games website "Call of Duty 11" single player part review: American theme blockbuster

    I know for now you can only play the single player mode and the boring multiplayer mode of hanging bots. Therefore, this article only reviews the story on the Xbox 360 platform in depth.

    I am from 9 am to 4 PM on the 31st a week to customs clearance, leaving the time of eating, toilet chatting and fart in the middle, and the previous news of 5-hour customs clearance is basically consistent.

    As for multiplayer, coop and zombie modes, I have ordered PS4 version and PC version, waiting for STEAM unlock and Taobao JS release after additional review analysis.

    Preface, Controversial works and aesthetically tired players

    Since the birth of "Call of Duty", accompanied by his progress is countless legal disputes and player disputes, although in sales can continue to maintain a proud status, but the player's aesthetic fatigue and cynicism has been Activision absolutely can not ignore the fact.

    "Call of Duty" development team in order not to let this brand destroyed in their own hands, can only stimulate the player's eye by desperately playing new tricks to let the player's old man buy.

    This year, Activision broke the two-year cycle of T group and I group, and handed the work to Sledgehammer Games, a new series created by several former Dead Space development team elites, so what kind of dazzling splendor will this work with survival action blood flowing in the bone, a fusion of science fiction and military themes?

    The secret behind the development of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

    Although this is the first time Sledgehammer has developed the "Call of Duty" series in a completely independent stance, this is not Sledgehammer's "Call of Duty" debut.

    Back in 2011, Infinity Ward was already working with Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

    At that time, Infinity Ward veterans Jason West and Vince Zampella had a popular quarrel with Activision, and then the two led some of the elite to return to the arms of their old company EA and formed Respawn Entertainment to develop Titanfall.

    Given that Sledgehammer Games had to be forced into the role of firefighter, one could argue that it was an honor to be involved in the development of the world's best FPS series.

    But for Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey, who left EA to join Sledgehammer Games, there was no joy.

    There was no reason for that, because Sledgehammer Games had developed a third-person "Call of Duty" DEMO that could be officially played after half a year under the leadership of the two.

    Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey, who jumped ship after the success of the dark horse game Dead Space, had full confidence in their game, after all, after more than a decade of aesthetic fatigue, players were in need of a new game that would make them feel fresh and fresh.

    According to Glen Schofield himself, this third-person "Call of Duty" adds cool mecha warfare and underground tunnel warfare introduced from the "Dead Space" series, unlike other "Call of Duty" works that pay attention to big-budget and big-scene Hollywood war blockbusters. The TPS version of "Call of Duty" has a better script and a more exciting game atmosphere.

    Unfortunately, that didn't happen, and Activision's potentially industry-changing creation was greeted with a "You guys are doing a great job, want to do Modern Warfare 3?" Forced to shelve the game, the staff at Sledgehammer Games had no choice but to accept this fact except to make a few jokes behind the scenes about the greed and shamelessness of the capitalists.

    In the end, Infinity Ward, in collaboration with Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software, did not delay the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, but also achieved the highest sales record in history.

    Satisfied with the results, Activision recognized Sledgehammer Games' development prowess and made the easy decision to let Sledgehammer build a real story, The "Call of Duty" series has officially become a game produced by Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer Games in three cycles!

    Third, the game setting, based on the present to build the future

    From World War II to modern war, from modern war to the near future, in this cut-throat industry of change or extinction, developers and publishers are constantly trying crazy things to cater to the tastes of players.

    The success of "modern war" has made the theme suddenly become a flood in the field of shooting games, so timely swimming to the blue ocean has become an urgent problem for all manufacturers to face.

    While Sledgehammer Games is not the first in the series, the two controversial attempts made by Group T and Group I before him are a good example.

    However, in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Call of Duty: Ghosts, the near-future style is not as strong as in the original games.

    The game is set 40 years in the future in 2054, which is a very convenient year, not only because there will be no weapons and armor that are far above the current level of technology like Destiny, Halo, Titan Fell, and Crysis, but also because it can set some high-tech products that will make players feel new and interesting.

    Therefore, focusing on the present and building the future is the fundamental foothold of Sledgehammer's Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

    Exo's exoskeleton device is in a sense the real protagonist of the game, this set can greatly strengthen the soldier's physical ability to multiply the strength of ordinary people, the movement speed and jump height are greatly increased, provide powerful fire support and even use optical camouflage to achieve stealth effect of the exoskeleton device is not ridiculous to unimaginable science fiction props.

