Veteran undead Battlefield 1 games website review "May regret not bother you"


    A good work should not be confirmed with pale figures, this is bound to go down in the history of FPS classic. From its inception, the Battlefield series has desperately wanted to be a game that players can deeply immerse themselves in the battlefield, but when it comes to modern warfare, too many players lack empathy. The modern era is the player's time, the war always seems so far away, the future seems unpredictable.

    When the time is pulled back to the past, August 13, 1918, history is always vaguely remembered in the mind, and it happens that this history has been combined with this boundless imagination relying on the platform of "Battlefield 1" to wanton evaporation of his wonderful. Perhaps we did not experience the tragic "Battle of Amiens", but when the medical kit appeared in front of me, and the comrade of the medic beside me had been shot in the head by the enemy sniper hiding in the dark, I could more or less understand the cold and friendship of the war. Human beings may have infinite desires and extremely complex thinking forms, and a war can extinguish humanity, but it can also make people feel this good will that will never be extinguished even in the depths of purgatory

    Physical performance: 8 points

    Battlefield 1 is a video game, from infantry boots to landscapes and cities restored in the early 20th century. With today's top production team, talking from an FPS game, perhaps we should focus on his operability and practical feeling. Maybe I'm not a veteran shooter enthusiast, but when I first started, I felt like a modern man looking back in time. I would shoot and smash the street lights standing on the side of the road, and I thought the production team would build in light bulbs, but it was still too young. On this map of Amiens, all the lamps we can see have been carefully restored to the way they were during the First World War. Looking at the happy flickering fire, I have been stirred up enough interest, I am eager to find out what this game is like a game.

    When you join a tank team, sit in the gunner's position and get closer to the enemy front line as the tank driver continues to advance. And your vision is only the cold barrel and the narrow space outside the scope, you will feel dull, like the unease before the war and with expectations. Of course, I still have to pull everyone back to reality, and I must mention the power of the Frost engine, and the buildings that start the game from Rebel Company have become the "building blocks" that players can vent freely. This continuous surreal physical experience makes warfare more flexible, less secure behind walls, and the technological superiority of artillery amplified. It seems that the vehicles and heavy firearms of the entire series of Battlefield will always give people a deep feeling, and the war of mankind is also a war of weapons, and the change of advanced and backward causes different feelings.

    The physical processing of various guns when shooting, the driving sense of vehicles, and the explosive sense of various heavy weapons, these Battlefield 1, I think, have nearly achieved the ultimate in existing conditions. Ballistic changes at very long distances, vehicles bumping into each other or destroying landforms. The impact of heavy firepower weapons on everything in the game, high-altitude bombers bombing the trenches from their own positions, the instant sense of blanking when the bomb exploded next to it, from the physical effects of sound effects to the visual feeling of too shocking. When playing in multiplayer mode, you feel like you are actually at war, this is the battlefield, and you will be defending your battlefield.

    Picture performance: 9 points

    Games are also art, and games have always existed as a form of entertainment, like soap operas, pop songs, or bumper cars or Ferris wheels. But I also remembered something else. For example, when Charlie Chaplin first came out, people called him a funnyman, and later they called him a master of film art. Carlo Ponti said of Sofia Loren, "I must admit, at the time I began to notice her, because she was a woman." Then I found out she was an artist. I've never called her an artist, not a movie actress. Perhaps from the very beginning, games were treated as recreational playthings, leading too many people to ignore the passion of the creators of these beautiful things.

    "Battlefield" series has been criticized by players of the single player plot, this time has also been greatly improved. More single-player storytelling, and a more nuanced narrative. Perhaps tied to a subject such as history, characters are more easily shaped into souls. The story mode level is clearly visible, and the production team has carefully arranged every scene the player sees, which is like a real World War I battlefield for you to experience. When the tank driven by the player is Mired in mud and surrounded by enemy groups, a plot of flying pigeons, a war will face a lot of humanity. The fluke attempt to survive, the fearless sacrifice in exchange for collective victory, and the bold obedience to orders show the most profound charm of soldiers. War is always so evil and intoxicating, the cold opposite just infinitely magnifies everything on their side. Perhaps the history of the king defeated, but can never erase the spirit of armed service to the country.

    Picture performance, no longer simply to consider the effect of a game performance, we need to take out human beauty to look at a game today. Rather than caring about looking real, as was the case years ago, which would have been gross. We have to look at every map every point of view, every frame translated into the player's visual experience, light, shadows, particles, texture details. Look at the sky, look at the streets, walk around, wander off the battlefield just to feel the world at the beginning of the 20th century, and I think you will feel the full impact of the sincerity of the production team.

    Sound performance: 8

    In addition to the excellent graphics, there are many other features that guarantee the extremely high quality of Battlefield 1. As the most important combat sound in the shooting game, the game performance is also quite good.

    It's all real, like the sound of a bullet being loaded, the sound of a barrel being hit, even the sound of rubble peeling off a wall. The use of HDR sound effects amplifies the contrast between sound fields.

    By amplifying the sounds that are closer to the player and that are more distinct and belong to the part of the producer wants the player to hear, while narrowing the relatively insignificant and distant sounds, to achieve the purpose of heightening the atmosphere of the battlefield and improving the sense of engagement in the game.

    Game operation: 9

    The operation feel of the Battlefield series has always been advertised as the most realistic shooting feel, which means that players will experience the most realistic recoil of the gun in the game.

    So brainless Tuk Tuk Tuk is at a disadvantage, and the enemy's AI and shooting accuracy are simply outrageous.

    The enemy will hide behind the bunker for half a day and then suddenly find time to give you a cold shot, or focus on the most powerful teammates in our squad to suppress their heads behind the bunker or simply throw grenades to destroy the bunker and force them to move, and will slowly move around our position in a way that more people beat less people, Make dumpling tactics with a dense bullet feast and attack directions on all sides.

    So we finally observe the battlefield, and then use the telescope to mark the enemy's position and find ammunition supply points, and then look for shelters to point attacks on the enemy, and for the enemy's concentrated position, you can reward a few grenades out.

    If you have to use a number to sum up Battlefield 1, I think I will give 8 points, this will be a classic, this is also EA can be said to pour into the top masterpiece, this game is really not to play it would be a pity.

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