"Ghost Fight" Steam edition review: "pure" fighting game

    Since June 2018, "Ghost Fight" has spent two years, from the name to the skin all changed again, looking like a 2 generation, if it was not sold by the strong UI of mobile games, I would think that "Ghost Fight" is a native PC platform independent game.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    It looked like some kind of shadow fight

    It has the unique temperament of many independent games, the screen of the sword is biased, the small and delicate gameplay, the price of the people walk and the purchase of zero micro-transactions, and the identity of the mobile game transplant is very different. It can be seen that the production team of "Ghost Fight" also has a rebellious spirit, such a mobile game with no krypton gold potential, which capital can be expected to give generously? This can only be the result of one's own stubbornness. "Ghost Fight" also chooses the most challenging fighting theme in gameplay, new players are not good to get started, old players are not good to serve, it is difficult to really do everything.

    Despite the many possible causes of childbirth, the game is still made, the action design and system are commendable, although not perfect, but to find the basic positioning of a fighting game.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    It's not a good transplant

    Ugly words say in the front, the PC side of the "Ghost fight" transplant is very basic, basically the level of can play, and the breath of shortage can be seen from the game UI at a glance. Including menu Settings, start the game, game store and other function keys are typical touch screen optimization distribution, at 1080P resolution, open the functions need to slide the mouse repeatedly click operation. It works, but the interactive experience is really unpleasant.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    There are no problems with configuration optimization. Unity engine 3D ink rendering screen relative to the mobile terminal basically has no room to rise, but fortunately on the 1080P large screen will not appear serious jagged and blurred problems. At the same time, the game has achieved a stable operation of 60 frames, no matter how dynamic and static, the number of special effects can ensure absolute fluency, which has reached the most important standard of a fighting game.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    Compared with these secondary factors, the inconvenience of "Ghost Fight" in operation control is the biggest problem of this transplant.

    Although the game provides two sets of operation modes of keyboard and controller, but did not give any form of customization options, there is no problem with the controller, but for keyboard players with diversified operation habits, directly throwing 6 buttons with different functions to players who have just started, obviously will cause some unhappiness during the learning period.

    Take myself as an example, when I used to play KOF with the simulator, I liked to set the heavy punches and heavy feet on I and O, and the light punches and light feet J and K were distributed diagonally. Because my index finger is one section shorter than my middle finger, and I usually like to put my index finger on the light J, so I can't press the U above the J in time, so I set the heavy punch on the middle finger I instead of U, so the reaction time will be shorter. "Ghost Fight" does not give such a setting option, resulting in me pressing the U button at first will be very uncomfortable, in fact, after I get used to it, I actually do not feel comfortable.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    In short, the PC version of "Ghost Fight" can definitely play, and there is no problem whether it is feel or frame number, if you can solve the key problem is better, and the UI is actually not a problem.

    Another interesting thing about the UI is that the team actually created a custom button system for the gamepad and keyboard, which is the common console game menu mode where you select options with the arrow keys and use the space bar to confirm them. Then I tried, from the beginning of entering the game, with a simple click on the arrow key and space bar method, open the menu of key Settings need a full 15 keys, and change the mouse is left click 2 things...

    In contrast, I think as long as you can use the mouse point, mobile game UI is not inconvenient.

    Excellent motion system

    The fighting system of "Ghost Fight" can be described with the five viscera, there are all of them, and there is no lack of their own things, easy to use and difficult to master at the same time, with good playability.

    First of all, the game uses the "Mortal Kombat" style key operation, the move and the joint move are based on the rhythmic key sequence, does not involve the complex rocker rub, is actually the cross key + fist = the logic of the move. Moves in the game have been intuitively simplified to take care of touch.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    Press ↓ to prevent attacks in the middle and lower segments at the same time

    For example, the dragon in the general fighting game general instruction →↓→+ boxing moves, in the "ghost fight" is a simple ↑+ boxing, and Nintendo Brawls have the same song with the same work. Even newcomers can easily use tactics like wave upflow, rather than being shut out by a daunting operating threshold. As the player gets deeper, it's natural to explore more complex strategies and gameplay.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    The long horse segment still has a strong rhythm requirement

    Strictly speaking, "Ghost Fight" can also be counted as A six-key fighting game, light attack A and heavy attack B with different directions can perform different moves, of which B key in close range, can and only can play a role in the front; In the same way, the D-pad +C key integrates special actions such as power kill, roll dodge and break super punch, jump and super kill are set up as separate D and R keys, and the sixth key is the soul key - the taunts key.

