Dragon 7 review: The gains and losses of turn-based RPGS

    The game experience of "such as Dragon 7" can be roughly divided into three stages of fun, boredom and moving with the length of the game.

    The interesting point is that this time the "Like a Dragon" series, in the name of a legitimate sequel, has made an incredible change - from the original hard-core action game to a turn-based RPG.


    Turn-based combat

    This change is bold, surprising, and risky, because to some extent, making such a radical change to the core combat system of the game will certainly cause opposition from some fans of the series, and will also face the question of whether new players can accept it - which is a less equal gamble.

    Of course, for the "such as dragon" series, no matter how unequal this gamble is, it must be taken. After "Such as the Dragon 6: The Poem of Life" fell into bondage, "Such as the Dragon 7: The Direction of Light and dark" this time to make changes, is necessary, is forced to do, is not broken and difficult to stand behind. The story of "back pot man" Tung Sheng a horse has come to an end, and the fatigue of "Such as Dragon 6" has also become clear, and the "Such Dragon" series urgently needs a new protagonist to take over the mantle of "orthodox sequel" - not "Such a Dragon: See", not "Such a Dragon: The End", nor "Such a Dragon: The End". "Reform" such as the nature of the work, but a new work can bring vitality to the series.


    Like a Dragon 7: Where Light and Dark Go

    Fortunately, this time, "such as Dragon 7" delivered a satisfactory answer. Although there are many mistakes and immaturity on this answer sheet, as a new starting point, "Ru Long 7" is undoubtedly excellent.

    And the most eye-catching part of this answer sheet must be the new protagonist Haruhi.


    Take a good look at this hair in spring, and you won't see it after a while

    This first appeared in the Online game "such as dragon Online" in the protagonist, well assumed the role of the link between the past and the next. Remember I said above that the interesting point of this "such as Dragon 7" is the change of combat mechanics, so how can a turn-based RPG game in a modern setting be interesting and not seem so out of touch with reality?

    The answer is a spring day.

    Haruhi, a new protagonist, cleverly acts as a glue between the two elements of a modern setting and a turn-based RPG, allowing the two to blend seamlessly.


    The origin of a strange spring hairstyle

    From the perspective of the story background of the characters, the spring day continues the tradition of the "such as dragon" series, and plays a "back pot" drama. But with the difference between Kirosheng and Yima, Haruhi did not have that bitter hatred, but also more like an ordinary person - although as a gangster, occasionally cheat and play, but in addition to valuing the benevolence and justice on the road, will also give ordinary people to fight injustice, maintain a pure heart, while loving the "brave Dragon", Still holding a dream of becoming a "brave man".


    Cabin Talk: How about being a brave man?

    It is also these characteristics that have greatly changed the overall tone of "Such as Dragon 7". This change in tone, if I have to describe it, it can probably be compared to the previous "Like Dragon" series, director Takeshi Kitano's "Extremely evil", and the current "Like Dragon 7", is similar to Yuichi Fukuda's "The Brave Yoshihiko and the City of the Devil" and other Japanese dramas, full of Japanese humor and exaggerated forms of expression, but also at various key moments, Show just enough blood to tease your nerves.


    Cabin talk: Then become a brave man!

    These characteristics of the spring Day gave the production team of "such as Dragon 7" the opportunity to show their strength.

    Because Haruichi likes "Dragon Quest", the biggest change in "Like Dragon 7" - turn-based combat mode has become natural, and because Haruichi has always wanted to be "brave", so by Haruichi will be delusional this setting, the production team naturally put a lot of RPG elements into the game. All of this makes sense to form the "Such as Dragon 7" that we see now - the main character Haruhi a freelance job to become a "brave", with the homeless Namba, the fired detective Adachi, the former nightclub mother Saoko formed a team, in Yokohama Isesaki town adventure. This plot trend is very rare in the past "Such as Dragon", but all this is put into "Such as Dragon 7", but it is not wrong. After all, the team of the "brave" always starts from the weak.


    What's wrong with a warrior fighting with a massage stick?

    With this foundation in place, the answer to what a turn-based RPG in a modern setting would do is clear.

    In the course of the game, the main character will encounter a variety of different enemies, because of the fantasy of a spring, these enemies have a variety of strange images, careers and skills. Take the frequently encountered enemy "spirit rapper" as an example, in addition to regular attacks, but also through the ability to "give you a rap" to reduce your MP value.


    The "spiritual rapper" attack

    And the protagonist's line of people, naturally, also has the skills that fit the profession. Spring day as a brave, you can unite with your companions, launch friendship skills "extreme strong attack"; Nambo as a vagrant, bad breath attack is no problem; And former police officer Adachi and former nightclub mother Sangsa Eiko, can use their own carriers of baton and handbag attack. The design ideas of skills are full of unique ingenuity and imagination, but they are not completely divorced from reality.


    Hard skills

    And this design idea can be seen everywhere in "Such as Dragon 7".

    The labyrinth of sewers under the town of Isesaki in Yokohama has become a familiar maze in RPG games; Treasure chests, which used to be seen everywhere in RPG games, have become various safes; Even the popular "treasure box monster" has become a pervert hidden in a safe.


    The pervert hiding in the safe

    On top of that, Dragon 7 adheres strictly to the design guidelines of an RPG, and it has everything an RPG should have.

    From the colorful transfer system, to the six-dimensional attribute system of Spring Day, to the equipment building system, "such as Dragon 7" is undoubtedly a qualified RPG game.


