True love fans please come soon! games website "One Thief without Two 3" PC version detailed review

    "One Piece: No Match 3" was released in March this year for the console and console versions, this August is the release of the PC version of the game. If you have already experienced the game on the console, you do not have to re-enter the game, because compared with the earlier console version, the PC version of the optimization is only reflected in some of the screen effects, as for the other parts of the game are consistent.

    So far, the "One Piece of the Sea" series of games out of the third generation, of which the first generation of "One piece of the Sea" achieved greater success, the second generation of works are added to the original plot, but sales have plummeted.

    As the third generation of the series, in addition to a few upgrades on the screen, the biggest feature is to return to the plot of the original, with the strong influence of the original, I believe it can save a lot of game sales.

    Picture: delicate comic style

    With the help of the skills of the next-era host, the game picture of "One Thief Without Two 3" has been improved to a certain extent, and the performance on the host has been commendable, and the delicate cartoon rendering style and the highly restored character modeling have given the work a lot of points.

    The PC version of the picture, and the host version is not much different, careful comparison, or can see a certain improvement in picture quality.

    Especially in the performance of shadows and certain materials, the expressiveness of high-resolution maps restores the details to a very fine level; The number of people on the same screen has also made great progress, and when using unmatched skills to clear the screen, the frame number remains at a good level; In addition, even the miscellaneous soldiers now have dynamic shadow performance, and the modeling and action of the miscellaneous soldiers have reached the highest level of the series.

    The terrain problem that has been criticized has not been solved in this game. The terrain is still the same platform, and there are deliberately made slopes. The lack of terrain details makes the scene of this game look very simple. The production of some props in the scene is really not flattering, and the models and textures are rough.

    The cutscenes of this work, the maximum use of comic style, reproduced many classic scenes in comics. After entering the narrative scene, the character will appear in the cartoon grid, and the whole process is accompanied by voice.

    The voice of the character adopts the original voice actor of the animation version, the expression and the substitution of the sense of ten stars, the original quality is absolutely guaranteed.

    In addition to simple grid changes, the production team also tried to add a lot of special effects, such as page turning, shaking, cutting and other special effects, used to express specific emotions, the addition of details, due to the performance of the mood of the characters in the scene, if used properly, it is a icing on the cake.

    But this simple repetition of things, a number of times, give people a cheap feeling, grade suddenly dropped several files.

    Music sound effects: original configuration quality assurance

    As mentioned earlier, the voice actor of this work uses the original crew, and the effect under the original factory quality is very infectious. In addition to cutscenes, during the course of the game, there will also be relevant game characters to guide the game.

    In addition to the voice actors, the selection of music is also very close to the original animation. The sound effects in combat can only be said to be normal, there is nothing brilliant, but it will not let anyone find anything wrong with it. Unmatched skill sound design, accurate in place, a good rendering of the power of unmatched skill.

    Game system: Brush brush + innovation point

    Peerless game is nothing more than infinite cutting grass, but "One Thief peerless 3" is definitely not just a change of skin "Three Kingdoms peerless", with the original plot, this work in the process of peerless cutting grass, added a lot of random events and hidden content, although these content does not affect the main line of the game, but can give the character a certain bonus or contribute to the main line process.

    From the first generation there is a coin system, to this game also retained. The number of coins in this game has been increased to a certain extent, there are about 240 kinds of coins, can be used to improve attack, defense, physical strength, skill slot, kill skill slot five abilities, some coins will only appear in special levels and hidden events.

    Players who like to collect, can have a good night.

    Due to the increase of the total number of people on the same screen, the battle scene is very spectacular, players can easily hit more than 100 KO points, and the battle process is smooth.

    This game also sets up as many as 37 characters, each character has its own unique moves and skills, and the abilities between the characters, the production team has been deliberately balanced, there will be no special bugs or special weak characters.

    In order to reflect the various relationships between partners in the comics, the production team did not copy the practice of switching characters at any time in other peerless games, but creatively added the "bonding" system. The tether system adds some "invisible" partners to the main operating role.

    They are invisible because, although these partners automatically jump out at the end of a certain move to cast a fixed skill, "repair knife", they cannot switch it into an operable role.

    No introduction yet....

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