games website "Dark Souls 2" detailed review: difficult nine

    If you are a player from the FC era, then you must be unforgettable for several extremely difficult games on the Red and White machine - "Magic Village", "Mega Man", "Ninja Frog", these games are extremely difficult, the punishment for players after death is great, and in that era when the network is very underdeveloped, there is no video guide. There is no god to release clearance experience more unlimited health money ammunition modifier.

    The player can only overcome the difficulty by trying, failing, trying again, failing again, looping until success, and the main way to get happy is to fail again and again and finally beat the BOSS to succeed in the moment of satisfaction.

    With the development of video games and the advancement of technology, the definition of a game has been greatly expanded, and the elements that affect the player's game experience have also been enriched. Realistic graphics, beautiful music, excellent storytelling and innovative level design have made video games seem to gain the reputation of the ninth art overnight.

    The game's approach to pleasing players has shifted from simply defeating enemies through levels to engaging sound and light experiences. Therefore, the original methods of attracting players with low fault tolerance and sense of accomplishment in the early days have to disappear in front of players. After all, in today's numerous and not bad quality games, the frustration brought by successive deaths and the destruction of the game's fluency will make players abandon and switch to the arms of rivals. That's the last thing developers and publishers want.

    But you never know, there are a few works in any field that deliberately do the opposite and eventually achieve great success. When developers rely on constantly reducing the difficulty of the game to improve the game experience to take care of the mood of players, that one or two strange will follow, you must know that I am talking about the protagonist of this review - "Dark Souls 2".

    Before this, let me mention two works on the mobile platform, one is called Stunt motorcycle, and one is the pixel bird that has recently inexplicably caught fire. The reason why I mention these two games are very different from the Dark Souls 2 type games, because under the completely different surface, the three almost identical core mechanics of the game - insane game difficulty, The death penalty of starting over if you fail and the magic that makes it impossible to stop once the player is immersed.

    So what is the difficulty of Dark Souls 2? Where's the charm? This game has no map guidance, no task tips, the initial player even a few swings the weapon will run out of physical strength, continuous death is not to reduce the difficulty of the game or increase the character's ability like Mario, but to take away the player's hard to save the "gold" or even reduce the player's physical strength limit, you said you suffered three knives before death, so sorry, Twice this time, you'll have to kneel.

    Most of the time in the game, the player is in the stage of not finding the way, fighting undead monsters, being killed by various Yin organs, and being repeatedly killed by the same BOSS. The final victory in this extremely torturous and agonizing process is to take out the old routine of the game 20 years ago, and re-put it on the table with modern technology and not too flashy packaging.

    But then again, "Dark Souls 2" in the end how hard, difficult than a hit on the naked, two on the knees of the "Demon Village"? Otherwise, "Dark Souls 2" creates a fantasy world, you play a dead man in this world, relying on their own exploration, collection and battle, step by step efforts to become stronger, players carefully explore the environment, observe the distribution of enemies, study the enemy's action law, formulate different tactics and finally defeat those seemingly invincible huge enemies, This is the real charm of this game!


    "Dark Souls 2" is the top difficulty and unique world view and popular black curse fantasy action RPG "Dark Souls" sequel, because the player can create their own doppleganger, in the "Dark Souls 2" world, no specific entry order, is a player's journey to create a story, play a sense of achievement is quite high RPG.

    Like the previous game, the maps of the regions are all connected without seams, and you can walk around them as much as you like, just moving on the complex three-dimensional maps that are stacked on top of each other is enough to experience a full sense of adventure. In addition, the monsters that appear when exploring the map are very intense and difficult, making people feel that there is no relaxing at the moment, extremely exciting battles.

    The connecting element of the Dark Souls series is characterized by the use of appropriate communication systems, so that players can extend the feeling of a stand-alone game to play easily; "Dark Souls 2" is basically the same way to play, but improved some Settings, such as when the player is in the ghost state, other players can also break in, or for a limited time, and summoned players to fight together. In addition, thanks to the installation of a dedicated game server, a smoother game environment is achieved.


