games website "Ido: Master of the Broken World" Detailed review: Most like myself

    Now the game pattern is like this, the skit game all cartoon lost dead birds, 3A masterpiece all take the gun to sweep the monster.

    As the strategy and strategy games of the past Kings, they are no longer the glory of the past. Looking at the real-time strategy games that have long fallen from the pedestal, new and old players sighed.

    However, the opposite is true. Our turn-based strategy games, which have fallen to the bottom, have maintained a stable production rate and sales in recent years, and the quality of the games has also been greatly improved.


    Astral, Glorious Astral (Astral is the name of the Iddo Universe)

    It looks like... It seems that players of turn-based strategy games are more committed than those of other genres.

    Just kidding, anyway, now, such a game called "Ido: The Master of the Broken World" (hereafter referred to as the new Ido) turn-based strategy game was released.

    Looking at the history of this game, this new Ido is actually a sequel. As a sequel, the charm of the new Iddo is amazing - so to say, if you are watching the players of this review, you have played the previous game and still have memories, then play this game will shout:

    "Wow! Changed to this?"


    Although I have not played the previous game, but after looking at the screenshots of the previous game, I still issued such a feeling: "Wow! It's changed to this!"

    Whoaa! Let's get started.

    First, hardware and picture: 6/10, terrible optimization

    Recommended hardware requirements of the new IDO are as follows: CPU Core 2 1.6/AMD 3000+, memory 2GB, graphics card N 8800/ Radeonx1900...... Meaning? Looks like this game is pretty user-friendly.

    Unfortunately, I've been "immersed" in these "slow" turn-based strategy games for so long that I don't even have to go into the game to be able to tell you that the official playlist is bullshit.

    3D round strategy coupled with high resolution, players only need an AMD3000+ no more than 2.5Ghz? Is this official fooling the newbies?


    Did not officially start the game, enter the main interface frame number down

    So, the actual game less than five minutes (exaggerated, the main recent five points too much) proved that my previous prediction is extremely accurate. The test machine is still AMD 960T uncored (3.01Ghz), 8GB of RAM, and GTX460 1G.

    After entering the game with full Ultra effect and playing at 1900X1200 resolution, it was found that the new Ido's game never broke 20 frames.

    Fortunately this is a turn-based strategy game, if the FPS is this low, it would have been beaten.

    So a little bit lower the effect, so that in the end simply direct effect completely off, the result even so, the game frame number still can not break through 30, and in the game more than... I think it was about four hours before the game started to stall, and obviously it was the memory of the computer that started to protest.

    Who can tell the shallow author why a 3D turn-based strategy game can never fail as long as you play it all morning or afternoon? Is this the so-called "hardware anti-addiction system mechanism"? Hey, that's not funny.


    This edge of the sky is really beautiful

    What does the actual game look like?

    Through the contrast of the game screen, it can be seen that under the influence of removing shadows, it seems that the game has used materials on innocuous boundary stones, but the most incredible thing is that after the game is fully opened, there will be a thin layer of clouds, there is a swamp, there is a forest, and there is a layer of fog over the fog of unexplored areas. A mist on top of a mist. What's that supposed to do?


    High and low picture quality contrast

    So everyone pay attention to the position of the red circle, it seems that in the case of full effect, we can more "fuzzy" see what the coverage area is roughly like, presumably it is easy for us to guess unknown locations and then think about the corresponding phalanx, then the effect seems to become a chicken?

    This can not help but let the author think of another game: "Left for Dead 2", the game effect after the special feeling will be shown a few tenths of a second before the scene, so that when the confrontation you will be seen by the survivors - do not play so!

    It seems that the game here in particular hopes that you players to be honest and turn off the effect to play again, smooth and have advantages, why not?

    Music and plot: 7/10 The music is good, the sound is terrible

    As a fantasy game, a systematic worldview and story is a must. However, perhaps the listing was very hasty, or perhaps there was no more consideration for the future sequel, so that the story of the new Ido game was not very big, but a simple "Merlin guides King Arthur" and then conquers the fantasy world.


    Four major careers are available here

    But even so, the fantasy world in which the game is set is a novelty: floating planets/continents in the universe? In retrospect, because of the "poison" of some well-known fantasy games, there are no fantasy games that have the courage to move the fantasy world view into the universe.

    But let's go back a little further, since the 1980s, when a game called one of the big Three RPGS brought together fantasy and science fiction, haven't science fiction/fantasy science fiction games been successful for so long?

    Not only that, there are also many highlights, such as the game set very "D& The choice of D "plot affects the setting of attributes, and the dialogue of the characters is also very playful (although most only playful does not affect attributes), coupled with the introduction of random tasks and random plots, so it will not make the player easy to get sleepy after 3-4 hours of playing, at least it will stimulate you a little.


    Now the game, is the end of the attack retreat, the above plot of the text basically become a icon, businesses basically do not want to spend more money here to describe the text, plot ah! It's important, okay?!

