I gained happiness from SD Gundam Alliance, but I cannot guarantee that everyone will be able to

When I first saw the release of the SD Gundam Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the Alliance), I was very excited. Although presented in a different form than before, this is undoubtedly a spiritual sequel to the Gundam Survival Assault series in terms of gameplay.

However, with the changes of the times, the action mode that was once very close to the reality of Gundam may have become somewhat outdated. Therefore, "Battle Alliance" removed and simplified many of the more complex systems that now appear, and added elements that make the game more aesthetically pleasing, in order to allow more new players to enter the pit. Like the colorful combat combo of the body, it was almost invisible in the past.

However, as a potentially exploratory new game from an old IP, this game has also encountered many problems during the revision and modification process. I cannot confidently say to players that this game is fun like evaluating Survival Assault. I can only say that I have experienced joy from it myself.

Single person experience is not happy

Handy disability detour

First of all, it is regrettable that the game difficulty of League of Legends is not as friendly as the experience version, and it is not suitable for everyone. Although I may not be considered a master, I have played many action games in Gundam and have a certain foundation. However, when I encountered the most flexible MA in this game (※ please refer to the database) - Jion, I felt overwhelmed.

is truly triple speed (※ Please refer to the database)

Not to mention that there have been more than one boss battle in this level. If the skills are not up to par, the "Solomon's Nightmare (※ Please refer to the database)" may have exhausted the player's ammunition and food, and there are not enough repair kits to deal with the brutal battle that follows.

This game has significantly increased in difficulty due to the appearance of a large enemy named MA from the mid game onwards. Unlike regular bosses, MA does not have an endurance slot and cannot use secondary weapons to deplete the boss's slot and make it fall like in game teaching, which forces players to learn to avoid and defend.

But many moves of MA cannot be dodged unless they are "perfectly avoided", and many attacks are continuous. The durability of the shield will be exhausted in an instant, and even if it is defended, it will still be damaged. Only by using the "perfect defense" at the appropriate time that does not consume endurance or damage health.

Perfect Defense

Not to mention ordinary players, even players with some experience in action games cannot guarantee perfect evasion and perfect defense, making MA battles very unsuitable for beginners.

By the way, if you are a player who likes to use fighting machines (the game's machines are divided into three types: fighting, omnipotent, and shooting, with different performance preferences), then you need to kneel even more. Each action of MA can take half your life, and fighting machine players can only strive to improve their operational level until they come up with a set of tough skill configurations in the later stage.

, don't think about fighting with a fighting machine like the Three Day Moon. You don't have an Alaya recognition system

Some people say that this game is very "monster hunter" because single players are more difficult than multiple players. I also discovered a more "monster hunter" aspect, which is drinking medicine... In "League of Legends," it takes about 3 seconds to use repair kits to restore stamina without any skill corrections. For hand injuries, even 1 second is considered too long.

There is a battle between and the action of the mentally disabled drinking medicine in old Monster Hunter

Teammate AI is not low, but

Speaking of difficulty, I have to mention the AI of this game. Based on my experience of no less than 50 hours, AI cannot be said to have particularly low intelligence because they can avoid, defend, and even engage in combos. However, unfortunately, unlike players who have their own repair kits to heal, they can only wait for rescue after death, or players can bring skills to heal their teammates. So if this level is relatively long, there is a good chance that the player will bring two health skins to the boss, and then after seeing them being instantly killed, the boss will watch you play alone, and finally Game Over.

If you and your teammates all have HP reset to zero, it's over

Even if a teammate's health is very healthy, players cannot easily die because teammates, whether they are the target of the boss or not, will come to rescue players with HP reset to zero, and then they will be knocked away by the boss before they succeed, and so on...

Don't have the technical ability to do such AI? I don't believe it. In the game "God Devourer" series of Tongshe, teammates bring their own healing medicine, and during the process of rescuing players, if they are attacked by enemies, they will actively avoid it.

What's even more puzzling is that in the work "Gundam Battle Universe" more than a decade ago, a relatively sophisticated wingman command system was already implemented, allowing players to have their teammates engage in more combat, shoot more, avoid more, and launch more deadly skills. In "Battle Alliance", only the deadly skills are left

It is obvious that the official AI is capable of achieving higher intelligence but has not done so, and the reason can be speculated to be encouraging players to go online.

Teaching issues

Another reason for the high difficulty of the game is the in-game teaching. The preface of the game will teach players various attack operations, which is well done. However, many subsequent systems will not directly teach during the mission process, but will unlock teaching tasks for players to take on themselves. This leads to the players who are chasing the plot never completing the teaching tasks (yes, it's me), and they won't learn the corresponding skills until they realize this.