    Proof of killing the masters of other worlds

    Summary: Personal play is Xbox 360 self-made version, in the dead state was invaded by a player, not quite clear is other pirate players or what, anyway was a few knives I chopped to death......

    Game screen

    From a technical point of view, the picture effect of Dark Souls 2 can only be described as very general or below the average standard, the original resolution is low, the mapping accuracy and modeling accuracy are also relatively vague, the game can be seen everywhere large groups of mosaics, the scene map is also a jagged, just look at the picture, you can never imagine that this is a new game that has just been launched.

    In addition, the console version of the "Dark Souls 2" although there is not too serious frame drop phenomenon, but the overall frame rate is locked at 30 frames, coupled with a large number of map errors such as subsidence, hanging, stuck walls, so that the "Dark Souls 2" to the player's first impression is not much good.


    It's not a big deal to hang on the ground!

    However, from the artistic level, the artistic atmosphere and dark and depressing atmosphere deliberately shaped by Dark Souls 2 is still very much a sense of substitution.

    All kinds of monsters in the game are terrible, and the bosses are all crazy and cool. The protagonist's weapons and armor are unique and handsome, and a variety of props are also unique, which is very consistent with the fantasy background set in the game.

    It is worth mentioning that the light source in the game, although the "Dark Souls 2" screen as a whole is known for dark repression, the longest time with the player during the game is when everyone drills in different mouse holes around that thick to not open a black.

    However, after returning to the ground, the fading sunset, the flying star dancing when lighting a bonfire, and the beating torch around the side when venturing in the dark also bring a touch of warmth to this heavy, excellent dynamic light source and the surrounding environment have a real interactive effect, and each highlights the game atmosphere.

    Game music

    "Dark Souls 2" does not have too much BGM, after all, in such a player most of the time spent in running the map, looking for a way out, being strange abuse, picking up the body of the game, again graceful and beautiful, again fresh and healing, again magnificent, and then passionate blood background music can not resolve the players wandering in the grip or hit the keyboard between the restlessness.

    In contrast, the screams after death in the game, the sound of waving weapons is the most important thing in the game.

    Game operation

    "Dark Souls 2" is a game suitable for gamepad operation, you must remember the PC version of the "Dark Souls" keyboard and mouse operation when the anti-human key Settings.

    Therefore, this game is also more suitable for gamepad games, of course, a good quality, withstand the smashing of the gamepad is more perfect. The game's sense of attack belongs to the top level in the ARPG, different weights of weapons brandishing will have different stiffness time and strike judgment, heavy weapons although slow to start, cut out after the rigidity also play, but the enemy caused by the repelling effect is also very significant. Light weapons are the opposite.

    The game's controller vibrates and the screen shakes well with the game, making the impact of Dark Souls 2 real and not exaggerated. "Dark Souls 2" character action is more realistic and thick, back thorns are still the focus of battle victory.

    Game style and system

    "Dark Souls 2" game style is the same as the same generation, is also based on ultra-high degree of freedom map exploration and extremely difficult combat, changeable fighting methods (new dual-holding weapons), different weapon styles, without any map guidance and task tips, players just need to use corpses all the way to......

    However, if you want to "Diablo 3" just rely on a pile of corpses is not reliable, when the player will enter the undead state after death, the maximum blood limit will be reduced, and at this time if you die again, the blood limit will continue to reduce, the only way to remove is to use the human to retrieve humanity and become human, in order to remove this punishment.

    The game system is not very different from the previous game, the game officially starts before choosing the body shape and gift, and then officially start the game. Inherited the "contract system" of the previous work. The game can choose to make different contracts, and certain contracts can be made to obtain special items. In order to increase the level of the contract, you must contribute the material required by the contract owner, and the higher the contract level, you can get hidden items or special abilities.

    The biggest change in the same generation of Dark Souls 2 is that the campfire has teleportation from the beginning, which saves the player a lot of running after the initial game death. At the same time, a new blood return method has been added, and the use of stone drops can replenish a certain amount of blood in a short time. However, it should be noted that the use of drop stones will limit the player's movement speed, and the drop stone blood is slowly replenished rather than a direct amount of blood.

    No introduction yet....

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