games website "Dead Space 3" test play detailed review: action enhanced terror weakened

    The idea of action elements and terror elements needs to be explored in the official edition, and it is also a good and wise argument. Coupled with the ample number of bullets in the pilot version and the reduced claustrophobia in the indoor environment, at least in the pilot version, there is no sense of fear.

    Personal mood

    The first two generations of Dead Space were the pinnacle of American horror games, combining the subtlety of Asian horror games (music and level design) with the visual power of Western horror games (blood splattered across the screen). It was one of the few games that made me throw away my controller. So what kind of fear will Dead Space 3 bring us this time? Let's dive into the demo below for a detailed review.

    Game introduction -- 8 points

    Dead Space 3 is the third game in the Dead Space series. Players will continue to play the lead actor Isaac and the new character John on the frozen planet side by side, and face strange planets and new kinds of enemies, bring more than the previous game thriller experience.

    The scope of the game will be changed from the previous confined space exploration, providing new challenges to explore the new planetary environment with harsh climate and terrain. The co-op mode will have more cutscenes and interactions than the single-player mode, and for the first time in the series, the developers will introduce a bunker system where players can share ammunition they find.

    This game will go further than the previous two in terms of non-linear structure, allowing players to freely explore the vast game world and non-decisive missions. Dead Space 3 has ditched the series' spaceship setting. It is set on an ice planet called Tau Volantis, where the protagonist Isaac is on a rescue mission.

    Danger followed Isaac from the moment he woke up. In the desolate land of snowstorm, braving below freezing temperatures, slowly moving forward in the snowstorm. Dead Space 3 depicts a vast landscape like no other in the series.

    The slope is coming in

    Bottom line: Let gayness blossom throughout the amazing country of the ACG Circle

    Game graphics -- 8.5 points

    The game screen is still passable, not the top, but at least the performance on the console can be said to be reasonable. The game engine should still be the God father engine for the main design, and the Havok engine for the physical effects.

    Unlike the previous two generations, the overall game screen is dominated by a dark confined space, and the third generation has greatly enriched the tone. And the scene is no longer limited to the inside of the space station, from the opening protagonist Isaac is in a snowy wasteland, surrounded by the wreckage of the exploded ship and the faint fire.

    The scattered small details let the player realize that this is absolutely different from the narrow space of the second-generation perennial mouse hole, and the open scene directly improves the performance of the game.

    This foggy weather is comparable to the polluted air in Handan

    Such a scenario would have been unthinkable in the previous two generations

    Signature move

    Because of the increase of outdoor scenes, a large number of bright warm colors can also be boldly used. Improved shadow effects in previous games. The dawn sun shines through the misty planet to give Uncle a lonely shadow (single-player mode, of course).

    After a dangerous cave to the human base, the beautiful sunset once again let the player temporarily forget the life and death line just experienced, to enjoy the magnificent scenery under this strange planet. Of course, the effects of light and shadow are not only reflected in the depiction of the environment, but also the sparks and smoke emitted by explosions and firearms during combat are very real.

    Especially in dark caves, switch to gun-aiming mode, flashlights and light and splash sparks as you shoot, and let the voracy-mindless storm of bullets all pour down on disgusting monsters!

    The dawn is at hand

    Is this still the same "pantyhose space" dominated by black?

    0 Holy Light, do you see that powerful enemy ahead?

    The details in the game are also good, the snow is beautiful, and the footprints left by my uncle will be slowly covered (I always think that the footprints that will disappear are a sign of the developer's care). The creases and undulations of the cliff are also very natural.

    The small items in the corner are also depicted rich, especially the bullet drug supply box in general! The building and character modeling is also excellent. A large space workstation that looks like science fiction, and my uncle's handsome armor and helmet.

    Monsters still look so disgusting, severed arms with a variety of tentacles and strange head of the monster from all directions crazy to surround you really make players want to blow their brains out and then stomp stomp stomp stomp again stomp stomp!

    The footprints are fading away

    The mountain is also well painted

    The physics engine is as good as ever, not only will there be different force feedback on different parts of the monster, but for those who are still breathing on the ground and trying to hit the broken limbs, enjoy their right feet, and then start to appreciate the arms and legs flying around.

    Knock you out

    I'd give you a whole body, but monsters have necrophilia, and I wish you a great life in America

    Of course, there are disadvantages, the serration phenomenon on the host is more serious, used to the PC on the full highest anti-aliasing and the highest resolution, and then look at the screen on the host is really a little miserable. And many scenes in the game can not withstand careful observation, a closer look can only call pit dad.

