"Double point Hospital" PS4 version evaluation: a director does not study medicine, to study K line

    Before the game began, I was full of thinking about the doctor benevolence hanging pot to help the world, Huatuo Bian Magpie Li Shizhen predecessors on, bless the younger generation of Danxin cure pain magic hand back to life. After a while, I forgot all the seniors, just want to make money, why, you want to open several hospitals, you do.


    This year everything can be simulated operation, from the old farmers facing the loess, to the harvester driver running roughshod in the endless wheat field, from the island dictator who intrigued with the world forces, to the director of the Kambala Universe Research and Development Center who holds the power of life and death, players can almost find a "XX simulation, XX management" game anywhere.

    But even so, a sentence of "please patients don't die in the corridor" also made "two-point hospital" qualified to stand out, and the ubiquitous parody, authentic business play and "hospital simulation game from your time, the best picture quality" several major advantages successfully succeeded.


    Well, now I entered the "double point hospital", ready to take over the responsibility of president, although a novice, but after all, has been a dictatorship of the island, but also go to the grassroots to farm, operate a hospital? Well, I guess I can.

    "Welcome to... Brave New World. Oh, sorry, I got the wrong script. Welcome to... Two-point Hospital."

    After being greeted by a slightly mistaken consultant, I began to lay out the first hospital with the attitude of a new official. The reception office for receiving guests, the comprehensive consultation room for asking the disease, the ward for receiving patients, can be built on the whole, the foundation can be built, and the service for patients is also for the people, naturally the more basic the more can benefit many people.

    Recruitment meritocracy, the higher the salary, the better, young people dare to eat so many meals, the bowl must be not small. Look at this resume dense, scientific research permission, psychological doctor qualification, work enthusiasm is all over the place, although I wrote what a "total card off when the old ghost", but it doesn't matter, who doesn't like the generalist, I already have the picture of his white and black rotation in the future.


    The partner was invigorated by the patient's 50% mortality rate

    I thought this would open a hospital, but it didn't quite work out that way.

    High staff salaries push hospitals into debt every payday; On the contrary, the existence of "generalists" reduces the efficiency of medical practice; Not paying attention to the discharge order of the room causes congestion; Without a staff break room, the whole staff will slow down. Too many pits are hidden in the seemingly simple rules of the game, and the first question the player considers is definitely not the granted "I want to open a hospital", but "how do I not go bankrupt".


    You always have a second turnover option, loan shark

    Because there is no need to spend extra money on medical equipment maintenance, doctor-patient dispute resolution and overhead, the hospital's income and expenditure become clearer. As a dean, you just have to be careful not to let your fixed payday on the first of every month become your bankruptcy day.

    When I first became dean, I brought in a diverse group of people. I always meet the promotion needs of these veterans on time, and even because I see that the hospital still has enough cash, every time I raise the salary in the promotion to the point where they smile.

    It wasn't until the first of the month, when the funds suddenly went negative, that I suddenly became aware that something was wrong with the hospital. With the question of "why is it losing money when everything is running smoothly", I quickly found the reason: employees are paid too much.


    Unlike reality, I can't deduct people's wages, and every time employees get promoted, they will ask for a raise, and they will only be happy if the raise is 40 to 50 percent higher than the original. After a reading of the file, I chose another way to improve employee happiness.

    Instead of accepting their demand for a raise that will never be met, I set up all the benefits of a "big factory" for each workspace and break room in response to their "hungry, thirsty, cold, dirty, tired" needs, including coffee makers, snack cans, heating, and potted plants. Each room is configured to level 5, and the staff must be happy and assured, so that there is no work efficiency.

    Of course, I'm sorry they asked for a raise. I turned down their request for a raise before I could train them in new skills, and even if it did come at all, the bare minimum would have been more than enough. Really some people can not go on to mention leaving, for the thorn to give some benefits, he should stay, do not leave me to replace cultivation, this year, a sea of young people went to the upward. The hospital does need you, of course, but not without you.


    What does an employee like that need her for?

    The recruitment process must be very careful, the label states that the negative "limp", "unhappy" and "money is not enough" are excluded, and those with "can do a dollar" and "optimism" are vigorously cultivated. I wish all employees came from the assembly line, the whole body "positive energy", as long as they are good at obeying orders and listening to commands is the best.

    In the above links, the most difficult is often not to adjust the salary of each employee, but the problem of "designing a level 5 room".

