Review of Monster Hunter Rise: The Hunting of the Wind Warrior takes off

After a long wait, all the hunters have become extremely familiar with the trial version. Monster Hunter Rise has finally arrived as scheduled, and now we can happily play (flat voice) dragons with our friends. UCG is also here to provide you with the first game review of Monster Hunter Rise, providing some reference for players who are still hesitant about whether to start this game. In addition to text and images, there is also a video version of the evaluation, which can be consumed together for better results

Author of this article: Wu Dong

Video author: Practical Game Machine Technology (UCG for Bilibili Account Game Machine Practical Technology)

Video Review of Monster Hunter Rise; For web version users, please go to Bilibili to view the address.

Hunter Speed Takeoff

Compared to previous Monster Hunter series works, the first impression that Monster Hunter Rise (hereinafter referred to as Rise) gives is that the game rhythm has improved significantly, largely due to the newly added flying insect action in this game.

By using the movements of flying insects, hunters can climb up and down like ninjas, flying roofs and walls. Their movement speed is faster than any previous work. Even if they encounter complex terrain and don't know how to walk, they can simply use flying insects to jump and flip over. Now, Mom no longer needs to worry about me hitting monsters and not finding my way.

The flying insect action has also increased the combat excitement of Rise by several levels. Whether chasing monsters or avoiding monster attacks, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one flying insect action. If not, use it twice. In previous works, hunters were always fooled by agile monsters and couldn't find their way north. This time, their stance has finally reversed, and it's their turn to be fooled around.

The specialized flying insect technique for each weapon in "Rise" - Iron Worm Silk Technique, is a hunting weapon with great power and handsome movements. When encountering a monster falling to the ground, an Iron Worm Silk Technique can burn much more than a flat chop in the past! If it is a scene of multiple people hunting and iron worms and silk techniques playing together, it is truly a spectacular sight.

The maximum performance of NS function

This time "Rise" was released on NS, and it is inevitable that it will be compared to the previous "Monster Hunter World". World is a revolutionary work in terms of both visuals and innovation. In terms of visual impact alone, there is probably no work in the series that can surpass it so far. However, in terms of leveraging host performance, Rise has also achieved the ultimate in NS hosting.

Rising, like Resident Evil 7 and Ghost Cry 5, was produced using Capcom's own RE engine, and the graphics in the NS game are considered top-notch. Whether it's the material and texture details of hunter equipment, or the texture of the monster's shell and fur, they are all well portrayed.

In terms of map size, Rise's map size is on par with World, and it also uses open maps, seamlessly connecting each region between maps. The secret to "Rise" being able to achieve this is that it reduces the amount of information on the map. Compared to maps with a large amount of information like "World", "Rise" has relatively less information on the map. The most obvious difference may be that vegetation such as flowers, plants, and trees appears thinner.

However, this does not mean that the map is simple. The map of Rise is also multi-layered, with roads crisscrossing each other. In addition, some small Easter eggs arranged by the production team make the map exploration experience of this game no less than that of World.

In terms of frame rate, Rise has remained stable at 30 frames on the NS. In terms of my personal experience, even in situations where multiple people are online and each person is accompanied by a follower, coupled with various special effects featuring Iron Worm Silk skills, there are rarely frame drops, ensuring the smoothness of hunting.

Although in various places that rely on console performance, the performance of Rise cannot surpass World, there is still one thing that dominates, which is the loading time of the game. The loading time of this game is really fast. After receiving tasks, it doesn't require a long wait like in World (without using an SSD). The only difference is that the loading time for entering tasks and going to the cultivation field is slightly longer. Although other page switches may appear black, they are all momentary and almost imperceptible.

It is worth mentioning that, unlike the dark background of the loading screen when entering the mission in World, the waiting interface in Rise is a painting imitating the Hundred Ghosts Night Scroll. This painting depicts the scene of monsters attacking and people picking up weapons to fight against them. The monsters in the scroll are all depicted in ukiyo-e. This detail is quite thoughtful, just looking at these monsters that have been depicted in ukiyo-e is a very pleasing thing.