    As early as 2000, the United States has been engaged in the "Enhanced Human function Exoskeleton" (EHPA) project research, the project plans to develop a robotic skeleton to improve human military combat capabilities.

    Under the current science and technology, the power exoskeleton device has made substantial progress.

    At present, the power exoskeleton has been able to help amputees recover the ability to walk, but due to the volume and weight of the exoskeleton equipment, energy supply and human capacity and other aspects, the road to formal military civilian use is still quite long.

    From the perspective of the game, the exoskeleton device developed by Atlas still relies on high-power batteries as the energy source, and the structure of the device used by the protagonist is relatively simple, so it also solves the problems that cannot be solved by the real foreign skeleton technology in a unique way of the game.

    At the end of the game, the heavy exoskeleton battle suit, at the expense of flexible mobility in exchange for strong firepower and defense capabilities, but also let the player fully experience the pleasure of a king.

    Firearms have not been too sci-fi, although the emergence of energy weapons, but the traditional ammunition of the gun is still the main weapon of the protagonist, but the appearance has evolved more cool, the remaining amount of ammunition is also integrated in the form of an electronic screen on the gun, so that the player at a glance.

    There are a lot of high-tech gadgets in the game, multi-functional tactical grenades can switch effects at any time in the player's hand, there are heat tracking, there are delayed detonations, there are EMP for drones, and after throwing the enemy's position in the form of red continuously marked on the player's goggles detection grenades.

    In addition, the sea, land and air vehicles provided to players in the game are also some of the conceptual products in the current state of development in military technology, but after Sledgehammer Games' secondary creation, these conceptual products are more advanced.

    The hover motorcycle that can travel on complex terrain, the single boat that can dive for a short time, and the powerful air vehicle are all provided for the player to control personally in the game.

    The four-legged spider tank is a real-life prototype of Google's Boston Dynamics' Big Dog project. The goal of Sledgehammer Games was very clear, to create a realistic near-future battlefield rather than two rows of robots firing laser guns at each other.

    The new rules plan out the new play, in the strict modern background setting sledgehammer can bring to the series what kind of chemical changes?

    Fourth, the game plot, simple and rough American theme blockbuster

    If modern warfare is about the brutality and dehumanization of war, and black ops is about the darkness of politics, intrigue, and intrigue, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is about something simpler, or better suited to the kind of popcorn movies that are too lazy to burn their brains.

    The story begins when Mitchell, then a U.S. Marine, and his buddy Will Irons -- yes, the son of Atlas CEO Jonathan Irons, played by actor Kevin Spacey -- fight to stop a foreign invasion.

    Will Irons, who could have increased his prestige and seniority in this battle, dies shortly before the end of the battle, and the protagonist becomes a one-armed warrior due to the aftermath of the explosion.

    Later, Mitchell met Jonathan Irons at the funeral of Will Irons. The latter, who had lost his son in middle age, vaguely saw his son's voice and shadow in Mitchell. Therefore, Mitchell, who had retired due to disability, was invited to join Atlas. Not only is the exoskeleton armor provided by Atlas allowing Mitchell to return to the battlefield with the mutilated limbs, but it is also to complete the unfinished business of his friend Will Irons.

    In the years that followed, Mitchell did not disappoint Jonathan Irons. At a time when the world was in a panic over a terrorist organization called KVA, Atlas, a purely commercial group with no national political structure and no nationalist aversion, successfully played the role of savior. Successfully repelled terrorist acts, maintained local peace and order, more actively participated in post-disaster reconstruction activities, and achieved a speed of execution that the state machine could not have with the backing of strong economic strength.

    In this process, Atlas, with its strong military and economic strength and international political influence, joined the Permanent Council of the United Nations as a private company, which is open only to countries.

    Mitchell, the protagonist, has put himself through many risks and made great contributions to Jonathan Irons' Atlas empire, and Jonathan Irons really treats Mitchell like his own son.

    In the final process of hunting down the leader of the KVA terrorist organization, the dying Boss reluctantly said "he knows all" and handed the protagonist a USB flash drive. Later, the protagonist learned about Jonathan Irons' real ambition to end all wars through one war.

    The righteous hero will not allow this to happen, so Mitchell gathers his friends to stop Jonathan Irons......, a madman who has not recovered from the death of his son over time and has become obsessed with hating the US government

    Even before the game's official release, players have been given a preview of the plot in videos leaked from official and other sources, and Kevin Spacey's role as the villain has been hyped as the game's biggest selling point.

