Star Kabi Discovery Review: The 3D Kabi still tastes good!

The Star Kabi series is a game series jointly developed by HAL Research Institute and Nintendo, with the protagonist being the familiar Kabi. This pink little ball has a cute appearance but a super ability to absorb everything, making it quite popular among players.

My initial expectations were not high for the latest installment in the series, "Exploration and Discovery of the Star Kabi.". The Star Kabi series has always been known for its "fun", but the previous game on the Switch, Star Kabi Nova Alliance, was too simplistic and actually lost its fun. So, may "Exploration of the Planet Kabi" also be a "too straightforward" work?

After experiencing it firsthand, my doubts were dispelled. From the exciting process, I can feel the challenge within the level and also glimpse the dedication of the production team. For me, "Exploration and Discovery of Star Cabi" is a truly surprising work.

The New World of 3D

Exploration of the Star Cabby is the first fully 3D game in the series, which results in its gameplay being different from many of its predecessors.

In this game, players need to use the left joystick to control the direction of Kabi's movement, press the A key to trigger jumping and floating, and use the B key to absorb. This mechanism may seem ordinary, but there have been some adjustments in the details.

Firstly, in previous works of the series, Kabi's transformation was generally achieved through two operations: first, he swallowed the monster into his stomach, and then press the arrow key to perform the "swallow" action. But in Star Kabi Discovery, the system will default to "automatic ingestion" mode.

That is to say, in this game, Kabi can immediately acquire corresponding abilities after inhaling specific monsters. This mode eliminates the need for "swallow" commands and simplifies player operations. In 3D levels, this simplification can reduce the player's reaction time, providing a lot of convenience.

Perhaps some friends may ask, when Kabi inhales two types of ability monsters at the same time, can it become the form I want? My answer is no need to worry.

Firstly, the distance between in-game ability monsters is relatively long, and the probability of accidental inhalation is not high; In addition, some monsters will refresh at the appropriate time, making it easier for Kabi to transform again and truly play smoothly.

Although transformation is more convenient, Kabi's floating ability is weakened. In previous works, Kabi was able to continuously float in the air, avoiding traps on the ground. But in the Star Kabi Discovery, Kabi can only fly for a period of time after inhaling air, and then gradually fall with a struggling expression.

The kapi of breathing when falls

It can be seen that this change is also an adjustment made for the 3D level. Without unlimited floating ability, Kabi cannot fly to the top in one breath. It must pass the level step by step under the player's operation. But at the same time, the rich creativity in the process can be demonstrated.

For example, in a certain level, some coin star rewards are set on the roof of a building. Kabi cannot fly directly to the rooftop, but he can first climb to another high ground and then glide all the way to the top of the building. This kind of puzzle is enough to surprise players: it turns out this place can still be played like this!

In addition, the visual expression of this work has also been greatly improved with the support of 3D. The opening ceremonies of many levels deliberately showcase a panoramic view of facilities such as bridges and factories. Compared to Kabi's round and small figure, the level scene appears very oppressive.

In other scenarios, the camera of the game will be adjusted in a timely manner. The decisive atmosphere that is difficult to depict in 2D mode is fully expressed through the lens language of 3D scenes.

Overall, from flat scenery to three-dimensional levels, the innovation of "Star Kabi" is a significant test of the designer's skills, but the answer given by "Star Kabi Exploration and Discovery" is undoubtedly qualified.

In addition to the detailed adjustments mentioned earlier, this game also contains exciting puzzle solving elements, and these hidden puzzles in the levels have achieved a wonderful combination with Kabi's new abilities.

Unique ability to fill the mouth

In Star Kabi Discovery, Kabi will unlock a brand new "Stuff Your Mouth" ability. It can swallow items such as cars, vending machines, and triangular cones in one gulp and transform them into the shape of these objects.

Shortly after the game starts, players will experience the "car packed mouth" form under system guidance. The carbi that swallows cars can not only drive on the road, but also perform jumps, acceleration and other actions, becoming a true "carbi mud head car".

To be honest, the first time I saw this transformation, I didn't have much favorable feelings because this "Kabi car" still looked too strange. But in the subsequent challenges, I roughly understood the intention of the production team. "Car stuffing" is not only a new form, but it can also introduce many aspects of game levels.

Under accelerated conditions, "cars filling their mouths" can directly destroy obstacles on the road, allowing players to discover hidden intersections and rewards, thus maintaining a curiosity for in-depth exploration.

In addition, some levels have specially set up unique racing challenges. The player needs to have Kabi swallow nearby cars and sprint to the finish line within the time specified by the system. If you complete the challenge within the best time, you can receive all the rewards in one breath.

Do you think that's all for the creative racing challenge? Not yet. In a certain scene, the designer prepared a hidden shortcut for the player. If players can discover this secret passage in a timely manner, it can greatly shorten the time for Kabi to complete the entire race!