    Six dimensional attribute system

    But it's just qualified.

    As I said above, the game experience of "Like Dragon 7" will be divided into three stages of fun, boredom and moving with the length of the game. For the first 15 hours, the game experience brought by "Such as Dragon 7" is interesting enough, a variety of tentative Settings on the edge of reality will always make you feel fresh, and love and small games can effectively lengthen your game time, but after 15 hours, these shallow system mechanics are a little boring.


    Branch option system

    The source of this irritation is the limitations of Dragon 7 as a turn-based RPG.

    First of all, let's put aside the change of "such as dragon 7" in the combat system, and look at the nature of "such as Dragon 7", you will find that this is still an original "such as dragon", in addition to a series of warm blood touched by a spring day because of the character, the overall plot trend is still that "horizontal Spielberg" flavor, it is difficult to say what surprises there will be. Especially the dividing line of about 15 hours of game flow that I said above, here, the plot of "such as Dragon 7" has become a little sluggish instead of the compact and smooth opening.


    The first three chapters pack a punch

    If the performance of the plot is only normal, then I mentioned the system mechanism problem, I am afraid that is the main source of boredom.

    To this "such as dragon 7" the most important change for example, the turn-based combat system at the beginning of the hand, whether it is rhythm or feel, people feel satisfied. But it soon became apparent that the turn-based combat system had all sorts of problems.

    "Like Dragon 7" adopts the classic ATB turn-based combat system, all the participating characters will act in sequence according to the action order, and "Like Dragon 7" in order to ensure that the battle can follow the rhythm of the past "Like Dragon" and the striking sense, in the ATB turn-based combat system, add a lot of randomness and immediate response.


    ATB turn-based combat system

    For example, if there is something like a billboard on the attack route during the attack, then we will pick up the billboard to attack, and the attack will also get a damage bonus. Similarly, if there is an enemy in the path of the attack, then the attack may be aborted because of the enemy trip. Dynamic enemy positions blur the distinction between individual and group skills, and individual skills can also become group skills because of their attack range, as long as they are used in the right place. And most of the skill design, have joined a certain QTE system, if you can follow the prompts to press the QTE, then the damage of the skill will also be increased.

    This combat system is very interesting when you first get started. How to make your character ordinary attack play a greater effect? How to let their individual skills hurt more people? How do I press QTE? Things you might want to dig into at first. But pretty soon, you get bored, and then you get irritable.

    The reason for this is the lack of depth in the combat system. We can pick up things in the attack line to enhance the attack, and we can use individual skills in the right position to deal group damage, which is all very nice, but we have no way to control our position. Please note that both the enemy and us, each person's position is random and irregular, which means that if you want to use individual skills to "kill two birds with one stone", it is a matter of luck and patience. This is acceptable in the early stages of the game when the novelty has not worn off, but as the game progresses, the repetition of this process of luck and patience is a torment for the player.


    Under attack

    The lack of depth in the combat system is not only reflected here, the game's skill design is also difficult to say. In the course of the game, you will find that no matter how many skills, and then fancy, you will walk on the "three consecutive standard + lucky fist + fire breathing" of the migrant workers in three consecutive. This also reflects the fact that although the game profession is diverse, it is essentially lacking in differentiation - "Such as Dragon 7" provides more than a dozen occupations to choose from, but most of them are very similar.


    A seemingly diverse career

    In addition to the problems with the combat system, there are also many flaws in the overall process.

    The number and depth of branch lines are lacking; The overall flow curve is not smooth - in the normal flow, you will encounter the story BOSS who must be blocked, and you need to upgrade the arena to reach the threshold of defeat; The lack of diversity in the weapon system, the final weapon is their own initial weapon to strengthen, and all the excessive weapons in the middle will eventually be useless; The design of the underground maze can be said to be smelly, long, and no fun; Additional gameplay features also lack depth, both in terms of running the company and the so-called "Underworld Pokemon" - which is essentially a graphic system without the collection or combat features we once imagined.


    "Underworld Pokemon"

    When these issues come to the surface, you'll find that Dragon 7 is not as fun as it was when you first started. Because of the lack of experience of the production team, the whole RPG system mechanism appears to be quite "empty", the overall plot is more than the previous work - but the previous work is fucking "such as dragon 6" ah - but in the face of the "Such as Dragon 0: The Land of Vows", it is still difficult to look at its back.

    But that's not to say that Dragon 7 isn't fun. Do you remember how I divided the Dragon 7 experience into three stages? After the fun and boring, ushered in is moved.


    Wang Dao's speech

    When you go through those stages that are not interesting, brush off the card, and usher in the last three chapters of the plot, you will find that no matter how much worry in front of you, it is no longer a problem. Whether it is narrative rhythm or plot performance, the last three chapters are back to the beginning of the level, the standard Japanese drama blood bridge although conventional, but still can make you cry. I won't go into this part too much to avoid harming your experience, but I can still say that your expectation of old and new friends coming together is not delusional.

    Therefore, the answer paper of "Ru Long 7" is qualified - it can even be said that it is excellent. And the spring day, also shows the very excellent quality of the protagonist. Perhaps, in the near future, we can witness a period of legends belonging to the spring.

    As for that countless people talk about Kazuma Kiyonsei, please let him rest. Let the man who never gave up, give his flag to the spring.

    At least for now, a spring day is enough to qualify.

    No introduction yet....

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