These teaching tasks are very important

There are also some contents that do not even exist in the teaching tasks, and players need to actively enter the database to see them, which unnecessarily increases the difficulty of the game due to design flaws.

If I hadn't played the Gundam VS series, I wouldn't have realized this element on my own

The joy of single person experience

After mastering the system, it will be very enjoyable

The issues mentioned earlier have indeed affected the single player experience for players, but this does not mean that League of Legends is no longer fun. After all, this is still an action game, it just requires players to work hard.

Although the system capacity of the game is relatively small, many systems are interconnected, and how to better combine and utilize them is directly related to the player's strength.

For example, in the middle and later stages of this game, players will encounter countless MAs. Although the fighting machine may seem powerless in front of MAs, if players can use their brains to cooperate with the system, the fighting machine can no longer be weak. Firstly, the "Level Skills" system has different effects on fighting machines, all-purpose machines, and shooting machines. After using the "Level Skills", fighting machines can obtain dominance for a certain period of time. Combined with the skill "Brave" that players can learn at level 42 (the effect is to use Level Skills to reduce damage taken for a certain period of time), players can to some extent launch combat against the boss's attack.

is even stronger against regular bosses, and when it explodes, it can last for dozens of segments

In the works of that year, fighting was probably like this:

For example, some MAs are very abnormal and even come with their own shields. Each time the player needs to consume a large amount of ammunition to break through armor, and the shooting machine will also struggle. But in fact, players who pay attention to observation will find that this shield only defends beams, which means that live ammunition weapons cannot defend. So choosing a body with many live ammunition, such as the Spiritual Sensing Zagu and Gundam Gundam, can make it easier to deal with MA with shields. Of course, if you are skilled enough, there is also a certain probability that you will be able to develop chips for the "attack physics" skill. In short, many of the challenges in the game are solvable.

Rich body

Do you still remember when "Survival Assault" was played? From mass-produced machines like Jim and Zagu to the popular Gundam, players would not unlock the Gundam for a long time. They were really like a battlefield soldier driving an ordinary machine to fight. Obviously, this is likely to discourage non fan players, so "League of Fighters" only offers Gundam or other villainous special planes driven by ace pilots.

Including the DLC released on September 9th and the free updated mecha, the game has over 80 operable mecha, which is quite rich. Unlocking these organisms and exploring their usage methods is also a good experience, and currently, the repeatability of their moves is not high. For example, the manatee Gundam that can be unlocked in the later stages has a hidden combat move that recreates the last scene of "Last Shooting" in the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam 0079", which is both handsome and powerful.

And like the mechs in the Mobile Suit Up to 00 series, the impressive iconic system "Trans Am" in the original work is naturally indispensable. After launching a kill move, they will enter this state, and even the "significant performance decline after releasing the state" in the original work is restored...

After is handsome, all armed forces will start reloading from scratch

Overall, the single player mode of "League of Legends" has a pleasant experience of tens of hours, but although the official has made many changes to attract new players, in my opinion, the effect is still not good. If we can overcome the learning costs of the system according to the official ideas, we can experience the fun of this game.

Experience with multiple people can bring happiness

The Joy of Intelligence Online

As mentioned above, League of Legends encourages online gaming.

I believe that as long as you play multiplayer games, you will fall in love with the feeling of being intelligent online. Moreover, based on my own experience, online gaming does not necessarily require high demands from teammates. As long as there is one person who is good at playing, it is enough, and even two people attacking is better than bringing two computers.

In the middle of the game, when the Iron Flower Team faced a large MA, I happened to have a teammate whose skills were slightly inferior to mine. They were not very good at defense and avoidance, but only knew how to scatter barrage wildly. Watching him constantly in crisis, I quickly threw a deadly move at MA, and the opponent began to stare at me for output, giving my teammates a chance to catch their breath. So back and forth, we were all very safe, and even made a MA fall.

I just realized that MA doesn't mean it can't fall to the ground, it's just that the output is not high enough in single player mode. After all, AI teammates do not know how to drink medicine to replenish health on their own, nor do they use "rank actions" to restore all ammunition and increase their output.

In the end, the boss was beaten up under our siege.

Pleasant Siege

The Joy of Brushing and Brushing

After the completion of League of Fighters, Hard mode will be liberated, and as the plot progresses, "melee" missions specifically designed to brush machine blueprints will also be unlocked. These tasks are much more difficult than usual. In addition to dealing with the bottom boss, players also need to take a detour to defeat other additional bosses, which requires extremely high technical skills from the players. After all, there seems to be no way to obtain additional health items besides the skills unlocked at player level LV80.

