games website "CSGO" detailed review: a classic review of the standard

    One of the originators of online shooting games! Computer room and Internet cafe inside once hot work! "White Room", "Moon Gate", "flue", "Sand 1", "Sand 2" you have walked through! "B13," "B41," "B43," "B46," "B84" are the real names of the guns you used to use in your country! This is the operation of 300 million mouse shooting dream his father! Shit! His grandfather! His grandmother! His whole family! Eighteen generations of his ancestors!

    The official interface of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Enter the game, or the familiar voice, familiar figure

    The above is the past tense, "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" (hereinafter referred to as CSGO) was officially released the day before, in order to be able to give you the first time to bring the game content test, so I bought a legitimate game. 80 yuan, CSGO in the price and a domestic single game is almost the same, let's see if it is cost-effective.

    But here I say in advance, because I have downloaded the BETA before, when I started the official game, he did not have any update download tips, directly threw me into the game, I have a bad feeling... I hope not.

    There was a CSGO BETA in front of him before, and today it's only the real one.

    Evaluation part 1, picture quality and sound

    V club games or games made with V club engines have a characteristic, that is, the configuration is quite close to the people, always lower than the current hardware standards. Even the antique machine you stay in a few years ago can play very smooth, very good.

    So much so that I sometimes hang CSGO to play other games without noticing! I didn't realize I was abusing memory until I switched it out... For example, when I wrote this evaluation, I hung CSGO and then opened PS CS4, and hung a store of online games.

    This configuration is not user-friendly? !

    The configuration is very close to the people, so how about the picture quality of this game? Let's take a look at this game effect high open (not open dynamic blur, graphics card built-in effect all predetermined values) and effect full off difference geometry, in order to do a detailed comparison, I marked a clear difference in the effect full off of the figure.

    For most shooting game players, the shooting game high open low open mainly depends on the number of frames, even if it is gorgeous, if the frame number is very low then players will settle for the second. Madam, my configuration is WIN764 bit system, CPU for AMD960T not open 6 core, 8G memory, video card for the Sotai card destructor GTX460 1G, the other not to say. In terms of frame number, the frame number can still be maintained at 60 frames under the effect high opening, and the effect can reach 80 frames or even higher!

    The contrast between high open and full close, you can see that the most obvious difference is light and shadow, the full close saves a lot of details of light and shadow, the game in this way to improve the frame number, but note that the bricks on the left side also have a clear difference, it is obvious that the high open is a stone burned stone brick, the full close is made of pure stone (well MC play more).

    Gun detail comparison, the picture on the right feels like 5 years backwards no!

    Knife marks, same old, like they were pasted on.

    However, even if the screen level of CSGO is only medium, I feel that he can be launched last year, to know that the player's expectations will always become higher and higher with the passing of time, unfortunately, the CSGO should have been launched long ago, but because the V society has not put it on the schedule in order to accumulate money in the past two years. From the appearance, it is no different from the beta version half a year ago, and later let's see how the actual game performance of CSGO, after all, the CS series is not won by the screen.

    After the picture is said, let's look at the music and sound effects, compared with the previous series, CSGO although there are still few BGM (3), but the conformity of the music is greatly improved, and there will be a sudden change at key moments such as the round time is approaching, or the bomb is buried, the bomb is about to explode, and the hostages are rescued. So I often get scared in games when the music changes like this.

    But the sound effects are a bit lazy - or is it a continuation of the classic? Although the sound effects of firearms have improved, many guns still shoot the same sound as in the past (such as AWP's classic "When!"). ).

    In addition, the introduction to CSGO will mention a lot of corners OR classic continuation of the place, as you players on which side does not matter, madam, I am neutral for all shooting games.

    However, there are two areas of real laziness, and that is the sound of the firing pin of all firearms when the bullets are fired, the sound of a pistol, the sound of a shotgun, an assault rifle, and a heavy firearm. The dagger sounds the same when it hits objects of different materials. L4D can do it, CSGO can't do it?

    Assessment Section 2, solo section and novice instruction

    "Isn't CS an online game? Would the solo part be fun?" Can ask this question is obviously not the Chinese players, to know that if there are 100 players say that CS does not need a single machine, then there will certainly be a person to stand up and say "I play CS is every day to play teaching, is every day to play computer!"

