games website "Heroes Invincible 6" detailed review: the combination of inside and outside to call a good game

    At the beginning of the test, I wrote a demo for it, so the content and the previous article may be a few details and balance differences, but for new players I still have to start from the patience to say.

    Insert disc, install, activate, update, enter game...

    Originally this review could have been released yesterday, but because there were many problems when the game was released, I spent the whole day yesterday answering questions and solving them between several forums, delaying the review process. Also let me to a lot of praise for its praise words, helplessly pressed the Backspace.

    As for what problem, I believe that you play on, read the forum also know one or two.

    But in my personal case, activate for 3-4 seconds, update for about 5 minutes, and then change the font into the game. I didn't encounter any problems. I don't know whether it was my luck or my good care of my computer. For example, I didn't encounter any problems with the RAGE that crashed frequently recently without the latest patch.

    However, according to the survey, most of the problems are in the Chinese version, which is not the problem of Heroes 6 itself. At this point, ma 'am, I think you can keep your mouth shut on Heroes 6, but I'm a little cold on a certain company.

    Above is the ridicule, the next topic.

    First, fluency: to play the game, always smooth it

    My configuration is,

    System 32-bit       XP

    AMD5000+    2.59 GHz

    Memory power         2G

    Video card 9800GT  1G

    I tried the effect full open, the fluency is very good, FPS is also around 30~50. In the quick operation through the shortcut key and shortcut button, sometimes there is a delay, other normal; You know, in BETA, my configuration was still only able to see smooth slides...

    By the way, here to give you new players to make a shot:

    1 The actual game uses a higher configuration than the official given, 2 after a long time of play will be stuck. These are the two common problems of all 3D strategy games, and Heroes 6 can not escape. So it's recommended to take a break after a morning or afternoon of gaming... Your machine.

    And, of course, there is the habit of frequent storage, which players have forgotten. What is the fun name of SLG? SAVE/LOAD GAME!

    Second, picture quality: In today's society, the game must talk about picture quality.

    Heroes from the third generation began to use 3D modeling to now, the picture quality is constantly improving, the sixth generation for a new engine, but also for a new production team, the screen effect is naturally better than 6 years ago Heroes 5 on a big grade, because of the Angle of view, many players still complain that the screen has not improved, really do not know where you go.

    Attached is a comparison of renderings.

    The above three pictures are picture 1, picture 2 and picture 3 in turn

    I don't know why games don't have anti-aliasing (though they didn't in the past). Nevertheless, the picture is very detailed, you can see the difference between the top picture (picture 1) and the general picture (picture 2) is very obvious, the texture of the leaves, the grooves of the stone mountain. Then I attached the quality comparison of Heroes 5 (Picture 3). I'm sure you can see the difference. For example, there is no shadow dancing in the Heroes 5 tree, that is, a tree is set up there, the tree pole shakes and shakes, the wind swings of the H6 tree, the leaves turn more natural, not to mention the type and number of trees.

    Picture 4

    Figure 4 is the King's gift that everyone frequently talks about Heroes and Invincible 6. Figure 4 is the screenshot of the Northern Warriors, the latest expansion film of the King's Gift that will be released soon. I really do not understand the leaves that are not divided, the stones that have no edges and the grass that is paste on the ground. As brothers, the gift of the king is stuck in the picture quality of '08, so don't be stubborn.

    Therefore, in the same kind of games, Heroes 6 from the picture quality or rendering effect is very high quality, speaking of which I believe that can break through the first psychological defense line of novice players.

    (Recently, the latest expansion for Believer 3 was also released, and no screenshots were prepared because of the short time. To be fair, I like all the Gothic art of jihad, and from what I can tell, it's always been plain and the hero loses for a while; If the image effects of believers get a new engine, this premium chair may have to give up its seat)

    Here are the details of the game screen.

    Picture 5 The water is shining, but I don't know how to make a flat Angle, see the water under the bridge is dark

    Urban effect VS  LOADING time

    Some people complain that the town screen is too rough, there is no full screen town, in fact, this is a compromise for the fluency of the game, the town effect of Heroes 5 is really great, and won the award, but that is also one of the reasons for the lengthy wartime LOADING with the computer.

    It's a shame that because of the lack of towns, many players overlook the level of detail in the towns on the game map! H6 on the big map of the town expression is the most delicate in the history and even similar games, through upgrading can make the big map of the town produce more than a dozen different types of change!

    I'll list a few below.

    Figure 6. The transformation of the Castle of the Dead

    Finally, we are most concerned about the round waiting time: H5's nightmare waiting time makes all single players collapse, so that many online players also come to join in the fun, I say... If you online players feel that the waiting time is slow, you should go to your partner. In H6, the waiting time can not be taken than the fast H1234, but it must be dozens of times faster than H5, and single players can also not complain.

    Third, the game content: Playing the game, naturally want to know what is in the game

    I will not list the details of the game, after all, legitimate players have a thick manual, and the digital board also has the corresponding instruction PDF. (I looked at the PDF, but there is a large capacity of 3MB) Here to say a few personal feelings about the game content.

