"The Corridor of Time" review: more mature and complete, a piece can also carve jade


    The four words cover all of my experience of playing The Cloisters of Time, partly from the qualities of rogue-like elements, partly from the feeling that the game has a lot of room to improve, and partly from the feeling that the game is a little short, As a common horizontal action Rogue Like (hereinafter referred to as "RL" in this article) game on the market, this can only be said to be normal at present, the game is currently on sale on steam, so take a look at the new "Corridor of Time" brought to us by the "Cast City Studio" that developed the "Red Stone Remains".


    Smooth and gorgeous fighting

    Two freely switchable weapon modes, dozens of different weapons, with character skills and characteristics, only 10 people "Cast City studio" this time brought us is a smooth and gorgeous horizontal version of the action class "RL" game, combat as the core part of the "Corridor of Time" This test suit play experience is great, the key word is smooth and gorgeous.


    "New weapon System - The Sword"

    The operable space shown in the battle is very, very large, first of all, seamless weapon switching, which means that you can insert the moves of other weapons in each move, and the setting of picking the air is convenient for players to further add the combo in the air, the weapon system has been updated to the fierce knife. As a revolving class of weapons can be said to greatly play the characteristics of this system, throw the knife after the switch weapons for combo, in the combo is about to be interrupted can be recovered again to ensure that the enemy floating in the air, in addition to encouraging players to carry out aerial combo there are different styles of weapon templates can be matched with a lot of routine, For example, the powerful attack of the big sword can be matched with other suppressive weapons to play high damage, and the stunts of each weapon under the same template are different, giving players a lot of room to choose, and with character skills, the entire battle process is very refreshing and can't stop.


    "The updated battle interface is more beautiful and clearer than before"

    The character design of the game shows a sense of gradient, such as god officer and puppet master, one can heal the other can be summoned, one of the two can survive well and the other is low risk, which improves the fault tolerance rate for players who have just come into contact with the game, so as to facilitate further exploration. On the other hand, the game currently has the setting of the character's ascension, so the performance of these two characters is not as brilliant as other characters after they are familiar with the game. For example, vampires will get a "backwater" passive effect in the Samsung, receive more damage but cause more damage, which is very suitable for old drivers, low fault tolerance rate and high return will make the combat experience very exciting.


    "The drawing of the game is still very beautiful"

    The design of monsters and maps is much clearer than the last test, leaving players with more choices, and all monsters have countermeasures, and there are no situations that cannot be countered before. But there are still some monsters that are too strong, such as the third level BOSS battle blood return monsters if left alone will soon be full of bosses, but this can also be regarded as the game's fighting mechanism, the need to balance is that the BOSS call monsters need a built-in cooling, otherwise it is mostly cool to brush three waves of monsters. In addition to the points mentioned above, the other monster design is still very good, especially the late addition of action figures will hold the player's weapons, which is actually promoting the game's PVP system.


    "Finally killed the BOSS after hard work"

    There is multiplayer online in the game, but the number of people testing is small, so I have not experienced PVP and online content, but from the single part of the online experience should be good, and reasonable allocation of resources between teammates has become a very important part of it. As an "RL" game, the emergence of equipment is naturally random. In addition, the final BOSS in the game has been updated, further enriching the playability of the game.

    On the other hand, the PVP setting of this game is not the traditional hammer, but the use of the dungeon battle mode, Rogue Like elements to increase the escape mode and ultra-free action system, the potential of this game is still very sufficient.

    The pool can still be dug

    As an action "RL" game, we finished the combat part of the action above, and under this title we'll talk about the various "pools" part of Rogue Like. Let's talk about the equipment pool first.

    The equipment in the game is mainly divided into functional equipment and element equipment. Functional equipment design is good, there are speed up physical recovery, and increase the second jump or strengthen the air combo damage, there are some equipment can let the player have the probability of obtaining the fate of the currency "gambling face", the emergence of these equipment will indeed enrich the player's game experience. Element equipment is mainly divided into "fire, frost and blood" three elements, the characteristics of different elements are different, the element equipment effect will be strengthened according to the number of elements on the enemy, such as frost gloves in the end of the enemy will be based on the number of frost elements on the target to obtain additional gold, it is a cash weapon. This has also led to the implicit emergence of the concept of the suit in the game, the emergence of this concept on the one hand gives the player a purpose, such as I want to make a bloody suit, on the other hand, it is a bit of damage to the "RL" experience, in short, both advantages and disadvantages.


