Treasure World games website review: Rising star of the Sandbox

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    This "world" is not another "world"

    Many players see this game at first glance will say: "Light from the screen, this is not the" My World "? This game of copying MC is not fun." That was my first impression, too, but when I got into the game, it wasn't. First of all, this is an RPG based pixel sandbox game, construction is just one of the gameplay.

    This game has a total of 15 classes, after entering the game, you will be allowed to choose one of the three initial classes, respectively, gunner, fire dragon mage, knight. These three entry-level occupations are relatively easy to get started, the occupation chosen by the author is the fire dragon mage, 2 skills can turn themselves into a real fire breathing dragon, very interesting. If you want to experience other classes, you need to collect some materials, after collecting them, press E to use the Chaos Forge furnace, select the class you want to synthesize, you can experience!

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    Brilliant new fighting style

    Although this game is a pixel style RPG game, but this does not affect the fight when the refreshing and delicate. For new players, the tutorial is a great way to get to know the combat system. At first, the system will only let you use the left and right mouse buttons for attack operations, and the other two abilities will be unlocked as the level increases. After you finish the tutorial, you can go to the main city square and use the E key to enter the replica area. If you forget to replenish potions in the game, some places in the copy will provide foundations to help you temporarily move and adjust your status.

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    The novice's area is the main urban area, where everything is shared, but not plundered or destroyed. After you enter the secondary area, you will first be allowed to brush large and small bosses together with your friends in the medieval plateau of novice difficulty. In the copy, the big and small castles are not only humanely displayed in the ruler at the top of the screen, you can also press the M key to use the map to see where the boss is located. If you simply think that the boss is in the area shown on the map, just run over and kill it, then you are very wrong. In the first few maps, maybe you can easily find the boss's location, but in the later maps, the boss's location will be very secret, sometimes the portal will be underwater, need to swim to reach; Sometimes you see the boss running in the sky, but you just can't get over it; Sometimes the boss's area is flat, and you have to run into a cave to find a portal. From these aspects, it is enough to see the design team's intentions for copy production.

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    Fire dragon

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    Detonate Skill 1's bomb

    Colorful equipment model

    After you kill the boss, you can get different qualities of equipment, of which orange is the best. Equipment is produced in a similar way to a wow copy, as long as you are near the player, help kill, or stay nearby (if you want to), you will be rewarded for killing the boss. Although, when the orange burst will be very happy, but often orange output properties are random. Therefore, the higher your level, you need to use the attributes of your profession as a benchmark to choose the equipment that suits you. As you level up, you can get more equipment as you brush more advanced maps. Moreover, these equipment is transformable, even in such a pixel wind game, the collocation of their appearance is best to carefully look at it.

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    In addition, if you are not satisfied with the model of this game, you can also make your own mod to beautify yourself. For example, you can make your glider into a demon's wing, your weapon into an ashbringer, or your mount into the ash of Ao, all in the player's creation.

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    Fresh and simple building mode

    The construction mode of Treasure World is very simple, just press the TAB key, you can easily enter the construction mode, but only on your own foundation. In the tutorial, there is no limit to the amount of damage a novice can do to the building after switching to build mode, which can cause some novices who have not played this style of game to simply raze the house without even moving the foundation. Although Treasure World focuses on the RPG genre, the building mode provided in the game is very convenient, and it is easier for players to use their creativity.

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    Tearing down the houses given away by the system can obtain building materials, but this is far from enough to build. After entering the replica, press TAB to switch the form, and then you can extract the building materials as much as you like. If you want different colors of building blocks, you need to upgrade your level and equipment better, and extract the materials you need from the more difficult copies. It should be noted that if the block in the construction mode is too close to you, it will turn into a red mesh frame, you only need to withdraw a few steps to the back, and you can not interfere with the construction.

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    Novice tutorial sent house model

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    The author designed the house, the foundation of the patch is the novice tutorial in the destruction of 2333

    You have to have a good liver

    This RPG-type sandbox game is not only very playable, but very playable. For the tasks in the game, everyone will choose to complete the priority in order to get rich rewards. In the process of doing the task, the author just brushed a few copies of the front, and the time of the day passed quietly, and I had to admire the designer's control of the game mode.

    If you want to say that you have been mad for a few days, cleared all the copies, and your collection is also dazzling. Perhaps this is just the beginning of the game. In the ocean outside the town, there are many foundations distributed, and you can show off your buildings with the players in your guild and find ways to improve their "home". Imagination is always endless, and with more contact and communication with other players, perhaps you will gain something beyond the game. It is worth mentioning that if you are interested in RPG combat in the game, PVP mode is also a good choice.

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星

    In addition to the liver copy, the other thing is the game's chat system. In RPG-type games, communication between players is an important module. In this game, in addition to the need to understand various commands when communicating, the design of the secret language is very anti-human. Why do I say anti-human? It should mean that the whole chat UI is anti-human. If you use it carefully, you will find that the lowest ID option will conflict with the bottom function table, resulting in the failure to use the ID option without the secret language person, and become you want to secret language someone, you must play out its full ID (friend exception) after the revision can choose the secret language, and you can use the upper key in the direction key to continue to speak.

    《宝藏世界》games website评测:冉冉升起的沙盒之星


    If you want to experience a high degree of freedom, like a miniature version of WOW RPG style, can accept this pixel style, then this game is a good choice. If you want to use your vast imagination, experience the fun of free construction of this game, and can tolerate the process of liver material, then you can also play this game. If you don't have a favorite game and want to play it when you are bored, then you can definitely rely on this game to kill a lot of time!

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