games website "Forest" trial version detailed review: survival is victory

    In fact, this is a horror survival action adventure game, the current version is 0.02, yes, this version number looks like the game is still a long way from completion, the author did not enter the game before also think so,

    After going in and playing carefully, I feel that although the content is limited, the general framework of the game has emerged, and has a very high scalability, once enriched, enough to let players who like this type of game spend a lot of time in it.

    Therefore, this review does not represent the final quality of the game. So what about this game? And listen to the breakdown!


    The current 0.02 version of the game body is only about 900MB after all installation, less than 1G, but the actual game screen effect is surprisingly good.

    The configuration of the author's HD7870 with I5 3470 in the full height configuration of 1080P Settings under the frame span is large, after some adjustments can be stable in a better frame number, of course, which and the game version is too low, there are still some problems in optimization related, I believe that after the release of the official version of such problems will be improved.

    Most of the game's scenes are in the forest, as the game's name suggests. This work can be described as the depiction of forest vegetation, whether it is looking down at the dense distribution of surface plants, or looking up at the towering trees, it gives the player a very real forest scene.

    The plant model is more detailed, the mapping resolution is not as powerful as those big books, but it is enough, the most important thing is that some details are handled very well, when the author picked up the axe to cut the tree, the sawdust splashed, and the corresponding gap will be reflected on the trunk, and the processing is unambiguous.

    The game has a good light performance, with weather and day and night changes, objects have physical feedback, but sometimes it will bring some strange effects, such as putting a piece of wood on the ground and the wood will jump tall.

    In fact, there are not many details in the overall scene, but at first glance, it is more harmonious.


    It may be due to the limitation of the theme or the limitation of the version, there is basically no BGM in the game, and the sound and effect response during the game is better, the sound of the axe embedded in the trunk when cutting the tree is extremely real, and other objects in the scene also have different sound feedback when interacting.


    As mentioned at the beginning, although the version number is very low, the capacity is not large, and the content is very limited, but the overall framework of the game is relatively complete and interesting.

    The player enters the game in a strange atmosphere in a passenger plane, and then the passenger plane is doomed, wake up to find themselves in the forest, the next thing to do in the game is to survive, the difficulty to face is naturally hunger disease and the attack of the terrible indigenous people living in the forest.

    After the player just entered the game, in addition to an axe and a few bottles of soda, nothing but to survive smoothly, you have to do it yourself. By constantly collecting and collecting a large number of different items provided in the game, to make a variety of tools and build their own base, etc., it can be said that this is one of the biggest selling points of this game.

    In fact, similar themes have been common for a long time, but in fact, it is very rare to be able to express it in a more detailed first-person 3D picture like the Forest.

    In addition to this, the game also adds a horror atmosphere, which is the local natives who may attack the player at any time,

    These natives are made to look weird and spooky, especially when it's getting dark, and a person turns around and finds a couple of half-naked bald heads staring at you with their eyes wide open, not to be startled, but also to get goosebumps,

    Not to mention they all come at the player together, and the player has to think and use various tools to take down these enemies.

    At the same time, once the player is accidentally killed, he will be reborn in the cave of these natives, light a lighter in the dark cave, and suddenly appear in front of you a shiny bald head, sometimes even more harmful things...

    Of course, in the current version, there are many bugs, such as the author in the cabin at the beginning, a slight jump, directly through the cabin to the outside and so on.

    At the same time, the goods that could be made and the buildings that could be constructed were very limited, and many of them were not open. At the beginning of the game, it is obvious to hint at the story of the game, but the current version does not mention it, I believe that the official version will give players more surprises.

    If this game can also provide online mode, it simply let the fun to a higher level, imagine, a few players cooperate to establish their own base, explore the side against those grim indigenous, and finally escape the day, etc., I believe that this integration of adventure action horror of multiple types of games, will make players interested in this type satisfied.

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