    1. Game skills change from random generation to talent tree

    This is one of the major changes. Since Heroes 2 began to have skills, the importance of hero skills in the game has increased, but it has always held a random component to make the game competitive has been unable to improve. As a result, Heroes 6, with its online entertainment slogan, has turned random skills into a skill tree, allowing players to plan their hero's development direction and skill selection early on.

    It doesn't hurt for new players who haven't tried calendar games, but I really hope old players can adapt here.

    By the way, don't put blood skills and blood arms so seriously, blood is a reflection of the fault tolerance rate, rather than let you develop dependence. Among the core arms of mankind, the priestess has the highest output; In the undead, female ghosts that can add blood are more resistant than ghouls; And Yingzhou, pearl witch is a good army to control the field. The reduction of healing in several BETA versions is a reminder of what makes these classes even better.

    Picture 7, Heroes have always existed two categories, the first category is divided into magic and power two races, the heroes of each race basically also tend to the system of their own race - Heroes 1,2,5 is so classified; Another is that a race is divided into two kinds of heroes: strength and magic - Heroes 3,4 and this game is this classification method. So, out of the double hero, its joy and infinite.

    2. The Great disruption of arms

    Physical defense and magic defense separation, mobile and active separation, these are also second; More important is the difference in the classification system of arms and the change in the positioning of arms.

    In the past, the military classification, a soldier level, and the high level of soldiers on the low level of serious crushing, the late game is the players love to see the gods and demons war, angel demons Titan dragon a pot shabu. By the 6th generation, the army has become three levels, core, elite and champion, some people say that this is a reference to believers, I think more like their own hero confrontation. This three-level system at a glance is closer to the war games again, I personally have reservations, everyone on the turnip cabbage love.

    Then there is the subversion of the army, I give a few examples: vampires from the past high-speed, high movement, high blood, in this game into a defensive role, reducing the movement and blood percentage in exchange for high defense, high health and a defensive passive skill, many players regard this transformation as "weakened" is too arbitrary; Then there is the angel, the ultimate army that man and God were not afraid of in this work to strengthen defense and auxiliary skills, such as resurrection turned into a scope of resurrection and so on.

    Figure 8 Changes of bloodsucking ghosts in the past dynasties

    Entering a new generation of heroes, you have to accept a new position.

    Finally, the place that everyone may like to tease the most is that the classic class is gone, the classic race is gone - don't the players who say these words know that it will come out in the subsequent DLC or video? ! This is a nearly 20-year tradition of Heroes! When it comes to expansion, EA Blizzard has to take a back seat to everything, so don't be silly.

    By the way, you don't have to build every class, there will be trade-offs under high difficulty, as far as Hell is concerned, Hellish dogs and claws are the first to skip, which leaves nearly 20,000 gold coins.

    3. The return of classic content

    As a 25th anniversary tribute (as an aside, it will be 26 years later), many of the beloved things have returned, and the BGM (Heroes 2345, Might and Magic, Messiah, Hero Clash) in all the previous Might and Magic and Heroes works have been carefully reset and changed; Magic skills on many old skills have returned, this will not say more, you can taste; There are also some old scenes that make people smile, this can belong to the hardcore players.

    FIG. 9 For example, the rod of Sandru. Thank you for the heroic world EvilP great God translation, but we had set a lot of translations do not need to change so bad taste.

    Don't think there are no eggs for all ages, the title of each level in this campaign is a small egg, interested players can check according to its English (except for teaching two levels).

    4. Rich content of

    Here I sell a trick, people who play the genuine version and have no problems with the Internet will certainly benefit a lot.

    Figure 10 King System

    Fourth, finally: Because of the length of the relationship, so write so much.

    As far as I'm concerned: despite all the external problems, Heroes 6 is worth the price, innovative system, excellent gameplay. Can boast of the above basically, the rest is to see the official follow-up support for this game, as well as some small problems for now.

    When it comes to the problem of the game, the final statement must be made, and the hardware and software problems will not be said, because I have not encountered one. But there are too many places in the game to give an opinion.

    In particular, Shanghai UBI's failure to Sinicize this time - failure is the right word for me. The quality of the translation is secondly, so blind font effect you let me pay attention to your translation quality, this font makes those who support the hero invincible for many years are embarrassed to help you solve the situation; Don't think I won't say your Chinese quality, I don't know what conflict your translation department and the audit department have made, according to my simple Chinese experience can also see that this translation is obviously only the text by their own imagination after the translation, independent seems not a lot of problems, when combined with the actual pile of sick sentences. Why can't you trust your own people?

    Figure 11 I don't even have to enter the game, what is "Click here to set your offer"... How much am I worth?

    One more thing, and I have to ask you this, is the DLC situation. Personally, I'm not afraid to spend money to buy more than a dozen DLC, but if I can't even buy the treatment of foreign DLC, that can really make me feel embarrassed...

    Finally, in the end, Heroes 6 itself did not let me down, 6 years of waiting is worth my tears, other places I am eager to move closer to the heroes invincible quality.

    After all, what is inside and outside together is called a game.

    Text and text: games website Literature Group -- Lady Lu Literary Guidance: Half Demon Lich

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