    What about the music that introduces you to the plot? It's good, it's really good, although there are one or two songs that cause a kind of king's consternation, but the others are really good. It is a pity that there are too few songs, and it is easy to get bored. If the authorities want to add DLC or expansion or something, let's have music DLC.

    As for sound effects? It is very bad, because the fade of the music such as the switch and the number of frames have a little relationship, so often because the music is unusually large, the sound effect is covered or delayed, the most tragic situation is that when the continuous operation is easy to lead to some action or magic and other special sound effects "mysterious disappearance". Even under extremely normal conditions, there are many sound effects that are very low all the time.

    Finally, the player should be reminded that because this game makes the boundary of "turn" very vague, so you players if you operate a lot of actions quickly, it will cause the sound sound to "explode" at the same time, and they have only one result -

    The nightmare of headphones.

    Third, the actual start: 9/10: New ido to learn other round strategy games? Other turn-based strategy games should learn from it!

    Before talking about the actual operation, let's know something else, New Ido this game let me enter the main menu before the real surprise: There is no advertisement, no introduction, no CG, and no LOGO of the game production team after Loading. At first, I thought it was because of the deletion problem of the GOGHACK version I downloaded, but on second thought, GOG games never delete.

    In other words, there is no game... Oh, my God. I really doubt if this game is made of wool, it's too rough.

    More crudely, the options of this game can be set after entering the game, what video effect options, the game options are basically not much, but when you open the CONFIG execution file, you find that in fact, this game can choose more content to die, why not directly do the game in the "Settings" inside it.


    How long will it take to fill such a big treasure chest?!

    And why isn't there even a window? Don't say anything about changing the program file windowing, which will put those who ask "why the first button is gray ah" game newbie in what position...

    So, developing towns? Capture cities and land?

    In the forum, many players said that the new Ido set like the Age of Miracles; During combat, the grid and UI are very much like the Gift of the King; Because you can develop the town and you can see the development and change of the town a little bit, so it is very close to "Heroes"; And all the arms have attributes and level Settings, which is not so close to the Mujahideen Chronicles, but closer to last year's Warlock: The Mystic Master, which borrows from Civilization 5.


    This battle grid with the setting of the terrain, doesn't anyone think it is similar to Elf Legacy? It's because the previous works were so famous

    Hey, guys, don't say that. It seems that there is no way to make new turn-based strategy games now.

    You should know that the turn-based strategy game this thing, as early as 10 years ago can be out of the routine all used up, so that now a lot of turn-based strategy games they are really really no way to avoid those old traditions. But that said, just because we used the idea doesn't mean we can't use it again, all we have to do is not even look like the shell, which is what turn-based strategy games can do now.

    Look at those "Tuk-tuk" games, what other variables can they have? Well, this is just a personal statement. Let's go back to the reviews.


    The town! Now where is there a town round strategy class game ah... Well, we just need to feel the thrill of building it

    Even so, the New Ido game also brings out a mechanism that is rarely used in turn-based strategy games, and that is synchronous turn-based. In other words, the policies and tactics you think about, you can't immediately execute, you can only set the plan and the path, and when the actual action you will alternate with the enemy.

    The synchronous turn-based game of this nature not only makes the strategy of the game more changeable, but also improves the speed and rhythm of online games between people - synchronous turn-based is definitely faster! As turn-based strategy games get faster, more players will naturally like them.


    Does it look like I won the battle? You can let the computer hosting play a look at the guarantee of death remote death lucky E

    Well, the joy of the above... I was too happy.

    After playing for many hours, I found that the synchronous round of new Idou is actually a double-edged sword, because when you and the computer are fighting, the more computers you choose, the longer the Loading time of each round will be. I tried to open a custom super large map, and the result was that a computer took 5 seconds to load.

    Think Civ 5, big map + full computer, nightmare.

    But in general, the new Iddo this game is actually very good, there is an old turn-based strategy game game (son), plus RPG elements and town development elements of the integration, you can please the S. RPG and TBS two groups of players love, if the player has played the new Iddo 1 before, then more points.

    Overall review: 8/10: Who can bear to give such a turn-based strategy game a low score?


    For example, when you open the class introduction, you will see a long list of class introduction, and even the entire history of Ido will be written a long list, this practice can not be done now

    And it is because of this characteristic, so the author believes that if you see that you like round strategy, then Iddo will not let you down, think about it, every day stealth people hold in panic, every day shooting people empty panic, every day leisure egg pain panic, every day sandpan brain idle panic...

    So, how about downloading a "chess game" to get your people serious, get your brain working, and get your eggs better! What? You're a girl. Okay, I was wrong.

    In short, I recommend this game to you round strategy enthusiasts, as well as players interested in round strategy games, and wish you to find your own fantasy dynasty in the universe of New Ido and those floating planets.


    Oh, my God, did I forget to mention that this game has something very similar to the graph that office workers hate?

    No introduction yet....

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