"Roller Coaster Star" games websiteGAME detailed review of back-to-basics fun


    I remember when I was young, estimated to be about seven or eight years old, there was a small shop at home along the main road, next to a small lane, next to the neighbor fat uncle's new Internet cafe. At that time, I always sneaked into the Internet cafe from the back door of the fat uncle's house. As a child, it seemed that video games were just a simple pleasure, a simple game would not consider too much operation or operation, and the key to victory and defeat seemed to be whether I was happy or not, and the challenges brought by the nature of the game were just forgotten. After many years, maybe my generation has a lot of the same as me in the past, we keep replacing a game after a game, constantly playing and constantly abandoning, once again and again recall the original joy, is so intoxicating.

    In the past memories of the days are gone, the childhood playmates also inexplicably become one or another or gray or bright never flashing head, this strange thoughts are very confused, older and older, the bigger and more want to find the fun of the year, deliberately chasing but only get disappointed. In today's era, a game boasting 3A masterpiece can not return to the joy of the past, although you and I are equally addicted to this, but it is like poison to make people unclean. More and more developers are making games that are no longer fun for people to experience, but a battle for user ownership carried out by the conflict of interests between each other, players are becoming less and less like players, and I am so, constantly experiencing from players to consumers and finally becoming a series of publishers' annual summary virtual figures may not even be able to stay in the mainland.

    Turning to the evaluation, it is true that the foreshadowing is too much, but this is also the most real feeling after the experience of "Roller coaster Star". Perhaps the position is too high, some players will not accept, and indeed "Roller coaster star" is only a small audience of boutique games, but I think players who can play this game again, without some memories and emotions.

    When I opened the game and clicked on the first sandbox, I just had the impression that it was going to be an upgraded Roller Coaster Tycoon, and the moment I loaded into the sandbox map it felt like I was being electrocuted. After all, screenshots will damage the real feeling of what is seen, it is worth mentioning that in the case of full effect (my graphics card is only GTX960), the crowd or the crowded environment of the building can be stable at about 30-40 frames, the horror optimization feeling of the sandbox building can be comparable to "Battlefield 1". When I start to experience this boutique class, no, I want to think of a good word to blow a wave. When I started this cosmic masterpiece, I simply continued to feel the fine-level performance brought by the developer without interruption, and everywhere here, everything can be said to be created by painstaking efforts.

    No matter entering any AI tourist to visit their own paradise from the first perspective, you will really be intoxicated by it, and you will not be able to refrain from praising the quality of the game and the paradise created by your own hands. This unprecedented sense of accomplishment, only "Roller coaster Star" can bring you, yes, this is an unprecedented game, perhaps in the country because of D encryption and lukewarm, but I can tell every friend of mine, this will be the new peak of the SIM generation, this will be in the "Roller coaster" such a game series will become a decade or even 20 years can not exceed the work. Speaking of which, I really want to call Bird, I think I need a month long vacation to actually play this game.

    Picture performance: 10 points

    The existing conditions can not be better, from technical processing to artistic processing, the visual experience felt by the player has been truly played to the extreme! You can repair a small corner of the park, or complete all the construction, with the game's villain first view to wander, to see this amazing amusement park! "Roller Coaster Star" in each object can be said to be independent, the player can be unusually free to "assemble" the building, yes, just like a child played building blocks toys, no, more free, just like the feeling of playing mud in the countryside, you want to do it, then do it. Why mentioned the freedom of construction in the picture performance, brother, I must say, why the unanimous emphasis on this is the quality of the universe, because any item in the game is exquisite like a work of art! It is only in this way that players can create a dream paradise in the continuous assembly, and it can only be so that players can feel their own incomparable paradise from any perspective, which is just like this, is it not a big writer to create a separate word to meet the quality specifications of "Star"?

    If you blow it again, it's gonna taste bad. Let's put it on, guys.

    In Roller Coaster Star, anyone can be a photographer, and in this perfect production, it's hard to take too ugly a picture.

    The screenshot effect of Street view is too discounted, personality guarantee, and the screen of the real game is the ultimate experience.

    The game itself simulates day and night, the alternation of the sun and the moon is also very good.

    The most awesome place of the game is the processing of the sense of light, always so soft, always so realistic.

