games website "Harvest Day: Plunder" detailed review: The road to wealth is not smooth

    Robberies, especially bank robberies, have long been a favorite subject of reality crime movies, and have given birth to countless classic scenes praised by fans. There are bank robberies (Jason Statham), Breaking Point (Keanu Reeves), The Wire (Al Pacino) and, more recently, the Thief of the Town (Ben Affleck) and Batman's Dark Knight (Heath Ledger). I believe these names will touch the memories of many fans. Take Batman's Dark Knight for example, the opening bank robbery, with a tense and clear pace, sets the tone of the film's realistic crime, and thus explains the history of one of the most antagonistic movie characters - the Joker. When I got the game "Harvest Day: Plunder", I also fantasized at some point that the face under the clown mask on the cover was not also covered with oil paint. The answer, of course, is no. However, I believe that this game can give players the exciting experience of real crime.

    First impression: 7

    Realistic crime is a sensitive area for games. Mafia 2, Godfather 2, Grand Theft Auto 4 and other games have been involved in this genre, the performance is normal, not the focus of the game. Harvest Day: Plunder is a game that completely refines the genre and adds something unique to it. The upgrade system, multiplayer cooperation, and level setting are the three highlights of the game. Along with these three highlights, the whole game wants to show how to carry out high-end professional crime based on reality. It was inevitable that the game had concerns before launch: "I can imagine some crazy person using this game to train themselves to rob a bank, and then the press is all over it." But that worry is a testament to how interesting the game is in some ways. Those who like it will particularly like it, and those who don't like it won't even touch it.

    This game is sure to be compared to Left 4 Dead, also FPS, also multiplayer collaboration. One kills zombies for survival, the other kills cops for money. At first glance they look very similar. In the end is not the same, the player can find a few friends to prove in the game. However, my experience is: the pattern is basically the same, but the details are different.

    All in all, as long as you are not too picky, most players, especially those who love multiplayer cooperation, can find their own fun in this game.

    Picture, action and sound: -1

    Payday: Plunder doesn't offer many graphical adjustment options (maybe it's tucked away somewhere?). . Because of this, the performance of the screen after entering the game is even more disappointing. For contemporary games, the FPS is often the benchmark for graphics in the gaming space. One of the most important game metrics that most players care about when they get an FPS is graphics. There's nothing to admire about the lighting, model details, and so on. The level of the picture probably belongs to the medium two or three years ago, and now it is considered to be the lower middle.

    On the sound side, they may be a bonus for those who love the genre. Although the sound of the gun is a little soft, the voice aspect, the companion talking, the hostage screaming and the police warning, will give a nice sense of presence. The game music also sets off the atmosphere of robbing a bank for the player all the time.

    System: +1 points

    The game system is very simple, players will be easy to learn. On the screen, you can see your teammates, mission objectives, and shortcut items. Key, in addition to the general FPS key Settings, an interactive key can basically solve most problems. This includes pulling teammates up, controlling organs, controlling hostages and other operations often used in the game. Close attacks, placing ammo packs, etc., require special treatment from the keyboard. All that's left to do, of course, is shoot all the cops. It's worth mentioning that the gun feel is not bad, but there are not many details. "Harvest Day: Plunder" as a multiplayer co-op FPS, like Left 4 Dead, shooting is of course the main theme of the game, but certainly not all.

    Gameplay and playability: +1 score

    The goals of PayDay: Plunder are often very clear. Your object will appear in the game as an orange color, and all you have to do is interact with it. But that's not to say the content is thin. Each of the six levels has its own characteristics, and various criminal places in the city such as banks, buildings, streets, and Bridges are available, and include various map types such as force attack, pursuit, breakthrough, protection, and penetration. The game offers three levels of difficulty. The player must make reasonable responses to different situations. You can see that the game has put a lot of effort into the level setting. This ensures playability and fun. Perhaps paired with a reasonably clever game AI, you can get a rough idea of what Harvest Day: Plunder requires of you in a single player game. In multiplayer games, game features are at their peak. For example, you say to your teammate, "Hey, get past that camera!" "Or" Help me, I'm falling down." The combination of different players and the various situations that occur in the game will lead to a variety of gaming experiences. This leads to a real sense of looting.

    For example, a SWAT officer with a shield will make you feel helpless, and an enemy with a stun gun will shock you into unconsciousness. Enemies are an important indication of the difficulty of the game, and the number of zombies they are about to catch up with and the few ammo left behind are telling you that this game is not easy to deal with, and you have to work well with your partner.

    Special reasons (personal factors) : -1

    In fact, the screen of "Harvest Day: Plunder" is also OK, can meet the needs of the average player. However, it was also mentioned earlier that one of the game indicators that single FPS game players are most concerned about is the screen. Therefore, for Harvest Day: Plunder, the graphics are the weakness of it to be good. I still have to mention Left 4 Dead, and Harvest Day: Plunder will be slightly inferior to it.

    Final score: 7

    The quality of the game itself is very mediocre, but it reminds me of Killing Floor, a small production that gained a lot of popularity through online fun. I don't know how the game will perform in the future. In general, multiplayer is the most valuable part of the game, which is the basis of Harvest Day: Plunder. At the same time, it can also meet the temporary needs of game players. If the player can still find the part of the game that they like, they can play for a longer time.

    Text and text: games website Literature Group -- Liu Guangnan Literary guidance: Half God Lich

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