    Some maps are bad, the blood is bad, layer by layer. There was also a small bug in the demo. You know, it's one of those tentacled monsters with a head on it that parasitically encroach on human corpses. After parasitizing a corpse I had previously shot into a tight corner during the game, there was a bug where the monster got stuck for 3 seconds and then sank into the floor. Abnormal sense of joy.

    Those who only see the butt, please know that they are facing the back

    That's it! It's going through the wall!

    Summary: Rich colors, excellent details. The creepy, creepy style has been weakened. Jagged edges on the console are inevitable but harmless, and some mapping errors can also make players smile at the spirit of tension. Is this a special benefit prepared by developers for players?

    Game Music/Sound effects -- 9.5

    Horror games are not only a visual art, they seek to bring extreme sensory stimulation to the player as much as possible on the screen. At the same time, music and sound effects have become important elements of expression. If it can be properly matched with the screen, it can supplement the player's understanding and feeling of the game. And this, the "Dead Space" series is very good, so good that players have broken countless gamepads or keys and mice.

    Interval is the distance of pitch between notes. Different intervals are often used in the game to create a scary and scary atmosphere. If you suddenly use augmented intervals to tell the player that monsters are coming, get ready to fight. The classic oncoming monsters in the game with high intervals can highlight the horror atmosphere of the game.

    This is the right way for a monster to enter dead space

    Dissonance is a mixture of discordant timbre, that is, a harsh interval. This dissonance is often used in Dead Space 3. Although the sound makes the player feel creepy, it is like a scream in the music. But this uncomfortable process is exactly what horror games need to create an atmosphere of fear and unease. The above is the music shaping part of the game, I believe that players who like this tone will enjoy it.

    The monster and the human body are starting to merge

    The sound effects are also very impressive. From a psychological point of view, any mistake or situation that is impossible and unknown will trigger an instinctive human fear. Therefore, the unknown abnormal sound elements outside the picture can constitute a sense of oppression, giving people the psychological suggestion of suppressing fear.

    This unusual sound element may cause more fear than the game music. The game also has a rich sound element, I uncle walking alone around the strange sound from time to time. With the sharp, broken scream of the monster, the clear sound of my uncle's footsteps when there was silence all around, the throaty murmur of echoes from time to time, the whistling of the wind on the plain and the distant roar of giant monsters, the agony of human beings being parasitic. The strange sound of the large but deserted indoor space, everything makes the player feel so lonely and helpless (still limited to single player mode).

    Looks like this thing's gonna be dead soon

    The rest is the rolling sound of large items, the dragging sound of small items, the weight of the player in the close punch and the sense of impact when stepping on the handle is very cool! The shooting sound effect is covered by the tense combat sound effect, writing here I carefully recall, in addition to remembering the sharp music when fighting, I can not recall the sound of guns when shooting!

    The voice is also very good, I uncle mainly bass, giving people a sense of depression and heavy, and even some similar to the feeling of hearing a heartbeat. It also better depicts my uncle's inner feelings and psychological changes. (Unfortunately, there's very little dialogue in the demo!)

    Summary: Overall, Dead Space 3 is better than its predecessors in terms of music and sound.

    5. Game operation -- 8.5 points

    The game operation is not too complex, but it should be noted that in "Dead Space 3" more attention to the action elements, you will have a very familiar feeling, yes, this is the legend of "Resident Evil 6"? The horror element has been greatly reduced in the demo, replaced with more shooting action elements. (Due to the large number of pedestrian enemies introduced, my uncle faces not only disgusting monsters this time, but also batches of - same kind?) There are two scenes in the demo that can barely be described as mini-boss battles.

    The first small boss is the ever-mutating spider, which requires the player to shoot the spider at a distance while avoiding the spider's sprint attack. There is no difficulty here. But in the second place I think there will be a lot of players scrambling.

    A giant drill out of control, players need to keep moving to avoid while using static charge to slow down the drill and then attack the core of the drill, but the most annoying thing is that there will be constantly refreshed monsters around to interfere with your action, an accidentally either surrounded by monsters and cut to death or avoid improper by the drill.

    So players need to be mentally prepared. The trial version currently has only ordinary difficulty options, low difficulty and high difficulty can not be selected, if you feel that the game is too difficult, the official version of the initial choice of simple difficulty. -

    How is this scene a bit like The Lost Planet?

    Big windmill creaking and leisurely turn, the scenery here is really beautiful. Beautiful day, beautiful land, and a group of happy friends.

    The QTE system of this work is not A requirement of reaction speed, but a requirement of keys and direction, such as in the trial version, we need to seize the time to press the direction and crazy press A key when we are about to be thrown off the cliff.

    In the normal state, RB and LT are stomping and punching respectively. Shooting is done by holding down LT to aim, then pressing RT to shoot, at the same time, equipped with special weapons can also press RB to attack. In addition, Isaac can roll left and right to avoid enemy attacks, and overall the player will feel that he is more flexible than the previous two games.

