of "Call of Duty" is only "Call of Duty" itself.

    When a game brand reaches the height of "Call of Duty," what determines its sales is no longer simply the quality of the game, but whether the player starts to get bored with the "Call of Duty" game, and every year to break its own FPS game sales record, "Call of Duty" tells consumers: "Maybe we will never get bored!"

    Friendly tip: The end of the game twists and turns, the production staff list after the end of the small egg also do not miss!

    Game introduction

    The plot of "Call of Duty 10: Ghosts" tells the story of the near future of the United States emperor's space-based orbital bombing satellite "Odin" seized by hostile forces and led to the destruction of the entire United States, and the protagonist will play the "ghost" special forces members, and vowed to defend the final glory of the United States of America.

    The opening of the game, of course, is to lead the players already familiar with Modern Warfare and Black Ops to familiarize themselves with this new storyline.

    Ten years ago, although agents Mosley and Baker sacrificed their lives to guard the United States space-based satellite weapon "Odin", but in the end this strategic weapon was seized by the enemy forces, and the devastating blow to the United States, and the two main characters of the Ghost story, brothers Hesh and Logan also personally experienced this tragedy.

    Ten years later, the two brothers become the backbone of the "Ghost" team and embark on a story journey to defend the United States.

    Summary: The game, co-written by Academy Award-winning screenwriter Stephen Gaghan in single-player mode, tells the story of a "ghost squad" rather than the "ghost" characters from Modern Warfare 2.

    The game takes place in the near future, and Activision has announced that it will no longer produce games about the "Modern Warfare" series, so the game has no connection to the "ghosts" of modern warfare.

    At the same time, in order to take care of most players, Call of Duty: Ghosts is still called Call of Duty 10: Ghosts.

    Game screen

    This element of the game screen is definitely not only a reflection of the hardware function, but also not the so-called host party and PC when spraying abuse at each other's G-spot. Most of the time, the game graphics reflect the game production team's ability to control the engine, the understanding of the game picture composition and character setting. We all know that movies use short trailers and large, flashy posters to attract fans.

    New books and music albums also rely on elaborate cover packaging to attract unfamiliar readers. Similarly, when most players choose a game, the performance of the game screen is definitely the first threshold for players to play the game, which is also the reason why manufacturers launch a product to hype the picture. In fact, the quality of the screen also represents the quality of the game to a large extent.

    The screen of the Call of Duty series seems to have been one of the key factors that the vast majority of players and professionals have been criticizing, nothing but the engine.

    Call of Duty 10: Ghosts uses Infinity Ward's newly developed upgrade engine (" The engine architecture is still id Tech 3, of course, the code has long been unrecognizable. It's not an entirely new engine, nor is it a full next-gen engine. This is a highly modified and optimized magic engine. With most of the features and technology that next-gen games should have "- from the original 402), the console version's overall graphics are a limited improvement over Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops 2.

    But there's been a lot of progress in lighting and blasting effects. Call of Duty 10: Ghosts for the console and Wii U will run at 880X720 resolution, which is not the high definition level of 720P, while the PS4 version will have 1080P (1920X1080) and the Xbox One version will have 720P(1280X720).

    The overall picture effect of the game is limited by the function of the host in this era, which has been in a serious bottleneck stage and cannot be improved, but the production team can improve the engine code and optimize the map special effects, so as to exchange for a better visual experience at the expense of the invisible picture effect of the player.

    The game has improved the multi-texture mixing technology, water pattern special effects processing (when the water is poured on the head, the line of sight will appear brief dynamic ripple effect, as if the player is really splashed with water), lighting system, lens halo special effects, high dynamic light rendering, reflected light, dynamic self-shadow, blasting effect.

    The PC version of the highest resolution of the highest special effects of DX11 will also bring new surprises to players.

    The overall color scheme in the game is still mainly yellow and dark, and the dim and dark picture is full of stimulating pleasure and dominating desire - strong, bold and extreme. It is a symbol of the fiercest and darkest human emotions: anger, hatred, desire, venting...... The intense pace of the game, under the dark gameplay style and the ubiquitous explosion of big scenes, grabs the player's throat while gripping the player's heart and leaving you breathless.

    In the dark scene surrounded by crises, the portrayal of the hero's psychology is highlighted, and humanity is so ugly and vulnerable in the face of war! (In this small story, for some players who may induce epilepsy, a certain level has the process of raiding the enemy with a strong flashlight after destroying the power system, although it is not long, but the light source strong stimulation, flash stimulation and other visual stimulation is really not good)

    Game modeling is a smooth transition, with no significant progress. The character models are regular, the soldiers all look the same, and the teammates and bosses are vividly depicted (the Ghost Team face paint is cool and cool!). .

    Clothing wrinkles are limited by the host skills and do not show too many advantages. The model of the gun is excellent in the past, not only the number is large, but also the details of each gun can be shown one by one. The loading, the bolt, the fire when the bullet pours, the muzzle smoke after the fire is extinguished, it all works perfectly. Both sides in the movement of running, climbing, tumbling and other movements, as well as after being hit by injury to the ground is also through the real physics engine performance.

    However, objects and shelters are still partially destructible, and players can destroy pre-scripted walls, fences, wooden doors, and so on. At the same time, players can use this physical damage to kill enemies, create cover, open up new map routes and other interesting features.

    The interactive scenes are also pre-set. The details in the game are excellent, for example, the game pays attention to the dog Riley's every move, including teammates playing with a ball to play with Riley, feeding Riley, Riley represents different emotions of barking, angry deep, excited high growl, injured whine.

    Riley's flapping tail and fluttering ears in action are perfectly reproduced by using real motion capture. After completing a task in a level, the main character and Riley return to the base in a tank. Someone on the side of the road greets Riley, and Riley responds by barking.

