Real rise: games website "Rise of the Tomb Raider" detailed review

    After the critical acclaim of the previous Tomb Raider reboot, Crystal Dynamics is no longer tied down in this new sequel, but a larger scale innovation. If the last reboot was a careful test under the original "Tomb Raider" transformation, then "Tomb Raider: Rise" is, as the title says, a "rise" in the true sense of all works of the previous generation.

    Although the controversial display exclusivity and being surrounded by many 3A blockbuster sales at the same time make this work unable to become a topic for a while, it is believed that with the release of the ban on other platforms, the real charm of the new Laura will gradually be accepted by all players, and this old IP will be completely revitalized.

    This game uses an improved version of the Foundation engine, and the graphical performance is a significant improvement over the previous Tomb Raider. The unique technical effects created around the next generation console platform Xbox One allow players to fully appreciate the beauty of the new life. The game opens with stunning visual effects that impress the player, and the snow and ice depictions are among the most detailed in any game today.

    The production team spared no effort in the pursuit of realistic effects. When the player moves Lara through a snowy scene, they can get unique feedback on the action at different snow thickens. Stepping on a thin layer of snow is a crunch sound, and when trapped in deep snow, the difficult resistance can make the player feel more empathetic.

    In particular, Laura's long legs leave tread marks of different depths in the snow, snow deformation, and ice crystal reflections on the surface of the snow, and the real world effect is only so.

    It is worth noting that when I finished the game for free exploration, I came to the Siberian wasteland scene at the beginning of the game. When I faced the fire-breathing soldier with the fire-breathing device, I was unforgettable when I shot the hydraulic tank behind him and made him fall to the ground and struggle, the snow pit around him melted and left behind me. The friction sound of climbing the snow slope with the hiking pick and the details of the cracks at the ice breaking point show the dedication of the production team.

    It is worth mentioning that the art of this game is very good, excellent art team for the players to show a set of reality and magic style of the unique world, the ruins and lost city is also very artistic, especially in some large tombs, so that players get full aesthetic enjoyment.

    In terms of the character modeling performance of Laura, real skin shadow technology, hair special effects and facial (motion) capture technology are used to make Laura's facial skin present real scar performance. At the same time, the material of the clothes is better, for an adventurer who crosses mountains and rivers, the bleeding, wet body, snow and mud stains in different environments are real and credible.

    If you are traveling in Siberia, there will inevitably be traces of snow and ice on your coat, and a little snow on your hair. And when Laura came ashore from the water, in addition to the first time dry horsetail small action, soaked tightly wrapped clothes after the figure is more exquisite floating and arousing imagination.

    Head and Head special effects are no longer like the previous generation too emphasis on technical exaggeration and lost the authenticity, "Rise of the Tomb Raider:" no longer abuse the special effects of the dominant, but the corresponding treatment of Laura's hair in different environments, one saves function, and the other is more in line with physical authenticity.

    The pre-rendering technology comparable to CG effect is adopted in the cutscene animation. High-quality post-special effects make the materials more realistic and achieve a seamless experience between the game and the cutscene. At the same time, the game adopts a large number of cinematic interpretation methods and camera angles, especially in the escape scene, dramatic camera angles, fast camera switching and camera control make the game more attractive. More emotional and more fun.

    The scene of continuous collapse and four explosions makes players nervously hold their breath, quickly running and climbing is the only idea of the players at this moment, and when the players successfully escape from the sky after a series of fast-paced operations, they must also be like Laura in the game to take a long breath to aftertaste the thrill and excitement just found. Among them, the use of dynamic blur and multiple scene volume light, mature and real motion capture, to create a lot of dramatic scenes and smooth movement display.

    This game runs at the full 1920x1080 resolution plus 30 frames, and in some scenes there will be screen tears and frame drops, and in the game cutscenes due to high material effects have to be calculated to 1440x1080. At the same time, after communicating with friends and forums, there will be some random bugs in the game process, among which a small number of unfortunate players will encounter vicious bugs that cannot be played in the subsequent game, so some players' experience will be greatly reduced.

    For domestic players, the biggest surprise of this game is that teacher Yang Monroe acts as the entire Chinese voice of the role of Laura. For these dubbing teachers who have participated in many movies and TV series and game characters, their standard professional Putonghua dubbing has left a deep impression on every player who has played this game.

    Of course, as I am deeply influenced by Japanese and European and American voice actors, I still have some suggestions to make. First of all, the translation of this work is relatively blunt, and the translation of some sentences makes players laugh and cry. For Yang Menglou teacher, because in the whole process can not see any game screen, only according to the English original lines to feel the tone of the case of the whole dubbing, so in some special scenes the tone of the lines is quite "drama".

    But overall, "Rise of the Tomb Raider" Chinese dubbing can be said to be one of the few conscientious dubbing games in recent years, compared to the English original, the familiar Chinese context can make players fully engaged in the game without distraction to watch the subtitles, professional Mandarin also let the Taiwanese dubbing "torture" players happy.

    Rise of the Tomb Raider still uses a linear story and semi-open world approach, and if the player only wants to finish the game quickly on a low difficulty level, the end can be seen in less than 10 hours. However, this is a pity for both the players and the production team, not only can not fully appreciate and appreciate the production team for the players to present the grand game scene, but also can not enjoy the full game experience.

