games website "Dungeon Paradise" detailed review: different modes are selling points

    Paradox Interactive has A slogan for this just-released A-RPG: "Does size matter? Tiny development teams with great ideas!"

    Whether looking at the game capacity or picture engine, this is indeed a small work selling creativity, of course, as a game developer, Critical Studio can not be compared with those old production studios, as far as the current game there are some flaws, but after all, the author almost forgot the original intention in the evaluation process, even some addicted.

    Remember the old Dungeon Keeper? Still want to play a tower defense game like Plants vs. Zombies? What if the now-popular card game "Three Kingdoms" was also incorporated?

    I can't help but want to tease, this is still A-RPG game? But it is precisely A pure A-RPG game, and different game modes are the real selling point of this game.

    P's own games are often mocked by players as "beta", because the game is often played by players with a bunch of bugs, and then P society to fix. However, "knowing mistakes can be corrected", this practice has also become a style of P society, and this "Dungeon paradise" if P society is willing to spend time carefully "maintenance", it is a good foundation for a classic.

    Game introduction (overall feel) -- 8 points

    "Dungeon Paradise" game mode is actually divided into two kinds, one is A pure A-RPG game, but emphasizes the online mode, and can be played as "Monopoly" such a board game, but because of the need for multiple players at the same time, so rely on a set of keys and mice must not be enough, but also need an external controller, up to support four players at the same time.

    As for another game mode, if you have come into contact with the Dungeon Keeper players will certainly feel familiar, yes, is the reverse type of game. In this game mode, the player is no longer a hero fighting evil, but an evil demon king.

    Of course, the game is very different from the "dungeon Keeper", the opening setting is like a card game, and entering the game is a bit of a tower defense game.

    Good or evil? This is a problem, but I believe that most players must be "good and evil".

    Game screen -- 8 points

    As A sketch, we certainly can't expect this A-RPG to be as visually stunning as Diablo III, but the creators of this alternative approach have clearly found a reasonable balance between cost and effectiveness.

    Although the title of this game has the word "dungeon", the game style and the picture are not at all gloomy dungeon wind but complete paradise school. The scenes full of cartoon colors and humorous monsters complement each other, whether it is the chaotic fighting scenes or the weapons and equipment used by the characters, people feel less than half bloody and murderous, and the various actions of the characters are charming, whether it is running or special effects can attract a smile.

    The role of the master with a big nose and a big belly, can not help but remind the author of the plumber under the Nintendo, and then see the shape of the monster rabbit and the prop sheep that haunt in groups, the game screen that there is half a point of evil ah, it is really Q to no.

    Game Music and Sound effects -- 7 points

    The music part of the game can be achieved to this extent is good, after all, after the production can not be invested in this part of the cost.

    With the change of the scene map and the tight or slow pace of the battle, the background music also changes, but because there are actually only three levels (there is a level that is not currently open, it seems that we have to wait for subsequent patches), and each level scene is not much, so it is really monotonous, after all, the ancient game "Monopoly" series is like this.

    The sound effects of the game are good, with different weapons colliding, hitting and the sounds of different characters' stunts. But overall, the game's performance in this part of the game can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

    Game control -- 8.5 points

    For the A-RPG part of the game, the operation mode can be described as normal, almost all players will feel familiar, even if not familiar with it will be easy to get started, because the game has detailed instructions here will not be repeated.

    Need to remind everyone that this game is a "concentric body" mode - whether it is plus HP props or gold coins, it is a person to pick up three people to share, including life is also the case, is the so-called good fortune to share hardships to die together.

    It is worth mentioning that the other half of the game, the player plays the role of the evil Lord, at the beginning of each game, there will be a set interface. In this interface, the player can set seven kinds of magic (magic is divided into five categories), three kinds of ordinary monsters and two kinds of special monsters, of course, and the most important BOSS monster, and finally there are two special features.

    This setup is similar to the opening of a card game, the same card can only be used once, both magic and monster cards, and both magic and monster types are unlocked as the game progresses, requiring the player to use the gold earned (as well as the character's weapons and more character classes). Of course, you can also set the intensity of the three righteous characters.

    After entering the game, the demon king played by the player adds trouble to the heroes one by one in the way of the card game from the perspective of God, and the ultimate goal is of course to defeat the demon king to save the world - no, it is to defeat the hero to save the evil.

    Of course, this game emphasizes the online mode, and fighting people is fun. In addition to the traditional common adventure mode, the author thinks that the most novel and interesting is the confrontation mode of one demon king and three heroes. However, this part of the optimization seems to have some problems, the smooth is not as good as the normal mode.

    The players are not unfamiliar with the two game methods, but the combination is refreshing, and the producer has to praise the ingenious mind.

    Game system -- 8.5 points

    Dungeon Paradise players can choose from three classes, respectively, mage warrior and thief, but don't complain about too few classes, let alone the meaning of the text.

    Although there are only three kinds of occupations, each occupation has three branches, which is equal to providing nine occupations to choose from. Of course, in addition to the initial three classes, the other classes require players to earn gold to unlock the choice.

    In this game, the mage belongs to multiple roles, even the work of the priest is also done. The thief can not only back stab but also shoot arrows and throw darts, the hunter's work is also packaged, and the warrior is also very strange, the author sold a trick or leave it for everyone to experience it.

    Whether you cooperate with AI or play with friends and family, be sure to pay attention to the professional match, "five fireball God" in this game can not work.

    Of course, understanding the characteristics of the monster is also very important, "Dungeon park" in the monster is very focused on the "traditional", not only the end of the BOSS, the middle of the elite strange, props sheep and frogs, although often interfere with the player, but if the "use" is good, it can allow the player to play the strange with half the result.

    Here also remind everyone that the purpose of this game is not to kill all the monsters, if you do not beat the rebirth of the monster, the big strange little strange can be "endless", and finally let you scramble to be submerged by the ocean of monsters.

    Of course, so many professions, the balance should be further improved, the author has found a career collocation method is more powerful, which affects the playability of other professions, in the PVP mode will also cause problems, but also need manufacturers to continue to improve.

    games website Total score -- 8 points

    It is clearly a sketch, but there is the potential of God, what are we waiting for, do not find gay friends call girls, the saying has the cloud "happy alone is not as happy as all happy", this is a rare suitable for the whole family, men and women, young and old to fight, there is cooperation against gay love has fun.

    Text and text: games website Literature Group - Khamenei's Literary Guidance: Semi-Demon Lich

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