    In order to take care of this small group and the new generation of players who are just getting into CS, we'll start with the teaching and single player sections.

    Now things are very humanized, as a game without teaching or from simple to complex game process is absolutely impossible, CS added text teaching and teaching mode.

    Text teaching, players who are attracted to CS but don't know much about this game can read it first, the game has official simplified Chinese, so you folk Sinicization group can rest. However, there is still a small problem with the official Chinese, such as the 1 in the game they do not seem to show, the display is □.

    Of course, most players do not like to read the text, or do not look at all to draw conclusions, enter the penultimate item after the start of the game called weapons training ground, that is the teaching mode, in which we can understand the basic game methods and operations of CSGO (in addition to saving hostages).

    Then at the end of the teaching there will be a simulated battle similar to COD, timed oh. But here is a reminder of the players, this weapon training ground mode has a few places quite cheap, do not be played.

    Players who are not familiar with the game can train more here, ma 'am, my best record is 34.6 seconds... So I'm not very good at shooting games.

    Think you're getting flexible? So let's have a real fight with the computer.

    The mode and content of CSGO versus the computer is exactly the same as that of the player, but the brain is replaced by the computer. So the mode and content review I put in the following multiplayer section. In this VS computer mode, you can choose the tour mode without computer, as well as harmless (tour mode with AI), easy, medium, difficult, expert five levels.

    But these five levels of lady I play down after a experience - are simple. Because this difficulty difference is reflected in the AI's reaction time and shooting accuracy, these are controllable, but the AI's action script is fixed.

    The police will always rush to the bomb ambush, and the bandits will always rush to bury the bomb (however, against the AI, as the gangster you bomb is always in your hand), so you can walk around a few times to play the AI ambush.

    In general, AI is more detailed than before, and a small number of players can also appreciate the "deeper", and the more friendly teaching mode can also make the players who are attracted to the CS series have a great learning, and I feel that the shooting rookie is simple, and you FPS masters are not to mention it.

    Review Part 3: Multiplayer part and online

    In the non-mod case, we can play a total of 4 game modes and 4 game types in CSGO, the game types in addition to the traditional rescue/kidnapping hostages, disarming/planting bombs, but also upgrade weapons to disarming/planting bombs and upgrade weapons to win targets.

    There are a total of 8 small maps and 8 large maps in 4 game modes (there is a small map or a large map change), and most of the maps are reset the classic map of the past CS series or from the next door L4D to make up for it (I personally found the last level of the town, the second and third levels of the sugar factory part of the scene, And the last level of the farm) It seems that the old problem of the few official maps of V society can not be cured.

    For new players, the latter two modes are more direct and interesting, especially the upgrade weapon mode, you will use most of the weapons in the game, at the end will give you a golden dagger, see which side of the police and bandits will get the golden dagger first, and stab an enemy will win. But in addition to these small highlights, the other gameplay and the past CS is no difference.

    Ordinary dagger and gold dagger difference, there may be gold AK, gold M4, gold Blitzer, 300 million gold mouse wishful thinking.

    Another thing that I think is a drawback is that in the non-mod case, all map modes and details are fixed, and when you select the map, you will see the fixed game mode of the map on the right of the screen, and it is unchangeable.

    Friendly damage closed, can wear the body, kill the enemy in half, a few games a few wins are fixed, the time of each game is also the same only MOD map can change, but the past is casually set.

    And multiplayer online, we can quickly enter or play with friends, you can choose the type you like can also quickly match, want to win glory for the country can go up and foreigners compete, maybe can meet the Japanese... However, the consequences of playing with foreigners are often terrible, and I will give you an example to explain it here.

    This is me and you moderators play, the network situation is also shown in the figure, this room is a foreign host, our average delay in 200+, the average delay of the other party in 40. Play is very smooth, but when you shoot you will know what is called a gun shot in the head dead, very close to a policeman was shot by my shotgun and then dead, casually turned my head to kill me, wait for my death to watch the state of the policeman - he was full of blood! It's not cops VS gangsters, it's HIGH PING VS LOW PING.