    The map area of this game is three times that of the previous game, and the different types of scenes are never the same, from the wasteland, ruins, ruins, valleys to tombs, research bases, lost cities, different styles of scenes everything, and excellent art design can let players appreciate the unique style of different scenes.

    There are a variety of collectible items left in the scene, which is definitely a challenge for OCD players. Of course, all collection items are significant to the game. Relics, documents, and murals give the player access to useful information beyond the main story, which is important for understanding the story of the game.

    It is worth noting that in the process of collecting relics, players hear Yang Mengmeng's standard and professional Chinese dubbing, which is almost unimaginable in previous stand-alone games. Survival caches provide players with important equipment production and upgrade materials, coin cheats allow players to buy more powerful weapons, safes provide weapon accessories, all collected can also get weapons to make the game easier.

    There are also some side tasks and challenges on the map, after completion, you can also get a lot of experience, money and props, and the reward is rich, so that players are no longer forced to collect and complete side tasks in the form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but actively pursue to harvest the return of this trip.

    For the "Tomb" puzzle, another important part of the game and also the puzzle part, the production team must have made a relatively perfect balance of pros and cons.

    The game process has a total of 10 large (in fact, not large) tomb puzzles, of which the main process only the Syrian tomb in the beginning and the tomb in the last part of the solar system are forced to solve the puzzle, and the other tomb challenges are all placed in different locations of the big map for interested players to explore on their own.

    The purpose of this is also very simple, while maintaining the Tomb Raider theme of the premise of catering to the needs of different players. However, for players who like to challenge, the difficulty of the tomb puzzle is general, nothing more than a combination of several organs, carefully observe and make good use of the props in the hand, and can successfully complete the puzzle challenge under several simple physical changes.

    Of course, for players at the highest difficulty level, it is still quite difficult to solve puzzles without any hints. After successfully solving the puzzle, not only can the player reap rich rewards to stimulate the desire to continue to explore more tombs, just open the tomb treasure moment, shocking audio-visual effects also give the player a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction,

    Another important part of the game process is the battle part, the battle system of this game is similar to the previous generation, in addition to the enhanced upgrade points obtained after upgrading, different weapons such as remote melee cold soldier heat also add more fun to the battle, which also makes Laura with many heavy firepower weapons not like an adventurer but more like a humanoid war machine.

    The number of items with different attributes under the same type of weapon is large, and the total number is even as high as dozens of kinds. Of course, not all players can collect all the weapons, and only through constant exploration can they be rewarded with powerful weapons. Of course, in the face of such a number of weapons, the collection of material to upgrade is also a big project, fortunately, the game for the material collection consumption process and a more perfect rhythm grasp, so that players will not be tired of running around indulging in the main line "picking up garbage", nor will they completely let the resources to waste.

    Players need to maximize the use of weapons in their hands to kill the enemy in the most efficient way, and in addition to fighting, in order to upgrade weapons to make ammunition also to carry out different degrees of hunting, enrich the game content, increase the fun of the game.

    Before entering the battle, Lara will automatically crouch and sneak, but also switch to nervous music, so many times, the player has not seen the enemy, Lara will be able to warn the player in advance through special moves and the game's BGM.

    The enemy AI of this game is extremely high, after finding the whereabouts of Laura will constantly track the player, if the player thinks that hiding behind the bunker can be done, it is living in a dream, in the open scene the enemy will encircle and then encircle the tactics, and in the narrow scene, the enemy will throw explosives and other means to force the player out of the bunker for frontal combat.

    Most of the bunkers in the game are fragile destructible bunkers, which means that instead of crouching to the bottom like in traditional TPS, the player has to constantly walk around looking for opportunities to hit. However, although the enemy AI is high, but the game difficulty is not high, first of all, the game very encourage players to kill the enemy secretly, a large number of open scenes can hide the body of the bunker and longitudinal space to provide players with assassination opportunities, while scattered glass bottles and cups can be used to make burning explosives and other weapons of mass destruction.

    In addition, the most valuable weapon in the game is the poison arrow that the player learns the earliest, it can be said that the poison arrow in the world I have, through strengthening the lethality and scope of the poison arrow, so that the player can use the poison arrow to clear the field in the whole battle process, which can be described as the most brainless and most efficient way to pass the clearance.

    The upper part of the game plot, tells a story after Laura officially became an adventurer, during which a lot of flashbacks and interjection methods were carried out, Laura from the initial misunderstanding of her father's dissatisfaction to the final understanding of her father's good intentions.

    It also officially solved the mystery of Laura's father's death, but in terms of the main plot, the BOSS's backwater is hardly bright (though his relationship with Laura's father is a bright spot), and the true identity of an important ally is also quite murky.

    It is the end of the Easter egg caused a lot of speculation, giving the player a surprise that was calculated by the curtain, but also for the continuation of the expansion of the foreshadowed. Overall, the plot is compact and twists and turns, although some of the baggage is not much new, but the foreshadows of the ending still make players full of expectations for the sequel.

    The game focuses on the single player story, eliminating the much-maligned multiplayer mode from the previous game and replacing it with a "compete with friends for high scores" mode called "Expedition". In this mode, players can use the money earned in the game (or real currency) to buy card packs to get extra bonus to re-challenge the game level to achieve various goals, but for me, it doesn't make much sense except to unlock achievements.

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