games website reviews Jurassic Park in detail: Small budget big movie

    On November 15, after a long wait of up to half a year, Telltale Games' masterpiece Jurassic Park (hereinafter referred to as Jurassic) finally arrived as scheduled, enjoying the nervous game complex at the same time, the author also felt a lot about Telltale Games' new attempt on AVG games.

    "Developing Jurassic Park will leverage our expertise in storytelling and game design to create a dramatic, action-packed series of games that will create the ultimate on-screen adventure."

    Telltale Games has certainly delivered on its promise to deliver a dramatic and tense game, and Jurassic Park's most compelling feature is its tight, action-packed story. From the beginning of the game when the heroine is attacked until the end of the game, the plot of the game is interlinked. During the game, the player is like watching a Hollywood blockbuster, and the exciting plot makes people want to stop.

    Let's face it, Telltale Games is really good at building a complex game (as it has done in the past), and this is especially true in Jurassic. Due to the deliberate enhancement of the narrative of this work, this work is almost perfect in the plot (if only a shooting game set in the war could have such a smooth plot, it would be a wonderful thing. -).

    Second, the detailed expression, action description.

    T's portrayal of the characters' expressions and actions in the game is definitely a highlight.

    In real life, a person's inner emotional ups and downs will be communicated to others through his facial expressions, and T society has a particularly good grasp of this. Every emotional change of the characters in the game and every action when they encounter things are depicted very vividly.

    The trembling of fear, the rise and fall of nervous breathing, the panic in the face of sudden danger... These details make the game more enjoyable to watch, but also greatly increase the player's sense of engagement. After feeling the emotion conveyed by the detailed actions of the characters, the players know that even if they are KO out, they will only restart from the previous action, and I am afraid that the players will be as careful as possible to avoid the tragedy of the characters (of course, players with special preferences do not include this).

    And as the theme of "Jurassic Park", the gorgeous dinosaur image of course can not be less.

    T society in the game on the dinosaur, far more than other items and characters, the dinosaur model in the game is not a detail are exceptionally clear, its degree of refinement, far from the ambiguous environment can be compared. T-society also handles the details of the movements of this giant dinosaur very carefully, the short pause after the dinosaur hits the object, the shaking and stumbling when it is hit... These details are very well handled, and the dinosaur theme is truly alive in this game.

    Third, sound effects

    Some people say that sound is the soul of a game, then Jurassic is indeed a game with a soul.

    Because it should focus on the reason of storytelling, so the game has a long character dialogue, in the character dubbing processing, T society obviously did a very good job. Of course, fewer characters in the game are easier to dub is also one aspect of this excellent dubbing.

    Then in the arrangement of scene music, you can imagine what it is like to watch American blockbusters in stereo, and the Jurassic scene sound effects do the above effect. Fast music is forbidden when Tyrannosaurus Rex attacks, and slightly eerie low music in the dark forest... Good scene music not only helps to adjust the atmosphere of the game, but also allows the player to better integrate into the game.

    If you've played a horror game like Dead Soul, you know how important scene music is to the game. Horror games rely on music to enhance the scary atmosphere of the game, and adventure games like Jurassic, good background music can also increase the tension of the adventure.

    If as a casual game, Jurassic has the above advantages are enough, but as a T club's AVG masterpiece, its shortcomings have been too obvious.

    First, the scene.

    The scene is the most dissatisfied place, the rigid character clothing, not to mention, looking at the game scene of the plant that the "dog teeth are different" leaves and a variety of scene props like rotten plastic, it is just like playing 3DRPG a few years ago.

    For players who are now becoming more and more picky about the game screen, such a rough scene is obviously impossible to satisfy players. And the definition of Jurassic T club is "story telling", as a story to attract players to the game, I think its game scene should do better.

    It is reported that the development of Jurassic was inspired by the famous AVG game "Heavy Rain", but it has to be admitted that there is no comparison between the two in the picture, the picture of "Heavy Rain" is obviously more detailed and more realistic than Jurassic.

    Second, the gameplay.

    If Jurassic is a failure, then its gameplay is not strong is definitely its most fatal failure, for three reasons.

    First, there are many clues and few useful ones. As an AVG adventure game, it is inevitable that there are many clues to explore in the game. However, although there are many clues that can be explored in the Jurassic, not all of them are necessary to explore. Many scenarios simply need to probe for key clues to continue the story (such as the telescope scene below, where the player clicks on two of the dozens of clues in the field of view to continue the game). In this way, useless clues seem to be deliberately used by the game company to slow down the player's progress in the game, and these useless clues not only do not add to the gameplay, but also cause some players to dislike.

    Second, the game has a lot of actions and a lot of optional actions.

    In the Jurassic, there are many scenes requiring instant operation, in which there will be many key prompts, as AVG game players will of course press the game to improve the key, but in fact, many scenes in the game even if not press the game to improve the key, the game can continue, or even if the game prompts the key game results will not produce any change. Sure, completing all the buttons will get you a higher rating, but Jurassic is not Dance Company X, and AVG Adventures is not a rodeo. Instead of working on this, think about how to make gaming adventures more exciting.

    Third, the game flow is too simple. The reason Jurassic is good enough as a casual game is because if you really play it, you'll find it's over before you've even enjoyed it...

    Unless there is a KO in the game, the story of the game will be straight forward regardless of whether you play according to the prompt or not, and the player's choice will have little impact on the development of the game's story, so is this really AVG?

    Jurassic of these shortcomings, so that players play the game as if watching a small cost of a big movie, shock is shocked, but always feel that there is something wrong in the heart.

    Now released the first part of this game version, according to the news that this work will also have a series of sequels, only hope that in the sequel T club can make the game better, bring players better game fun.

    Text: games website Literature Group -- Zero Literature Guide: Half-Demon Lich

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