    But in the actual game, we will also find that in fact, the drama does not reveal the plot has no matter, when many characters appear one by one, this game is basically announced that it is about to fall into a first-class actor + third-rate script, read the beginning of the end can guess the awkwardness of the ending.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops is my personal favorite in terms of its script alone, with its complex plot, twists and turns, deep character development, clever blend of political scandal and dark times, and just the right amount of digging to keep me hooked.

    After reaching such remarkable heights as Call of Duty: Black Ops, the series has slowly slipped into the abyss. By the time Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare had reached the lower limit of my personal acceptance.

    When Mitchell accepts the business card handed by Jonathan Irons at Will's funeral, the phrase "dont let wiils death be in vain" indicates that Jonathan Irons is thinking of revenge on the world.

    In the subsequent CG, the player can easily guess that this person is the real Boss that the protagonist will eventually defeat.

    When Mitchell slashes the head of KVA's throat and hands the player a flash drive before he dies, I can't help but tease him on this side of the screen: "Just waiting for this flash drive." When Jonathan Irons said that I gave you your arm before he died, the protagonist then did not hesitate to cut off his left arm and threw down Jonathan Irons, which did not give the player any surprises, or this joke has been played in various ways in various movies and cartoons!

    After customs clearance review of the entire plot, it seems that there is no suspense and foithing said, the whole plot is completely a narrative method of a middle-aged uncle who lost his son and retaliated against the world by the protagonist of the dragon Ao day, the demonized military company giant, the righteous hero who came forward, and the bento teammate who died for death. Add up to make up such a suitable for cents to watch the American theme heroic blockbuster.

    After the end of the game, there is no Easter egg of God reversal like Call of Duty: Ghosts, and combined with the plot, it is basically certain that this game is difficult to become a series of works.

    Five, the game characters, the actor in the game in the other Biao

    Whether you want to admit it or not, the Call of Duty series has long been on the world's top entertainment stage, with Ed Harris and Gary Oldman providing the voices of the game's characters in Call of Duty: Black Ops, Kobe Bryant and Robert Downey Jr. appearing in TV commercials for Black Ops, and Call of Duty: In "Ghost", he invited me to write the theme song for the game.

    And this "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" script, although naive, but can not cover up Kevin Spacey's efforts to join the glory.

    The Oscar-winning actor not only provides the voice of Jonathan Irons in the game, but also uses the state-of-the-art capture technology used in Avatar 2 to provide a different kind of "hot shot".

    In some ways, politician Francis Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey in House of Cards, and Atlas CEO Jonathan Irons in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare are very similar characters.

    Jonathan Irons is a businessman, but he joined the council as "president", a word that means not only a head of state but also a group boss. So Jonathan Irons is in effect a centralist, a politician and a businessman all at once. And the images of the two easily blend together.

    In addition, Mitchell, the protagonist of the game, although he does not have any lines in the battle, but he does appear and speak in CG, and his voice is previously Booker in BioShock: Infinite, Joel in the Rest of the End, the Joker in Batman: Arkham Origins, Infamous: Troy Baker, the voice of Dioxin in Second Son.

    Before that, Baker's vocals include Hayabryu in Ninja Gaiden 3, Shervilliers in Final Fantasy XIII, Jack in Resident Evil 6, and we'll hear him again soon in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

    Finally, a little fun fact, I believe that viewers of "House of Cards" will remember Francis Underwood in the show on the PS3 to play "Killzone 3", "God of War" and in someone's home to pick up a PSV to look at and say should buy a car in the footage, this is actually SCE invested heavily in product placement.

    Sixth, the game sound and painting, a new evolution of the next generation platform

    Different from "Call of Duty: Ghost", this "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" although there are two versions of this generation and the next generation, but this is the next generation of the main platform to build, from the previous real machine trial we can also see that the next generation of the console version of the screen is quite good, the performance effect after the replacement of the engine is definitely worth looking forward to.

    Of course, at present, because the next generation version is not officially released, the versions that have been played are all simplified versions of this generation.

    This generation version is developed by High Moon Studios, which has previously produced Deadpool and Transformers Cybertron series, from the current point of view, the effect of different generation platforms is very different, so this generation version can not fully experience the real game atmosphere.

    The next generation console has more powerful hardware and memory space, so the new mixing technology makes the sound part of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare more realistic, and the Metal Gear series composer Harry Gregson Williams joined the game's original sound part is the best of the year.

    However, in this generation of host version, because of the backward hardware conditions, these we can not feel very well, more is still the water gun feel flapping smothered bean gunfire is clumsy.

    Because it is important to say it twice, the next generation version of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and this generation version are definitely not the same game!

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