Comfortable hunting experience

With Zhuyu from World at the forefront, this game also continues many of the convenience settings from its predecessor, such as the ability to change equipment and props, eat cat food, and so on after entering missions. As the production director of this work, Icase, said, even if you enter the task empty handed, it doesn't matter. There are also some convenience settings that continue to be improved based on World, the most obvious of which is that players can confirm the location of monsters at the beginning of the mission.

In previous works, in order to have a more hunting feeling, it was not possible to know the monster's location at the beginning of the mission, and players needed to find the monster before starting the battle. However, due to the lack of good guidance methods in previous works, players can only wander around the map until they encounter monsters. If they frequently switch zones, they will be forced to play hide and seek with monsters. In World, the use of guided insects has been added. By collecting the traces left by monsters on the map, guided insects will guide players to the monster's location. However, this system is often used in the early stages and is rarely used in the later stages.

The process of searching for monsters in "Rise" has been further simplified, and the location of the monsters in the mission is clear at a glance. This is because of the unique hunting method of Yanhuo Village - Fumu Rabbit. At the beginning of the hunt, the owl like creature released by the hunter is the Fumu Rabbit. It will convey the monster's position to the owner in the air, saving players the trouble of finding it themselves. This way, players can focus more energy on hunting, and the setting can also be self explanatory.

The newly added toothhound in Rise is also a good helper for finding monsters this time. Due to the large size of the map in this game, relying solely on flying insects to run the map is still a bit difficult. The toothhound can, like in Monster Hunter World: Ice Field, allow hunters to ride on its back and move more freely.

The monster control in Icefield cannot be used in battles, and once encountering other monsters on the way, it will automatically stop. These problems do not occur with the Toothed Hound. Also, because the Tooth Retriever can move quickly, many players in the trial version chose the Tooth Retriever when online, resulting in the Ailu Cat being ignored. In the official version, in addition to the main camp, there are also auxiliary camps in other places on the map. Hunters who choose Elu Cat can reach these auxiliary camps by quickly moving, thus making up for the speed difference between players who choose Tooth Hound.

The communication between players online in Rise is not as convenient as in World. Due to functional reasons, players are unable to communicate through voice in the game and only retain text communication. Players who have played World may not be accustomed to it. Of course, if you are already friends with each other, voice communication can be achieved through third-party software.

However, in terms of voice communication, Rise has made some remedial measures, as the hunter played by the player has also added character voice and will speak specific dialogues at specific times. For example, when a monster launches a powerful move, it reminds other players to pay attention. Most of what the player wants to say is spoken by the hunter they control, which can also meet certain communication needs.

Rising also added a like function, which allows players to like other players after completing tasks, which is already the best praise. After players like each other, they can directly search for each other's online hall, which is also convenient for hunting together in the future. So when someone likes you, don't forget to give them a like.

The changes to urgent tasks also have to be mentioned. Although the changes were minimal, they were quite practical. This time, as long as one person passed the emergency mission, other players who participated in the mission also passed. Finally, there was no need to play the same mission four times in a row.

Bai Long Night Tour

Finally, let's talk about the unique content of "Rise": One Hundred Dragon Night Journey. The Hundred Dragons Night Journey is also conducted in the form of missions, but unlike ordinary missions, the gameplay of this is somewhat similar to tower defense, requiring the configuration of turrets and village NPCs to repel waves of monsters. Completing the Hundred Dragons Night Walk allows you to obtain specialized materials that can be used to add various additional abilities to weapons, which is a custom feature in World. By now, everyone should understand that the Hundred Dragons Night Walk is one of the elements of this game's brush and brush.

However, to be honest, playing Bailong night walk alone is quite tiring. The main reason is that there are too many monsters, and the computer controlled companions are not awesome, so all the work falls on the player alone. It seems that the Blue Star is still the same as the Blue Star. If you have the conditions, you should invite your friends to play this mode together.


Overall, the performance of Monster Hunter Rise on the NS is still excellent, with almost no obvious shortcomings, and it is worth trying for every hunter. As for whether to wait for the PC version to be released next year, who can say for sure? Buy early and enjoy early~

Alright, that's all for the review of Monster Hunter Rise. Finally, I wish hunters and players a pleasant long hunt.

No introduction yet....

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