    "Double point Hospital" room design is very particular, a 3X3, 3X4 room can be put into how many different kinds of objects, after playing you will get more extreme cognition. Because the system limits you to not disorderly, there is neither beautiful nor reasonable room, so the placement of each object must follow the principle of not blocking the way and not interfering with each other. In addition, the overall area of the hospital is limited, and it is indeed a bit of the feeling of "taking the wood of diameter and inch as the palace and utensils" in the Nuclear Boat story.


    However, the biggest difficulty of the PS4 version is not in the overall planning of the design, but to maximize the income of those individual rooms.

    For example, if the people in the Nuclear Boat are carving boats with needles, then we have to carve boats with handles. This is really a bit difficult, the handle requires you to use a rocker to move around and rotate back and forth on the small 1/4 block, and if you are not careful, you have to carry out the tedious process of "placing failure → canceling placement → moving the original object → placing success". If you compare it with keyboard and mouse operation, it's like you're playing against the same level keyboard and mouse player in Color 6 with a gamepad.


    So sometimes you have to give up some "aesthetic" considerations and "make do" with the practical pendulum. This to a certain extent, the treatment of players suffering from "alignment obsessive-compulsive disorder", in line with the theme of game treatment.

    As we all know, the number of game players are a little sick, what "Epic no horse" disease, "Nintendo the first in the world" disease, "confused host PC suddenly spray" disease and so on. While I don't think the developers are trying to cure OCD players, there are a lot of strange diseases in the two-point hospital, so even this "malicious" idea is not surprising.


    Charge full

    After the fire of "Please the patient not to die in the corridor", followed by the number of strange diseases that let people understand the "Two-point hospital", and thanks to the excellent localization, many foreign words can also be understood by players in Chinese context.

    Patients wearing an iron pot on their heads is called "epidemic pot disease"; The patient's head becomes a light bulb, and the lamp head needs to be clipped off by a machine for physical head replacement treatment, which is called "bald head disease"; Patients because of anxiety caused by "skin and clothing color loss," the doctor has to put him on the color machine, red, yellow and blue paint spray to "find the color," which is called "fading disease."


    He also has "intestinal anger."

    The bizarre design of the disease successfully creates a ridiculous atmosphere during the play, but this design is not only for absurd entertainment, we can clearly see from the facilities near the hospital, which contains a kind of satire against the folly of human beings.

    Because the surrounding terrain is rugged and suitable for playing extreme sports, there are always people who keep breaking bones in the hospital; A hospital where a failed chemical experiment left nothing to grow or even exposed patients; The surrounding buildings are always emitting polluting gases, causing the street trees to remain dark yellow and the grass to be grey green. The player's job is never to warn people about dangerous sports, cancel chemical experiments and shut down pollution sources, but to expand the influence of the hospital and treat more and more patients.


    Rather than telling you "this is not right," the developer hides a deeper thought behind the game, trying not to "make the player think about cultural phenomena such as public health or pop fanatic" on the surface, but to design the opposite, allowing the player to find some "immoral" but "feasible" options to make choices, and finally come up with their own answers.

    After "saving money" by satisfying the staff's "happiness" requirement, I began to manipulate the hospital department, which refers to the degree of freedom that exists in the simulation business game, everyone has the probability to find different solutions to the same problem, and my solution is very common, anyone can think of that.

    When my patients lined up in front of the department, although they will not infect each other (then I will not play), but considering the impact of these "low-value patients" on the hospital revenue, I closed the treatment cost is low and time-consuming, there is no "cost-effective" such as "psychological treatment room" departments, all replaced with fast money, high income like "radiology" and "X-ray".


    Patients who "consciously" go home

    Although the assistant repeatedly suggested that I reopen these departments, but I still very decisively refused to those "do not come to the money" patients, compared to the hard work of new departments, I prefer to choose "let them go home", out of sight, out of mind, he does not die in the double point, naturally has nothing to do with me.

    After playing three or four hospitals, I finally mastered the skill of "looking at the K-line graph". In order to increase patients' happiness, I vigorously optimize the hospital environment, making services like snack machines cheap and "high" to raise the price of treatment so that they will pay.


    In order to increase the profit of the diagnostic process, I arranged a group of doctors who were not outstanding but were obedient and paid less. In order to make the hospital famous, I made every effort to develop the Marketing Department, and vigorously trained marketing talents to control publicity and promotion; In order to speed up the treatment process, I reduced diagnostic accuracy, which increased the risk of patient death, but an army of staff with ghost catching skills ensured that they "went into the vacuum cleaner," which is not good for high-value living clients.


    Another year-end award is coming, although my hospital "missed" the "Zero death" award again this year, but won the "most prestigious hospital", I am not talented, also repeatedly won the "best Employer of the year", is really gratifying, gratifying.

    Yeah, it's a fucking game.

    No introduction yet....

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