    Additional complaints: We do not say what foreign players are of high quality, Chinese players are of poor quality, and the world is generally black as crows. These grandsons started to jump the team and jump the car when they hit 3:1, and finally jumped like this, and after knowing that we are Chinese players (a moderator opened the voice), they began to communicate in English, saying that we Chinese players PING is a tragedy, and some people seconded that Chinese players are not good at it, really when my English level is poor and I can't understand what you are talking about!

    Even if we have been losing, we still stuck to the end, and played "GG" to quit, without running halfway. But this can be summarized, we do not have a good network, do not play with foreigners what network model. In addition, according to our overseas moderators, if Chinese players outscore foreigners, they will obediently shut up and just say "NI HAO~".

    However, V is not a violence X, although CSGO this single game has entered the semi-network state, but CSGO still supports the LAN mode, do not want to outsiders no problem, and their friends entertainment is the same, and we China also have a lot of CS server into CSGO server, we can still play.

    Well, this also proves from the side that CSGO and CS are the same way.

    LAN mode screenshot, but this interface... That sounds familiar.

    I participated in the modification of a domestic server "death match" mode, although the level is still so water, but not so miserable death.

    Finally, there is a BUG that needs to be told you, in a specific state, when other STEAM friends invite you to jump the room, then it will immediately report an error pop up, and then enter the game will show that you have logged in, close STEAM will say that your CSGO is not closed, and you have to use the task manager to forcibly close. Hey, the official BUG catch more than half a year, but also left these problems, not good, not good.

    Tragic scene

    Review Section 4, Firearms and mods

    The two most important parts of CSGO, in this game has a certain change in the player's equipment, pistol, shotgun, heavy gun, rifle, grenade, special equipment, etc., there are new changes, adding new firearms (such as a heavy machine gun), new equipment (more than a stun gun), new grenades (more incendiary bombs). Here, madam, I am not like to write a guide to introduce one by one, the players will know when they play.

    A list of firearms.

    New equipment, stun gun, one shot to kill the enemy at close range, run out, need to be repurchased, $1,000 each.

    When it comes to guns, naturally we have to talk about recoil and rate of fire these technical things, I have a picture of the AK47 ballistic comparison chart of CSS and CSGO, which is the result of holding and not letting go even after sending 30, from the results, it can be seen that the AK recoil and rate of fire of CSGO should be adjusted, as for why they are lifted to the left first, this is related to the hand holding the gun.

    Gun trajectory comparison

    Not only the guns, but also the details have changed a lot, players can only choose three kinds of grenades to buy from a variety of grenades, and flash can not sell 2. And the purchase interface has changed from the vertical menu in the past to the circle menu, which shows that Gai fat really wants to get CS to the host platform. However, the host's support for MOD is not so free, CSGO for this material... Suspense.

    In terms of mods, there are very few mods right now, but I've seen people wearing GHOST masks, and I've seen people with daggers that glow. Then I opened the game directory and found that the game sound effects and other things are still not encrypted, modify the program can be opened in TXT format, music and sound effects are ordinary WAVE.

    From these aspects, it can be seen that CSGO's MOD is no less promising than its predecessors, and it only needs time to prove it. On the other hand, the MOD is not powerful, and this is all the players must not make V society fall out...

    Sum up

    CSGO this game, if the FANS will cheer for his small changes, will be because of his classic retention and jumping for joy, will be because of the new game to play and dance; If the average player, then they will feel that this game is CSS after seven years to set a gorgeous vest to "reinstall"; If you are an objective player, you must know that this game is not a AAA masterpiece, and it will not fall into the street trash, but it is a normal game that can be played for a dozen hours.

    Yes, what I want to tell you here is, don't look at CSGO too high, hold him up to the sky, like another benchmark of shooting competitive games in the next era; And don't look at it contemptuously, thinking that he is the same as some of the same sequels. CSGO is CSGO, the configuration of the people, the simple picture, the relaxed feel, and the occasional luminous point. It doesn't get boring in 3-5 minutes. Although it was launched six months later (similar to six months ago except for a few fewer bugs).

    If the full score is 10 points, I will give CSGO7 points, the lack of official content -1 points, catch bugs did not catch clean and waste half a year of time -1 points, cover fat (do not know even) do not lose weight -1 points.

    Text and text: games website Literature Group -- Lady Lu Literary Guidance: Half Demon Lich

    No introduction yet....

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