    Finally, it is worth mentioning the cutscenes in this game, using similar black crystal statues and white latex body modeling to create a visual effect about destruction and rebirth.

    Both the cruelty of death's dark and the grand art atmosphere, it is not recommended that players skip. Of course, the game must not mention a variety of low-level map errors, rough Mosaic paper blur map effect has also been the focus of controversy.

    The picture effect, special effects and physical effects have been partially improved, especially the light and shadow effect and blasting special effects are particularly excellent.

    Game music

    A successful game, in addition to its iconic screen operation of excellence, there is a very important point, that is, with the eyes can not appreciate the soundtrack. Presumably we still can not forget the FC era of "Contra" "Super Mary" and other BGM, although only monotonous analog sound but let people unforgettable. Just as a good movie has a good soundtrack, a game needs to have good music that fits its theme.

    Both plot development and setting off the scene, so that the player is more involved. In this regard, the Call of Duty series has never been beaten, whether it is the game soundtrack, character voice acting, or the game's mimetic sound effects.

    "Call of Duty 10: Ghosts" the original sound of the game is still based on the symphonic mix of rock style, the strong modern instruments, the tension and excitement of the battle, and the atmosphere dare not take a breath, and the atmosphere is like the cloud and the moon, although the time is not long, but it is the finishing touch, highlighting the brutality of the war.

    The sound of bullets blasting, the metal sound effect produced by gun bolt impact (all real gun records), the roar of shells exploding around, the ear is full of machine gun roar and layers of sound waves echo, comrades desperately Shouting, at that moment, in front of this three-dimensional battlefield expression, will definitely make players feel how weak they are holding AK47...

    In fact, this is roughly what war should feel like - dancing a magnificent death tango. However, the gunfire in the game is always the hard injury of COD, and the battlefield series of real guns can not be compared, COD is always "pa pa pa" "Pupupupu" "Tutu Tutu" these sound effects, fortunately, the real is insufficient but easy, but in terms of the explosion sound effect COD does not fall wind, the real shock of the scene explosion sense passed to the player through the big screen, as if immersive.

    Just say one thing, the game's end theme song for me Lord domineered voice does not explain.

    Game operation

    Game control cannot be separated from basic FPS control. The Call of Duty series has always been a leader in terms of fluidity and impact. The reason why it can give us a smooth and refreshing combat experience is also related to the simple operation and highly integrated scripted process.

    Vehicle combat, close combat, rope climbing, gliding, parachuting, diving, assassination, sniping, slow motion door breaking and so on all of these should have, should not have, what flying diving, zero gravity and underwater high pressure state of sudden, driving helicopters, driving tanks, operating unmanned bombers, fighter jets, aircraft carrier batteries and so on, It can even control "railguns" in low-Earth orbit space.

    The new climbing animation will make players no longer lose momentum when flipping through low obstacles, so they need to stop to climb over, the new player can directly climb over low obstacles, while climbing or sliding shovel can still shoot freely.

    The side function no longer requires buttons, when the player is near the wall, click on the aim, the system automatically recognizes the player's nearest wall edge for side aim. The action of the knife and the knife have also been made a new production, similar to the melee attack of Halo and BF3, there will be more complex actions, but the speed is faster, and there will not be too much feel impact.

    Although the impact in FPS games is not as important as the ACT, as one of the most important factors affecting the player's feelings, the shooting feel of the gun is crucial. Different weight firepower weapon shooting in different positions of the enemy to obtain force feedback, with different hard straight and fire output cooling, coupled with the unique vibration of the gamepad game, the effect of the bar!

    The variety of firearms is also very rich, from machine guns, pistols, rifles to RPG stinger rockets, from the red dot optical silencing ACOG should also have.

    The game's new level is a stunning addition to the control of dog Riley, who can be used to scout, aid attacks, or distract enemies. You can play Riley and bite an enemy in the throat.

    They can also bark and bark to attract enemies. The stick that stands up behind Riley is actually a camera, like a small camera on the shoulder of a human soldier, allowing the command to see what the soldier sees. The protagonist can also see what the dog sees through this camera. So Riley can get into tight Spaces that humans can't get into and send back footage. Riley, meanwhile, has a pair of earphones in his ears. The protagonist can use it to give orders to military dogs.

    Riley's neck is also equipped with a communication device that vibrates if the situation requires the party to remain hidden. The controller is like a tablet computer (the powerful details are restored again, and the battery consumption in the upper right corner will slowly decrease as the control time goes on), and comes from real SEAL equipment. So once the main character presses the right button, the instrument will swing to the right, and Riley will know to move to the right. Press left and Riley will go left, which is like controlling Riley remotely.

    Summary: Will the next installment of the "Battlefield" series also add a level to control the operation of other animals? Let's wait and see.

    Game style and system

    In Call of Duty 10: Ghosts single-player mode, players can control only one character, Logan, except for the space station in low Earth orbit and the memory of the main character, Daddy, and there are different missions in the game, they have different requirements, some emphasize stealth, others emphasize speed. Multiplayer mode added extinction mode, the game is more difficult, support 1-4 people cooperation mode, against wave attack alien creatures.

    Total teamwork. Close to zombie mode like the game experience. This mode has a destination/destination, unlike Zombie mode which is infinite waves. To complete this mode, you must constantly escape from the enemy and reach the evacuation zone.

    Comes with four skills to install traps. Ammo and equipment acquisition is the same as in Zombie mode. There are career options (tank, medic, weapons specialist, engineer). The map in cyberwar mode has become more complex, the movement speed is slowed, and the swordsmen are severely weakened.

    Bottom line: Extinction Mode is worth playing.

    No introduction yet....

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