games website "Watch Dogs" detailed review: game version "Prism" program

    There have been many people who have said that UBI games look beautiful or the promo is beautiful, but the actual play is completely not the case. Since the release of "Watch Dogs" (at that time also called "Monitor"), many players, including me, are not very optimistic about this game, the early E3 promotion everyone was shocked by the screen, UBI said that this is a PS3 game, we are still lamenting that the PS3 function is unlimited, UBI really black technology ah.

    The result is E3, UBI suddenly announced, in fact, the last time that the contrary picture quality is the next generation version and PC version, although everyone is slightly angry, but finally relieved. After all, the original so-called PS3 promotional video was impossible to think about, and asking the weak current generation to afford such gorgeous graphics was like lying to myself (and the actual graphics of the PS3 and Xbox 360 actually scared the crap out of me, more on that below).

    After E3 is the overwhelming publicity of UBI, and while promoting, do not forget to fight "GTAV", and then "GTAV" as scheduled sale, high praise, the major awards get soft, the number of money in the hand cramp. And UBI on this side of the box is to improve the quality of the ground angry jump ticket for half a year, the actual reason we all understand, to UBI leave some face, after all, everyone out of the mouth to eat, cold and warm know, who is not easy.

    It is not easy to determine the release time, the official version of the trailer, we were once again shocked by the shameless UBI, this picture, with the original good is clearly two different games, from the "watchdog" won the "shrinking dog" title.

    But the player's cynicism does not seem to have any negative impact on UBI, this is not, UBI slowly out to soothe angry players, as long as your configuration is enough, you can enjoy the highest effect of the "watchdog".

    Cool play your sister ah cool play, I5 3450+GTX770+8G memory although it is not a high-end configuration, but the number of frames in the Nima game is super unstable driving will fall into 20 frames This is UBI said cool play?

    Well, you said that this is the problem of piracy crack, when I was ready to pre-purchase the genuine version, once again was impressed by the wit of UBI, the full range of versions impossible to defend ah, this version sent an exclusive task, that version sent a set of clothes, but also a version sent a weapon props package, it seems that UBI good did not learn, with a certain company to do a good job of the game split several parts, And then slowly DLC's attempts to drain players are learning fast.

    以上只是已经预购PS4中文版,然后下载Xbox 360偷跑版的某作者的碎碎念,勿怪~

    The above is just a writer who has pre-ordered the PS4 Chinese version and then downloaded the Xbox 360 pirated version of the broken read, no wonder ~

    In this era of big data that promotes cloud services, we enjoy the convenience brought by the cloud experience, but at the same time, too much privacy and data are exposed to outsiders.

    There was once a puffy, handsome, sunny boy who liked to play with cameras and didn't know much about computer repair technology, which caused a tsunami in the entertainment industry, and himself became the subject of public ridicule and ridicule.

    Once there was an ex-boyfriend because of love, the ex-girlfriend XX video was exposed to the public, the former girlfriend not only did not have a bad reputation, but jumped to become the top car model in China, so love her, please take her to 1024 forum to upload nude photos.

    There is also a famous hot mother actress in China because of suspected indecent video exposure caused her husband to become angry and cursed on Weibo, although the major "professionals" after countless times of comparison verification is not the actress himself, but the misunderstanding and speculation caused by this matter has become countless diaosi dinner talk, "Hi brothers, there is a complete version? I only have a 21-second version of "[email protected], a good man lives in peace."


    Minority Report, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise

    Although these several popular "accidents" are caused by the carelessness of the parties or the malicious retaliation of the third party, from now on, simply protecting the privacy of the personal computer is far from enough.

    On June 6, 2013, the Guardian of Britain and the Washington Post of the United States reported that the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) launched a secret surveillance program code-named "Prism" in 2007 to mine data and collect intelligence directly into the central servers of American Internet companies. Nine international Internet giants, including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Apple, etc., are participating.

    The 10 main categories of information monitored by the program - emails, instant messages, videos, photos, stored data, voice chats, file transfers, video conferencing, login times and details of social networking profiles - are all monitored by the government. Through Prism, the NSA can even monitor a person's ongoing Web searches in real time.

    When the program was revealed, there was a global uproar, although the U.S. government insisted that the program was designed to allow intelligence agencies to "better understand the world" and that it was in the national interest and the safety of its citizens. However, it is undeniable that the PRISM program violates the most basic right to privacy. After all, no one wants to live in a naked environment under surveillance.

    In Infamous: The Second Son, the player also makes fun of this when he controls Dyesin to destroy the city's cameras that spy on people and super-powered polluters. If you think that these are just happening in foreign countries far away from you that is very wrong, from 2011 Tianya forum password leak to 2014 millet forum user data leak, during this period there have been "thorough investigation of male/girlfriend room records", "Ctrip credit card information leak", "wechat indecent video leak" and so on. In an age when your cell phone number is sold for three cents in a package, no one is immune.


