games website "Call of Duty 8: Modern Warfare 3" detailed review: Overbearing but not obvious

    Not only from when to start, Activision Blizzard's "Call of Duty" series is like a Spring Festival Gala, and we meet on time every year. Every year someone scold, but still will play a play, because it seems that every year is the same as the old three, but there is always a flash to let you aftertaste.

    On the 8th of this month, "Modern War 3" (hereinafter referred to as "MW3") as scheduled to meet with you, the same engine used so far, but still can make the game effect performance is very good.

    The "MW" series is an important and landmark game after COD abandoned the World War II theme in 2007, with excellent graphics, fascinating plot, and novel multiplayer mode, making this modern war game the best-selling FPS game of the year. Unlike many other games of the time, several of the game's most important characters are remembered in a cinematic way. The next MW2 inherited these characteristics and without a doubt achieved the highest sales of any game in the world in 2009. So just launched "MW3" when also can continue the glory of the previous one?

    The game begins, picking up where the last one left off, with Soap seriously wounded and escorted to safety by Price and Nikolai to recover

    First, the picture. This work is still the same IW's own improvement engine, play more "COD" series will find that the "COD" screen is basically used to show, many should be protruding concave place, is a plane plus a realistic map to get it done, so look closely, there will be a very pit of feeling. But if you don't look closely, you will feel that everything is so realistic. Although many things will be perfunctory with stickers, but the details of the items are still very delicate, such as a carton of apples, are all apples, so I think of "BF3", a carton of apples is a sticker. The words of the characters are still very detailed, from the action to the expression, are lifelike, a gesture, a look, are so lifelike. From MW1 to MW3, the characters have improved, with Price first becoming handsome and then his face becoming round, Nikolai changing from a man with an awkward face to a handsome man, and Soap dressing up like Drake in Uncharted in one level. I don't know if you have noticed before, the highest frame count is often the moment when you look at the sky. Finally want to tease, may be the reason for the engine, "MW" series always has a kind of unexplainable, yellow tone, earthy flavor is very heavy.

    The sound part of the game, to be honest, the gunfire still feels a little weak, and the sound effect is a little thin. However, the voice of the game characters is still so excellent, familiar roles, familiar voice, are the right place absolutely not pit dad. In terms of the game soundtrack, although there is no such a cow as Hanz Zimmer to score, it can still reach the level of a game masterpiece, sometimes passionate, sometimes sad.

    Maybe not, but there's something about the sound of this gun that's jarring.

    In terms of operation, inherited the I society's egg-ache tradition, PC is PC, that is, it does not give you to play with a handle, so you have to play with a keyboard and a mouse in a very uncomfortable position. All in all, the feel is still as good as ever, there will be no delay, and there is no such thing as the submachine gun shot in COD7, the mouse button can not press the bullet, it seems that I society is still more powerful than T society many ah. I society also in order to facilitate the operation and ensure the balance between PC and the host, once again cancelled the side, instead of the flash bomb and dagger, convenient operation, after all, in order to cut the finger to the V key is very painful.

    This one also has a certain amount of blood, blood straight, watch the neck pain.

    Although there is no "BF3" that can damage the environment to the point where the "mother" does not know, it can still properly destroy many items and walls, and columns can easily be sprayed into the steel bar leakage. This game adds 2X sight on many guns, which can double the magnification of the target, which is actually, to be honest, unnecessary, because there is not much use. The effect of the flash bomb seems to be much sharper than the original, crackling sparks everywhere, and the enemy is not scared to death.

    Look down. COD never lets players see their feet. Imagine what that looks like.

    In summary. This year's biggest game showdown has been thoroughly paid the water, EA's "BF3" and Activision's "MW3", have a good performance. But personally think, "BF3" in addition to the picture engine can beat "MW3", other aspects, still need to learn more, from the opening animation and Logo creativity can be seen, "BF" still need to work hard.

    IGN's score also came out, this time MW3 and BF3 played a tie, both at 9.0. It can be seen that "MW3" progress is not too big, although the single story is still attractive, multiplayer games can reach 12W people online at once, but the same engine led to the screen is not so sharp, dragging 1 point, but if you change a better engine, configuration to bring up, it is not the problem of scores, but will lose many low match players.

    The advantage of "COD" lies in its friendly configuration, excellent feel and movie plot, so how to improve their own quality, let us wait and see. "MW3" still shows it should have a great style, can be described as dominative side dew, but because of some of the game's friendly Settings, let the original dominative cut a lot, just like many netizens said, maybe this is just "MW2.5", just "MW2" a MOD version, so say dominative side dew, but the dew is not so obvious.

    MW3 is the last book in the modern warfare trilogy, after all, the story is fully told in this one. Hopefully next year will bring us even better COD games.

    In memory of those who fought together


    Text and text: games website Literature Group -- Pig H.D Literary Direction: Semi-Demon Lich

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