    The ability to retrieve objects has also evolved in the sequel, this time players can not only lift objects, but also rotate them at will, meaning that there will be more forms of puzzle solving in the game. Isaac also learned a new move, the squat, which allowed him to hide behind a smaller cover. It also demonstrates the increase in shooting in subsequent levels.

    QTE elements are a general trend in all games

    Summary: The weakening of terror elements and the enhancement of action shooting elements do not know whether it is good or bad, waiting for the official version to be released.

    6. Game Style and system -- 9 points

    The game has added several new modes over the previous two generations and is well worth looking forward to. The first is

    1. Two-person cooperation mode

    In co-op mode, Isaac will be able to fight alongside a mysterious Scarface character (John Carver) (if the player chooses single-player mode, the mysterious Scarface character will act as Isaac's guide throughout the story). The profession is an engineer like the protagonist, and the blood-red eyes hidden in the helmet shine.

    The co-op mode is a mirror image of the single player mode, but Isaac's story will be adapted as needed. For example, in the QTE mode in the opening of the demo, there is only Uncle I in the single player mode but Uncle I is trapped in the ship and needs another player to rescue him in the co-op mode.

    In addition, because Isaac has been suffering from psychological disorders and hallucinations, there will be a lot of traumatic episodes in the single-player mode, but in the co-op mode, these specific episodes will no longer appear.

    In cooperative mode, the game's gameplay will also change, adding many organs and puzzles that require cooperation to pass, such as using space fetch to interact with nearby scenes and so on. However, in co-op mode, two players must share ammo and even lives, you can heal your partner, but you cannot revive him, which means that when one of them falls, both players will return to the record point and start again.

    Double cooperation is different from single (at this time Uncle Ai is trapped inside)

    2. Equipment upgrade and custom weapon system

    There are likely to be a number of changes to weapons and equipment in Dead Space 3, which may be related to changes in the workbench players used to upgrade weapon firepower, reload speed, and magazine capacity in the first two games.   For example, the Plasma Cutter in the first two games, its default horizontal firing mode will be changed to "vertical", although it is not clear what exactly, but it is no longer the familiar weapon in the first two games, and alt-fire mode will also have the same recoil as the gravity gun.

    The previous Pulse Rifle (Pulse Rifle), in Dead Space 3 will add a bayonet as a secondary weapon, it is not clear how many weapons with additional parts like this, but it is likely to mean that the new weapon can have more custom options, so that players can make more personalized equipment.

    Weapon upgrade

    Custom weapon

    3. Voice control upgrade (This is what I'm looking forward to most unfortunately, the pilot version does not have!!)

    Dead Space 3 will add a voice control system that allows players to command characters with their voices while holding hands. In co-op mode, players can also use simple voice commands to complete actions such as passing ammunition to teammates, and can also yell and mess up, and see the other side's expression. In addition, when the player is frightened in the game, screaming or swearing is a curse word, and the character will make corresponding actions.

    4. Dementia

    Dead Space 3 will also include "Dementia." In Dead Space 3, the player will control Isaac and Carver, and in certain situations, Isaac and Carver will see different things because one of them is hallucinating, and these specific areas are not accessible in single-player mode.

    5. Old enemies and new enemies

    In Dead Space 3, Isaac will encounter many of the classic monsters from the previous game and some of their morphic forms, such as the lanky version of the child-like monster "Pack" from the second generation, as well as some of the most disgusting and heart-wrenching monsters like Necromorphs.

    In particular, in Dead Space 3, Isaac will face enemies other than monsters for the first time - he'll be fighting ordinary humans, including soldiers wearing armor and carrying heavy weapons. Of course, these soldiers also get infected and turn into Necromorphs, terrible monsters.

    Although many of the game's levels are replaced by empty ice fields, the areas separated by huge walls still have blind spots, allowing enemies to attack Isaac from different angles, and there are traps that can kill the player with a single shot.

    The monster's shape is as gross as it can be

    Summary: The new system has introduced a lot, but at present the most expected in addition to custom weapons can not be experienced, so I dare not comment.

    7. Conclusion - 8.7 points

    Although the scary atmosphere of Dead Space 3 is not much felt in the demo, the overall experience of the demo is very good (although the demo process is very short, it will be over in about half an hour). The big scene, the weird atmosphere, the various monsters all performed well in the demo. The good story is pretty much guaranteed (the trial stops after a good gay friend shows up and leaves a question of survival), plus the co-op mode and voice system in the official version, so let's look forward to the game's official release!

    The demo ends here

    Recommended crowd: horror action game lovers, feel life boring thrill-seekers, desire discontent nowhere to vent

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