    "The red numbers are equipment that can consume health to buy."

    Compared to the last test, the updated room pool has made great progress. First of all, there are many more options in each room, such as you can choose to drink the blood of the blood pool or use health value to exchange equipment, or in the gambling room, you can exchange small money or spend a certain amount of gold in exchange for a piece of equipment. These designs enrich the way players allocate resources. After all, how "RL" games allocate the resources at hand is definitely a big core, and this update is a good diversification of the core gameplay of the game.


    "Each route has a different experience"

    Next is the setting of the store, the store is very interesting is that in addition to the consumption of gold, some items players can consume health to buy better items, which requires players to plan their supplies in advance, because the game's energy automatic recovery, so players need to do is to plan the use of drugs, How far you go sometimes depends on luck.

    The main purpose of the room and props together is that the two are actually closely related, the player needs to constantly choose and plan their own resources, which is the charm of the "RL" element that gives this game - choice, I often make this choice when playing, and be more cautious when only blood skin, looking forward to "the next room will be better", pacing between hope and despair. It feels good.


    Unfulfilled gaming experience

    We often talk about short and concise, a game's process is short, but the middle of the content is wonderful enough, we will think it is a fine, but at present, the "Corridor of Time" single process is short, the middle in addition to the charm of "RL" itself lacks highlights, which also leads to the sense of unfinished business I said, the feeling after completing the clearance is to draw an "ellipsis", Not the "exclamation point" that other great games give players at the end. There are many reasons for this feeling, such as gaps in the backstory is one of them, and problems in the details also lead to this feeling. The next content will talk about the problems exposed in the current testing phase.

    First of all, the information displayed in the game is not good, resulting in players do not know how many layers of DEBUFF there are on the monster, the other point is that there are many types of BUFF in the game, but the lack of content description, the above two points can be attributed to the lack of information in the game. In this update, great progress has been made in the visual display of the game content, some special effects are more obvious, such as the blood path left by the item is presented in a clearer way, and the various buffs on the player are more obvious, which is worthy of affirmation.


    "The visual effect is more obvious after this update"

    The second point is the lack of bright points in the short process of the game, the main problem is the lack of design of the small monsters in the battle room, most of the playing methods are walking and then a wave of monsters away, at present there are only four bosses to challenge, but after this update, the moves of the small monsters are more diverse and reasonable, and each BOSS has been strengthened for its own characteristics. For example, the blood return monsters mentioned above, these places are a good complement to the lack of highlights in the battle process of this game.


    The third point is the problem of the game mechanism, the game will completely retain the content of the previous map every time the map is read, the advantage is that it reduces the workload, the disadvantage is that it leaves room for cheating for some mine-type items, such as a weapon will leave a mine when it is rolled over, and it will leave a mine in the last map, read the map and then you can watch fireworks. Repeat until the level is cleared, this was fixed in the update, the weapon now has a longer minelayer cooldown.


    "This BUG has now been fixed"

    There are also some issues with material substitution, mainly reflected in the fact that the object does not match the description, which will surely be solved as the game is improved. The above problems finally affect the whole game experience, an action class "Rogue Like" game needs the opening and closing of the action part and the rigor of the "RL" part, this game from the process and content of the completion and playability are good, but there are flaws, so resulting in this "unfulfilled" game experience.

    Overall comment

            Compared with the last review, my biggest feeling is the determination of the producer, the problems reflected were quickly repaired, the game is constantly adjusted and run in with the naked eye speed, the game is becoming more and more complete, but also let me see the potential of this game. The word has good and bad, the bad part is that people feel that there is a lack of regret, and the good part is that the player's expectations for the game, at present, "Space and Time Corridor" as a full platform game performance is great, TapTap9.5 points, the previous "Red stone Ruins" excellent performance need not mention more, I hope that the above mentioned problems "Cast City Studio" can be fixed before the release of this game as soon as possible, and I hope that "The Corridor of Time" can become another masterpiece after "Red Stone Ruins".


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