Moreover, some "melee" missions are very abnormal, such as in SEED related melee missions where you will encounter both red and blue heretics appearing in the same area, and both will continuously use defenseless throwing skills. You may have been constantly hit in the sky without even a chance to come down and die.

For example, in the level of "At the Bottom of the Gravity Well", as many as 8 bosses were randomly entered in "melee". If the technology is not strong enough, there is no extra recovery medicine for you to withstand the MA at the bottom of the level

Looking at my teammate's body lying next to the boss who continued to infiltrate, my mood was shattered


Although multiplayer experience is more comfortable than single player experience on Gameplay, it is regrettable that although SD Gundam Battle Alliance has landed on multiple platforms, it does not support cross platform online, resulting in difficulties in teaming up with people. For example, when I was online in a group of hundreds of active influencers, two people bought the Switch version and two people bought the PC version, so we could never form a team of three.

As a retail player like me who didn't make a reservation before the release, I could only honestly go to the wild team in the end.

, and we still can't find anyone

Is the plot happy?

The plot is confusing for new players

After seeing this, non Gundam fans may feel confused about many of the content I said (even ready to jump to the comment area to roast?). What is MA? What is triple speed? What is the meme of Solomon's nightmare?

I did it intentionally - because the plot of League of Legends also feels the same way. The plot of this work is based on many animations of Mobile Suit Gundam, and it is obviously unrealistic to cram so many 50 or so episodes of animation into one game. Therefore, the official came up with this method - allowing players to watch the library themselves.

In the game , it is common to see the addition of XXX to the "database"

But the problem is that during the storyline progression, players cannot directly interrupt the storyline to access the database. They also need to watch the storyline and complete the entire level with a bewildered expression. When you have forgotten about it, going to the database is not a comfortable experience at all.

Of course, for players who have watched the original work, they can experience the plot very smoothly.

Moderate, always playing jokes

Compared to old works such as "Survival Assault" that mostly refer to the original work, "League of Legends" has its own original storyline, and for friends who don't play "Super Robot Wars" and "SD Gundam" very much, this kind of work that travels through multiple worlds should be considered relatively fresh. In addition, the plot is still quite interesting from time to time with some humor.

When there is an option for , you can always hide it

In addition, although a certain threshold is required, there are always occasional jokes in the plot, such as a cold joke:

The meme comes from "Mobile Suit Z Gundam". Camus: If you treat war as a game, you won't understand the power that emanates from my body!

Although it's not the first time, when I see the name of the trophy that persecutes someone, I think some fans will still laugh:

Okay, I won't stop


As a new game, SD Gundam Alliance still maintains a certain level of quality. In a long time since seeing the shocking Gundam game, this game can also be considered one of the works that can be won.

However, there may be too many things that Bandai Nanmenggong Entertainment wants to achieve this time: reviving old IPs, modifying gameplay to attract new players, having multiple players online, and writing an original story... Many of these actions have backfired and become obstacles to game promotion.

From some details, it is evident that the game still needs to be updated in order to do well. For example, during the process of "brushing chips", which is one of the most important gaming experiences in the game, we can still see this hilarious situation:

Fighting+130, but unable to use fighting

For example, when launching a kill move, there is actually no pause time:

was beaten to death as soon as he finished pretending to be forced

As of the completion date of the manuscript, there have been no updates released for League of Legends. Perhaps with continuous feedback from players, the game will undergo various modifications and continue to be improved.

Although it may not be very friendly to single player players, if you can find an alliance in reality, why not drive the ace mecha of various forces with them and travel through the world of various Gundam works.

Gundam Fight,Ready……GO!

※ Database


  • Mobile Armour, The full name is MOBILE All Range Maneuverability Offer Utility Reinforcement, which is a versatile support firearm for all fields.

Triple speed

  • Derived from the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam 0079", the white wooden horse on Gundam's mother ship is described by a crew member as "having a Zagu approaching the center at a speed of three times the usual speed" to describe the "Xiaya Special Zagu II" flying at high speed.

Solomon's Nightmare

  • The character who once appeared in Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 and Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 is the ace pilot on the side of Jion. It was dubbed "Solomon's Nightmare" because it had crashed countless federal military aircraft and eight warships during the one-year war. The game features the blue painted special aircraft he drove during a year of war - the Warrior.

Alaya recognition system

  • The overhead system that appears in "The Orphan of Mobile Suit Gundam" can connect the pilot to the body, transmit signals directly to the pilot's brain, and operate the system of the body more intuitively. To achieve this system, surgery is required to insert the connector into the spinal cord.

No introduction yet....

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