    Gameplay: 10 points

    The review of this game is very easy to write, because it is good enough that all the author has to do is simply blow a wave. How to talk about gameplay, we knew when we bought this work that it would be a roller coaster building game. However, it's only when you get into the game that you realize the roller coaster is the core, but it's not the only selling point. From the simulation of the operation of the game to say "roller coaster star" business elements are also very good, players need to consider a lot of new amusement park facilities, environmental layout problems, ticket prices, ticket prices and park tickets superimposed price problems. The collocation of shops and entertainment facilities in the park, the collocation of catering and surrounding infrastructure, and the need for personnel drainage is not as simple as building a road in the past. Here, one of the moves of the game is very good, the AI has discrimination, the store goods are too expensive, refuse to buy, the entertainment facilities are not fun, refuse, the entertainment items are too expensive, refuse. The player fixed the road and fixed the roller coaster, but the AI just didn't come, the reason is, it's not fun, of course it doesn't come, you think I'm stupid. These are small details in the business, this work based on such an excellent picture performance, can bring more fun, players can change the terrain to match roller coasters or other large entertainment facilities, and change the terrain this piece has to say. Indeed, every time can not be very square or very round a terrain change, which is also an advantage, the developer considers a lot, the most compelling and most people are able to let the player like "pinch mud" to construct the terrain, this feeling may only be really able to feel.

    Perhaps the real fun is that the player can express his ideas with the highest degree of freedom, to follow through with one strange or interesting idea after another. You can change the terrain to make a dangerous place, and then build a carousel between the square inches, you can turn the entire sandbox into a lake, and your paradise is so ripbling among them, you can also build a road to heaven, let your paradise become the sky city. What you can change, what you want to achieve, or in some way, it's like a God experience, there's so much the player can do.

    Operating experience: 10 points

    This generation is very intimate and very reasonable, all the operations that the player is doing, the developer seems to have taken into account the operations that you will try, and every time you just need to look at the prompt box next to it, you can seamlessly connect in your own game. The design of these modes of operation, is also worth the praise, the only fly in the face may be due to too much freedom, sometimes it is difficult to find the exact position of their own lens, or the field of view gap of the building will lead to zoom-to-zoom when the perspective of the jump change, but in such an excellent game this is nothing. After all, even if you can actually feel what caused the flaw, it's probably something the developer can't fix.

    Operation can also talk about the feeling of making a roller coaster, the sense of operation is also kneaded in a lot of elements, perhaps there is no place to show the operation of SIM, but this intuitive feeling of the player's operation is the need for developers to carefully measure. A roller coaster facility, players start from the station to build, track stretching, rotation, turning, from the operation of the first feeling without obstacles, and players can build while constantly testing, to know how each section of the track to passengers. With these, the player will become more and more addicted to it, dig a tunnel to drill into the ground, the track extends into it, it will be really dark, maybe I am born optimistic, I will build the tunnel when decorated with lamps, and then carefully dig this tunnel, the roller coaster into the ground, the construction of the test will give passengers three standards, excitement, fear, nausea. During the operation, that is, during the construction, these data will be intuitively told to the player, so this will be a very durable game, just to repair a best-selling roller coaster players can be addicted to it for a long time. Add to that the "pinch mud" style of terrain changes and the cosmic level of item detail, and if you like SIM, you'll love the game without reservation.

    Sound experience: 10 points

    The developers make the game, the players build the amusement park, so the game is full of fun in every way. The background music of the game is very cheerful style, the BGM of the facility is the same, and all of this is set off in this sandbox, you will not feel any trace of violation. The sounds of the visitors communicating, the noise of the crowds, the music of the promotional horse on the side of the street, the lines or sound effects of the park performers performing back and forth, there may be a roller coaster in the distance, you can also hear the low hum of the accelerating rail and the screams of the visitors enjoying it, and of course, the laughter that fills the park. That is, when you enter the game, you will leave the world outside the monitor, all your experience of joy will be interwoven here, at this time, even if the computer desk knocked off a glass of water issued by the sound fusion here, I think, you may only be left with joy.

    Physical details: 10

    Aside from the fact that the game itself can build a series of parks that can't hold down Newton's coffin board, the physical performance of the game itself is also very good. To feel the physical performance of "Roller Coaster Star", it should be through the feeling of tourists. Just like in real life, fast cars can be exciting and scary, and it may not just be the physics, but also some psychology and biology. For example, the speed stimulation when the player builds a roller coaster and falls at a rapid speed, the excitement, fear and nausea of the tourists will be very real. For a SIM, it is impossible to ask for real-world physics like Battlefield 1, and the physical performance proposed here should be kneaded in the performance of the game management. I wrote it alone because I think it's very, very clever, and the player can clearly feel this physical feeling during the play, maybe not visually, but you will definitely simulate this feeling in your mind.

    Sum up

    This is a pursuit of game fun works, in fact, do not need too many words to describe, I want to go home to play "Roller coaster star".

    No introduction yet....

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