    It can be seen that the simplification of the "Ghost fight" in the operation is very thorough, the large number of double key operations are individually integrated into keys, and in order to avoid the orientation accuracy problems brought by the virtual joystick, the jump and ↑ keys were chosen to be separated, on the whole, harmless, very suitable for keyboard and even Hit Box and other key input devices, the support for the handle is also good.

    In short, a fighting game, which operating device is not worse than the mobile phone screen.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    The actual operation process is much more smooth than I imagined, and the level of hand receiving, strike judgment and action feedback is relatively high. Although there is no big performance difference between the moving speed of the figure and the way of punching and kicking, the displacement of the front and back is good, and the back jump after the back is also specially made to stop and strengthen, which can be continued to hold down to maintain the state of readiness, during which the light attack A key can fight back, and has strong mobility while reducing the threshold of difference and counterattack.

    Ordinary light and heavy attacks are not fast, and the damage is almost the same, the two only differ in scope. Feeling down, the whole action of light attack can probably have 10 to 20 frames, after hitting the continuous input of the same command can become a triple strike, the reaction time is very wide, so basically all the joint moves are connected in the way of AAA or BBB+ Sheng long, and each character has an air ABC floating air segment. So basic players can quickly master most of the characters, and novice players won't spend too much time familiarizing themselves with a character.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    Due to the loose input time, there is also the effect of canceling each other's hard and straight moves, and most of the attacks are strong, so players can easily hit a high number of consecutive paragraphs and damage on the side of the version.

    In order to avoid the embarrassing situation of connecting to death, "Ghost Fight" added a setting that the same action cannot be used twice in the connection segment, according to which it also introduced a counter action that can be brought into the connection segment twice, and gave the player the ability to forcibly interrupt the connection.

    The attacker can use a grid of anger, press ↓↓+ Dodge C to release the hit to connect the original connection segment; The beaten side can consume a defense slot, according to C+C+C to use forced counterattack to interrupt the continuous move, in which the former anger can be saved by attacking and being beaten, the latter can only be used twice per game, which can be said to give enough strategic game space, neither affecting the feel and enjoyment of the continuous segment, and there will be no "Big Dipper" such as the experience of death. Taking into account the high ceiling of the veteran segment, the game has also added the necessary segment correction, the damage of the airless segment will not be too exaggerated, but properly trained, some of the version of the difficult segment can still hit nearly 80% of the health damage.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    Good work on the ink and wash effect

    Although it sounds a little homogenized, this is only the most basic part of the "Ghost Fight" move system, and it is good to understand these as the most basic fists and feet. Like all other fighting games, Ghost Fight focuses more on fighting action and stylistic coordination between characters.

    Although I personally believe that there are some homogenization problems in terms of fists, feet and mobility, for example, there is no high-priority command casting in the game, because the input method is too simple, the command casting character will become very strong, but this does not prevent the production team from adding the cow Demon King, a large character who uses grabbing actions to chase air and ground, to the game. Also specially designed for him the main gate Goro style of the catch-and-throw section.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    In fact, such a design has advantages and disadvantages, sacrificing a certain diversity of the bottom often can exchange for a better balance of strength, such as Yang Jian in the range of moves and mobility has a certain advantage of the role, weakened up will not be like some highly complex fighting games, pull a bald.

    In fact the ghost bucket of 12 characters are in accordance with their own image style and system, there are so pay attention to the hardcore character set back to the dragon, tang's monk this land empty wave white fucking wave rises role, even of the princess can rapidly moving into edge clamped down, yutu pure delay of radish can suppress others got up and can spider jing is on the border with rival stand back from a distance, If you unfold it, there is still a lot of room for experience.

    《鬼斗》Steam版评测: “纯粹”的格斗游戏

    There are a lot of interesting moves


    I don't know why, the game "Ghost Fight" and its production team have always given me a very brave impression, knowing that the mobile end of the hardcore fighting game can not be done, and finally was beaten to the ground by the plate number, and did not forget to sink a "no technical content" but solid dragon on Steam when getting up, I do not know that it is in the final struggle. Or blew the horn of the silk blood.

    Although everyone's first thought of fighting is to win, but as an independent team to hand over such a commendable work and adhere to the present, it is also a wonderful battle.

    Almost forget, "Ghost fight" inside is actually not concave, up can only use the middle of the invincible ↓↓+ C strike, kung Fu is good, can not stand others with the lower end and jump attack choose you, is a small personal regret.

    There are not many people in the Steam version at present, and when the plate number comes down, it is also a problem whether the more vulnerable mobile game players and Steam players should be put into a server.

    In short, the time left for "Ghost Fight" is very short, but the road to go is very long.

    No introduction yet....

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