Thanks to the excellent design of the levels, I gradually developed a liking for the "car packed mouth" form. Operating a "Kabi car" on the road, the feeling can only be described in one word: cool!

Not only that, Kabi can also transform into other "mouth filled" forms, each with its own unique function.

The vending machine with a full mouth can quickly open some gaps; A triangular cone with a full mouth can damage the water pipe and produce a water column; "The roller coaster is full of mouth" and can fly along the track... Undoubtedly, these new abilities integrate the characteristics of Kabi with the level elements, adding various novel challenges in ordinary levels, following the series settings while also enhancing the fun of the game.

"Arch Stuffed with Mouth" allows Kabi to soar into the sky

Therefore, as long as you can accept the bizarre appearance of Kabi's mouth full, you will soon discover the novelty of these forms. By the way, at the end of the week, Kabi's ability to fill his mouth will come in handy. The ending performance is quite impactful, so friends who haven't experienced it yet can look forward to it.

Fun beyond passing levels

Although Star Kabi Discovery is an action adventure game, its content is not monotonous. In addition to daily level challenges, players can also help the Wadourudi people rebuild the town or interpret the plot details during their adventure journey.

It is necessary to tell the basic story of this work: Kabi originally lived on the planet Popper, but after a sudden change, he arrived on a planet full of unknowns. Kabi then met the elf "Eiffeling" again, gradually understanding the changes that have occurred in this world

Kabi and "Aifeiling"

Even though the visual style of this work is quite lively, it cannot conceal the decline of the new planet. As the process progresses, players will witness industrial facilities and increasingly harsh natural environments with Kabi.

On the way through, the enemy blocking Kabi is called the "Beast Legion". They were originally just ordinary animals, but after the indigenous people of the planet abandoned their homes, these characters were exploited by evil forces.

It has to be said that the bosses and monsters of "Beast Legion" have prototypes in real life, and old cars and triangular cones can be seen everywhere throughout the game. Combined with the factory landscape in the later stage, intentional players can guess who the "indigenous people" of this planet refer to.

"Beast Legion" BOSS Karolin

At this level of interpretation, we will discover the serious side of Star Kabi Exploration: under excessive exploitation, the natural environment is destroyed, and the original residents are displaced from their homes. This dark line was displayed in a later stage of a bridge segment, leaving a deep impression on me. But I don't know if the Kabi on the screen can understand the meaning behind it.

Next, let's talk about some relaxing elements. The additional content of Star Kabi Discovery focuses on the small town of Vadourudi, but Kabi cannot use all the facilities at the beginning. It must constantly rescue the trapped Vadourudi on the road to unlock more buildings.

This mechanism can undoubtedly bring about a positive cycle. In order to make the town more lively, players need to immerse themselves in levels with Kabi and complete various challenging tasks; After a sufficient number of Vadourudi were rescued, players can enjoy the convenience provided by the town and prepare well for subsequent challenges.

There are various small games in the town of

In addition, there is a "weapon store" responsible for enhancing abilities in this game. The design drawings obtained by Kabi can be taken to the store to obtain a stronger form. Kabi, known as the "Great Sword," can wield powerful slashes; "Chain Bomb" Kabi can detonate chain bombs... The evolved ability not only ensures Kabi's strong strength, but also adds a sense of freshness to the process.

It also takes a lot of effort to obtain all the enhanced forms. In addition to collecting design drawings, players also need to obtain enough rare stones.

As a special item, "rare stones" need to be obtained through "treasure challenges", and the trick to completing "treasure challenges" is to master the characteristics of various existing abilities. Exploration and Discovery of Star Kabi also enriches the gameplay related to abilities, making it irresistible.

In summary, the playability of Star Kabi Discovery is actually very high. Interesting challenges; Various reinforcement abilities; A plot story that can be deeply interpreted... These elements are combined to add bricks and tiles to the game architecture, ultimately making "Star Kabi Exploration and Discovery" an exciting work.


Inheriting the consistent characteristics of the Star Kabi series, the overall difficulty of Star Kabi Discovery is not high, but the game process appears particularly enriched. This work successfully achieved the transformation of the "Kabi" series from 2D to 3D, fully reflecting the creativity of the production team.

If there is any regret about this game, it is that the process time was a bit long. Compared to classic works such as Star Kabi Dream Spring Story, the more than thirty levels in Discovery are inevitably a bit lacking. In addition, the time spent on each level is not long, and playing it is not very enjoyable.

But overall, the Star Kabi Discovery is worth a good experience for everyone. To put it bluntly, this new game is the kind of "very interesting, very fun" game. If you are still in a wait-and-see period, don't hesitate, get started!

No introduction yet....

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