    Prism program

    Said so much is not nonsense, because based on free surveillance and data theft as the theme of the movie and animation is not a few (recommended "Nikita", "Destiny Planning Bureau"), but the real theme as the background of the 3A game, UBI's "Watch Dogs" is undoubtedly unique in this no other branch.

    The game takes place in Chicago, Illinois in 2013 (Chicago is the most closely monitored city in the northern city of the United States, with thousands of electronic eyes staring at every corner of Chicago all day long, so it is appropriate to use Chicago as the game background), and the whole city is managed and monitored by a system called CtOS (Central Operating System). It controls almost every electronic network technology and utility transportation system in the city, including traffic lights, barricades, Bridges, cameras, garage doors, cranes, vending machines, safety boxes, steam pipes, underground pipes, cell phones, computers, ATMs, trains, and more.

    By obtaining the data and information of every citizen, even through the filtering and analysis of different call records, to achieve the warning and intervention of potential crimes like the Minority Report starring Tang Shuai.

    It can be said that it is the real experience of the game version of the "Prism" program, but this time we are no longer playing the vulnerable groups in the monitored side, of course, as the theoretical "villain" government surveillance side we do not care to play, this time we want to be a lonely hacker hero who uses CtOS vulnerability to invade the system, but the enemy. Use unique means to find out the truth of the murder of the family and punish the perpetrators!

    The game opens with protagonist Aiden Pierce and his geek hippie uncle Tinky Grady hacking into a bank but failing to escape capture in a linear dive scene, and gives the player basic game operations through a sci-fi levitating UI prompt similar to "Ghost Ops". It simply points out the basic gameplay idea of the game - it is to hack all electronic devices that can be hacked through the smartphone in the hands of the protagonist to facilitate all activities of the player.

    Of course, due to the narrow indoor environment and the main task requirements, the opening section gives the player a feeling of "cell division" under the guise of science fiction, but after the player dives out of the drag racing escape scene through the opening section, a grand real game picture will gradually unfold in front of the player.

    Players in the city of Chicago mission activities, although not 1:1 Chicago city, but the game on the famous buildings, roads and areas are all restored. The biggest highlight of the game is that it perfectly restores a real and vivid free world.

    Previous sandbox games, although quite a high degree of freedom, but most due to technology and their own problems can not be the most important element of the city - ordinary citizens to perfectly restore. Take the two sandbox exclusive games I recently lost platinum PS4, Such as Dragon: Reform and Infamous: Second Son, in the former, in addition to providing Saito-ichi with some side tasks, the Japanese people under the end of the curtain era carry out activities in accordance with the planned route of the system, while the latter is more simple, and will not even provide tasks, in addition to mechanical walking and Shouting, even the most basic AI does not have. I'm here with the DUP and I'm having a hell of a time killing each other with all my powers while I'm having a cool drink and talking.

    In Watch Dogs, there are more than 3000 different character models, and each citizen has about 500 lines of dialogue. Simply put, it is almost impossible for you to meet the same NPC in the game, even with different accents and so on. In order to correct the mistakes in the lines that do not conform to the local language habits, The game brought in local game producers from Chicago to work on the game.

    When you walk down the corner of Michigan Avenue and Adams Street, you feel like you blend in. On the surface, the player is a middle-aged "phubbing" addicted to smartphones, in fact, every passing pedestrian's name, resume, age, occupation, income are clearly understood by the player.

    This little girl passing by is a pizza clerk who earns less than $2W5 a year and is enjoying a long-distance relationship. The suave, successful man passing by earns $20 a year, but has a history of cheating and drug abuse. A beautiful young actress is sued for sexual harassment, and a balding middle-aged uncle has two gay partners.

    Everyone has all kinds of secrets that they don't want the outside world to know, and this FIG leaf provides a good cover for the men and women who are beautiful on the outside, but in front of our Aiden, everyone is naked, and these bad guys don't like it?

    Just hack their money and take it out of the ATM. Such a setting satisfies ordinary people's desire for the privacy of others. Just imagine, in real life, when we walk on the street with many pedestrians, have we ever guessed the identity of the beautiful little girl passing by us and the second generation of X at a glance?

    In the process of collecting information on ordinary citizens, we can carry out a very interesting side mission - crime warning, for those citizens who are potentially inclined to commit crimes, we can intervene before the actual crime has occurred, such as shooting him in the leg when he is running away, or a close stick to blow his dog's head. The gun shooting feels good when fighting, and the number of guns is also more, pistols, submachine guns, rifles, shotguns, sniper guns, grenade launchers, projectiles and so on.

    The personalized actions of ordinary citizens in the game are also very much, including arguing, making out, chatting and bragging, and they will also make corresponding dynamic reactions to the events in the game.

    For example, when there is a car accident, they have to watch, take photos, call the police and even help before the meeting, etc. (Determined by the player's reputation system, in short, it is less collision, less killing innocent people, citizens have unique feelings for the player to manipulate the city's information system, crack the signal light and camera behavior.

