Best style game since Diablo 2! games website "Road of Exile" review

    Path of Exile, a dark online game developed by New Zealand-based game maker Grinding Gear Games, has been introduced by Tencent and is now in private beta. The Route to Exile Diablo father David was involved in the planning and production of the game, which was widely praised as the most Diablo II flavor of the successor.

    As one of the first lucky people to get the activation code, we are the first time to bring you a first-hand review of the Road to Exile.

    The successor to the dark style

    After entering the battle, the old players of the Dark series can easily get the familiar intimacy - the general direction has the 2.5D fixed Angle of view, the dark scene and the picture style, the scary and strange monsters, the depressing plot and narrative mode, the familiar feel, etc., the small aspects have a series of details of the game, such as red and blue blood cells, the tab key to open the big map, the red and blue blood. Equip interfaces, wrap grids, transfer points and transfer scrolls, etc. These small details are too "dark", let people quickly into the atmosphere of the game, unconsciously addicted to it.


    The picture of the Road of Exile is a realistic style of the European and American picture, due to the relationship between the Angle of view and the dark style, it seems very rough at first glance, but if the lens is close, the modeling, light and shadow effects and special effects are still very good. The animation of torches burning, the texture of the characters' skin, the effect of rain hitting the fence and flowing down the river are all remarkable.

    Of course, the images of the Path of Exile are not comparable to the first masterpieces, and they do not reach the height of Diablo III. But given the capacity of just 8 Gs, this quality is very satisfactory.

    Overall, the Road of Exile picture is likely to be polarizing, which will be easily accepted by players who like this realistic style, but not necessarily by players who are used to Japanese and Korean MOE style.

    Gems and equipment selection

    In the Path of Exile, equipment and gems are common to all classes. There are two types of gemstones, skill gemstones and auxiliary gemstones. Skill stones require corresponding attributes to be worn, while auxiliary stones enhance skill stones, resulting in ever-changing effects. Studying the matching of gems is one of the great pleasures of the game.

    Gems need to be placed in the slot of the device to be effective. There are slots in different colors on the equipment, corresponding to different colors of gems, as long as the inlay can instantly get the skill effect. There is no limit to the setting and removal of gems and they can be replaced at any time. In addition, after the skill gem is set, the skill can also gain experience and upgrade with the killing of monsters.

    Talent tree system

    The first time you open this system, you may be stunned by the sheer amount of talent - in the Path of Exile, the talent is common to all classes, of course, depending on the class, your talent will start at different points. You can get one talent point per level, and you can use the talent points to create a class that is only yours.

    There are several core talents scattered throughout the talent tree that have powerful abilities and can even change the way your class fights. Thinking carefully about which talent to tap first is a struggle for many novice players.

    An innovative currency system

    There is no concept of money in the Path of Exile, instead there are 23 currencies. This currency can be used to fight monsters or to collect equipment and sell it to merchants. Coins have different functions, some can be exchanged for equipment, some can authenticate items, and some can even change the quality of equipment, mosaics, attributes, and so on.

    Smooth and refreshing combat system

    For the Diablo series of games, brushing is the biggest theme of the game. So the combat system becomes the most important thing, if the combat is not refreshing and boring, then the other aspects of the game do not qualify.

    In terms of combat, the road of exile performance is perfect, feel very close to Diablo 2, fighting without a catch, like flowing water, a wave of various monsters with aoe skills to strafe up feeling full of fun. The boss has different skills and attack methods, which need to be carefully output, and the return after victory is also very rich.

    Freely available equipment, weapons, skills, and talents make the Path of Exile's skill sets almost endless, and you can create a variety of fighting styles to destroy enemies.

    Initial process

    The game Chinese is very perfect, after entering the game career selection interface, each career will have a different voice to cooperate with the introduction. As the main character, you are a hapless exile to the ghost island of Valkras. In the initial interface, there are six classes to choose from: Templar Monk, Assassin, Barbarian, Ranger, Duelist and Mage, and one class noble unlocked after passing the third chapter.

    In fact, there is no need to be too entangled in the occupation on the road to exile, because the equipment and gems are universal, and the early stage can choose a convenient occupation that is easy to use.

    Bowman sister head marked for novice experience, so my first occupation chose the bowman. After waking up on the beach next to a guy who looks like a companion, the unlucky guy says a few words before the zombies kill him.

    Go all the way, kill the first small boss outside the town, and enter the town to hand over the mission. Then get the mission to get the medicine chest and move on to the next map.

    A little initial advice

    1, what equipment with what, skills with gems on the line. It is best to choose a group attack gem in the early stage, because there are many small monsters.

    2, the burst of equipment do not let go of the red, green and blue three-color equipment, there are hidden rules in the road of exile to sell shops, specific equipment to sell shops will be exchanged for a lot of gems, such as three-color can be changed to an early stone. No other equipment to pick up, waste of time.

    3, the first difficulty is relatively simple, the difficulty in the future needs to pile resistance and blood amount, especially resistance, priority to choose high resistance equipment.

    The game can be viewed at any time to help, there are various players need to know the knowledge.

    Mall system has a variety of weapon effects, wings, pets and so on, basically are visual special effects. It doesn't affect game balance. Of course, warehouse pages are a must.

    One thought: Path of Exile paid special attention to the core concept of brush brush when making, in addition to monster design and treasure dropping, many new systems exist for this purpose. For example, blood bottles and blue bottles do not need to be purchased or picked up, but have been changed to a similar way of charging, and the reduced part of the kill will be automatically replenished after use.

    For example, the general equipment store can only change a small number of pieces, due to the limitation of the package, the screening of the equipment becomes very important, the general equipment is not worth picking up, the selling store will waste the time to go back and forth.

    In addition, the road to exile is almost only the main story, there are no many branch lines to be bothered by the player, and you do not have to worry about whether you have missed a task location, should not look back and so on. All in all, minimize the other factors that the player needs to worry about besides fighting monsters and explosive equipment, and focus on the battle and the mood of expecting to reveal the best equipment. Judging by the results, the strategy has been very successful.

    It's a perfect descendant of the Diablo lineage, and probably the best Diablo style game since Diablo II. During the two hours of the review, I was completely free of the boredom of brushing the game, but was always interested, constantly looking forward to the next equipment burst out of the moment. If you are a diehard fan of the Dark series, Path of Exile is definitely an online game you can't miss.

    No introduction yet....

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