    Both their positive and negative feelings affect the protagonist's reputation pointer, which changes based on the protagonist's behavior. If Aiden has a positive reputation, the media will be more likely to ignore when the main character commits a crime. Aiden's Allies won't change their attitude toward him either, and if the citizens believe the player is a good person, it will be easier to enter more areas of the city). Make the player feel as if they are living in a real city full of life, rather than a puppet city like the "torture archetype" and "notorious".

    The response of the public to the emergency situation is also very real and even a little too real. I bought a M107 sniper rifle from the weapons store, and just pulled it out of the crotch of my pants to feel it, not far away, a middle-aged woman was scared and shouted directly to the police......

    If you do not successfully organize the citizen's alarm, then sorry, the CtOS will slowly locate you and quickly arrest you, and then you will have to flee to your death - either by car or on foot. The driving part as the most important part of the sandbox game, "Watch Dogs" is not too good, the game more than 75 different vehicles, from motorcycles to cars, retro, off-road, SUV, sports cars, etc., have different physical mechanisms, but the driving feel is really some poor.

    And the main mission is a lot of shoot-to-sneak driving, each mission has a variety of routes for you to choose. Players can choose to wave their guns and rush in, as Aiden has a special "concentration bar", which can be used to slow down time and avoid injury in a firefight. But Aiden can also launch a strategic attack. This is where hacking skills come in handy.

    Players can access other people's phones to get passwords, control other devices to confuse guards, and control elevators. This is all done elegantly in the game.

    The whole environment in the game is very realistic. Different from the slightly stupid police cars in GTAV, the police cars in Watch Dogs are not only surprisingly fast and AI is very high, all kinds of encirclement and interception are impossible to prevent, of course, players will not sit still, in the escape process can cause traffic jams by invading traffic lights, invading barricades to cause obstacles to the captors, invading steam pipes to create small explosions, and so on.

    Of course, the game can provide greater convenience for the players in the game by learning different skills, these skills include fighting, handwork, driving, hacking four aspects, is also the four focus of the game. Combat and driving mentioned above, handmade items can be made of props including grenades, improvised explosive devices, etc.

    Hacking is the biggest difference between the game and other games, each area has a red hexagon CtOS tower displayed on the map, similar to the "Assassin's Creed" synchronous overlook, only unlock the CtOS tower invasion of the area and then will come out of various side lines or mini-games. There are many side quests, such as driving missions, stopping crime, and so on.

    There are a lot of mini-games in the game, such as drinking competitions or uploading viruses. There is an AR virtual reality game is very interesting, and there are clothing stores, convenience stores, prop shops, restaurants to provide services for players, players spend money to buy clothes, food and drinks, etc., the content is quite rich, I hope you can have a good experience in the game. In particular, the clothing store in the game sells a variety of windbreakers, and several U.S. Army digital camouflage clothes are very beautiful.

    Finally, the game screen, this generation of console version of the screen is terrible to see, a variety of bad stickers let players can not help but doubt whether overnight back to the PS2 era, physical effects can be said to be extreme, can not break wine bottles, 10 guns are not bad computer monitors, super crash-resistant sports cars, how to install can not break the windshield, like a child graffiti fake bullet holes, A car hitting a pedestrian feels like stepping on ants.

    All movements in the game are original design, except for swimming and free falling movements from Assassin's Creed, other running, climbing, jumping, sliding, dodging movements are very natural.

    The game has real-time day and night cycles and real weather systems, heavy rain or strong winds will have different effects on the city, citizens and so on. The PC version of the picture is good, but there is no good optimization of the N card, the frame number is very unstable, hovering between 20-40, and the frame number falls when chasing cars and exploding.


    Look at this flying wall of leaves


    The water surface effect


    It's a sharp contrast between the console and PC versions

    In general, this "Watch Dogs" is a good reflection of Ubisoft's creative and technical strength, although the main task is not too bright, there are some details are not satisfactory, such as driving feel.

    Many places can feel the presence of other big titles (such as Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed, etc.) after all, in terms of experience and investment can not compete with the R-Star "GTA" series, but we can feel a unique gameplay style and experience in the game, and this experience has never been exposed before.

    Coupled with the rich game content (do not do the main story only wandering around the street to do small tasks to play the game can make you want to stop), interesting multiplayer mode, I think, when the game is officially released, it will have a significant impact on the entire game industry.

    Everyone's heart will have some little secrets, these are the privacy that we are not far from exposing in front of everyone, so we should pay attention to the confidentiality of personal information, beware of the next "XX door" event into your own protagonist.

    On the other hand, in this inclusive and open world, if you want to do something shady behind the scenes, remember the sentence "people are doing, the day is watching", there is no God I do not know, but behind you, there may be countless pairs of visible and invisible "eyes" are watching you!

    No introduction yet....

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